vBulletin automatically reposting new topics as new threads with a 'Read more' link - vbulletin

I have a problem that vBulletin seems to be automatically reposting new threads in another forum.
The new threads have identical topic titles and show the first 1 or 2 lines of the original forum post with a 'More...' link to the original post.
The new posts are made under my user account.
What could cause this behavior? I have disabled pingbacks. It seems this is some sort of built-in behavior, since it's been an issue since I did maintenance 2 weeks ago. I have however no idea what it is I have done, that could have caused this.
(I will not post links for example purpose, as this might be considered spammy)

Sounds like you have enabled an RSS Feed for your forum?
I suspect that I could re-create your problem by adding the RSS feed for my vBulletin site (eg: http://www.mysite.com/forums/external.php?type=RSS2) to the RSS Feed Manager and have it post new entries as posts in one of my forums.
You don't mention which version of vBulletin, so I'm going to assume v3.8.x (v4.x might be slightly different). Login to your vBulletin admincp, then look for the RSS Feeds > RSS Feed Manager option on the left.
You should be able to disable or remove the feed in question.

To enable an RSS feed of your own forum's posts you must go to Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> External Data Provider -> Enable RSS Syndication.
use https://mysite.com/forum/external?type=rss2 to your forum latest posts


Facebook comment plugin doesn't work at all

I inserted the facebook code where required and absolutely nothing happens or shows up. Using dreamweaver cs6 and in live view or when testing in ANY browser, nothing shows up. It's a blank box. ANy thoughts? I read somewhere that the website must be made into an application of facebook? Is this something?
Specifically, after activating the plugin and properly connecting the plugin to the facebook app,which does work and has been used extensively before hand, comments simply fail to load. There is no comment box, no past comments pull in either (note the app has historical comments already).
In the plugin settings area on the right side of the screen where the comments check box exists, there is a read more link that takes you to the facebook developers page where it discusses adding the facebook comments iframe.
If there is some other location where comment settings might also exist (past the three fields that require the 2 keys and the app name) I could not find them and this was not referenced in the plugin setup.

Making a blog in Moodle 2.3 public, viewable to the whole world

I am using Moodle 2.3 and want to make blog posts viewable to the whole world or public i.e without having to login or go to a particular course. I think in previous versions of moodle you had the option to make blog posts viewable to yourself, to site users or whole world. I don't seem to have the 'whole world' option when I create a blog post. Has this been removed in 2.3 or does it need to be enabled somewhere else?
Also is it possible to display a list of recent blog posts either as a block on the left/right or inside the home page?
Yep. You have to change the blog visibility option in site admin to "The world can see entries set to be world-accessible". By default it's set to "All site users can see all blog entries"
The setting is at http://your-moodle.com/admin/settings.php?section=blog

How to setup redirects for a large number of posts

I am working on a major site migration for alpinezone.com . As part of that migration, I moved all the news articles from vbulletin into wordpress cms. The vbulletin articles were previousyl pulled out via a plugin called GARS.
In any event, I have 3400 news articles over the course of five years or so. They are presently in the following format:
If the title of the news article was "Sugarloaf Sets World Record" then the new location will be
Is there a way for me to automate creating the necessary redirects that take the title from the literal page 12345 and convert into a URL?
Finally; the additional trick is that since I did a VB upgrade the existing news articles no longer show up. So going to news.alpinezone.com/12345 won't show anything right now, you need to pull up the forum thread (which is typically hidden) by taking that identifier and going to http://forums.alpinezone.com/showthread.php?12345 to see the actual title. I can pull all this from the WP database, (since all the posts are from a user AlpineZone News).
Any ideas? I'm fairly new to this and the added complexity of subdomains is somethign I am trying to figure out. Thx!
you could make your own showthread.php file in the correct location it was previously located.
have it use the passed id, retrieve the associated record from your database.
Construct the new url by turning the title to lowercase and changing spaces to - and do a redirect via header('Location: new url here');

How do I transfer Comments from one Facebook App ID to Another?

Is there any way to transfer comments from a "deleted" Facebook app (that is still receiving comments) to a new app id? The app was deleted by accident quite some time ago but we now have thousands of comments that have been entered using it. I'm afraid I will lose all of the comments if I simply switch to a new app. The app id seems to function just fine with the commenting mechanism, but I can't manage it or use it in any other way.
AFAIK, there is no automated way of doing this. However, you can read them programatically from your deleted app (provided you have the permissions) and then post it again on your new app.
You can get the original app's feed using the following (PHP) code:
// $id: ID of the page where the comments are
You can also customize this query by adding pagination parameters like since,limit,until etc. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ for documentation.
And can be reposted to your app by HTTP POSTing to the same URL. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#posts for details.
Please understand that you can't post as the original author - so you can only post the text and perhaps manually add the context of the original author. so i.e:
"Shreeni: 'This is a cool app' "
will have to become
"App: 'Shreeni said: 'This is a cool app' ' "

How to include content of post from one WP blog into a post/page on another WP blog

I want to present the content of a post in a post/page on another domain. The original post is updated regularly so I cannot use copy/paste. Is there a way to do this?
P.S. both blogs are mine so I have no copyright issues and access to code on both sites.
P.P.S I only need the content not comments etc.
Thanks in advance!
You therefore, as two instances, have two options
Write a piece of custom code to extract the post from the underlying wordpress db
and place it into your post.
As posts are output as rss you could use that rss to display the required post in the other blog, there are plugins for rss import such as http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss-import/