Making a blog in Moodle 2.3 public, viewable to the whole world - moodle

I am using Moodle 2.3 and want to make blog posts viewable to the whole world or public i.e without having to login or go to a particular course. I think in previous versions of moodle you had the option to make blog posts viewable to yourself, to site users or whole world. I don't seem to have the 'whole world' option when I create a blog post. Has this been removed in 2.3 or does it need to be enabled somewhere else?
Also is it possible to display a list of recent blog posts either as a block on the left/right or inside the home page?

Yep. You have to change the blog visibility option in site admin to "The world can see entries set to be world-accessible". By default it's set to "All site users can see all blog entries"
The setting is at


Merge Orchard Blog Into Existing Website

I'm trying to determine the best way to "merge" my orchard blog into my existing website. Currently the blog accessed outside the site.
I threw together a quick view in my MVC site that just loads the blog into an iframe. Any other ideas?
The blog is tuned up with a great theme and tons of mods & styling that matches my main site design to a T.
On the home page of my site, I'm using the RSS feed to output a list of the last 3 blog posts. My idea is that the user will click on a blog post link and go directly the view that hosts the blog in the inline frame.
I guess the only variable that I haven't handled yet is how to load up the correct page in the blog based on the link that the user clicked on my main site home page.
I've read other posts on this subject and it seems like the solution that is always offered is to merge all the code from the main website into Orchard which seems insane...I have a very large auction based website, taking all that logic & content and putting into Orchard is not an option.
Hope all that makes sense, thanks for the input. I can't think it would be a huge issue to "seamless" integrate my blog with my MVC site.
Orchard was never designed to be integrated into an existing application, so something like what you've done is what you have to do. The iframe however has a number of problems, such as its fixed size, and awkward navigation. It's better to integrate data than markup. It's now easy to build WebAPI controllers to expose Orchard data. You could consume that data in your application and render it there. That enables you to manipulate the data before rendering, which is of course easier than manipulating rendered HTML. For example, you can build your own link URLs so that clicking on a post's title goes to an action on your site that fetches the post contents rather than the Orchard post URL.
One final comment: It is a little weird that an auction website would need to integrate a blog in the middle of its own rendering. Shouldn't the blog be a separate section of the site?

Facebook comment plugin doesn't work at all

I inserted the facebook code where required and absolutely nothing happens or shows up. Using dreamweaver cs6 and in live view or when testing in ANY browser, nothing shows up. It's a blank box. ANy thoughts? I read somewhere that the website must be made into an application of facebook? Is this something?
Specifically, after activating the plugin and properly connecting the plugin to the facebook app,which does work and has been used extensively before hand, comments simply fail to load. There is no comment box, no past comments pull in either (note the app has historical comments already).
In the plugin settings area on the right side of the screen where the comments check box exists, there is a read more link that takes you to the facebook developers page where it discusses adding the facebook comments iframe.
If there is some other location where comment settings might also exist (past the three fields that require the 2 keys and the app name) I could not find them and this was not referenced in the plugin setup.

facebook comments widget - how to monitor latest comments?

I have over 10,000 pages on my website. I just created a php script to automatically integrate the facebook comments widget into each pages.
However, i was wondering if there is a way to monitor the latest comments added to my website so i don't have to browse through 10,000 pages to see the latest comments.
I am also wondering if i will be able to delete comments by other users ? How can facebook tell that i am the webmaster of the page ? If some user leave nasty comments on one of the pages i want to be able to delete them
Facebook's Graph API allows you to query for Facebook data, including comments. It's pretty easy to use but does require a bit of code to make web requests, parse JSON, etc. You can pass in filters, such as only wanting comments after a certain date, which makes querying for "new comments" simple.
The API will return all comments (even those deleted by you; afaik there is no way to tell whether a particular comment has been deleted). The results are returned in pages, so importing a lot of comments can take a bit (as you need multiple round-trips). Also, there is no way to use the API to delete posts - this has to go through the Facebook web pages (or some other means I don't know about).
The documentation pages are pretty exhaustive and will explain how to get started.
Hello if you want to add face book comment box in your website . then just go to face book plugin's and copy the comment box (CODE) .
now open your website admin penal . if your website created in blogger then go to layout . if in other setup. then go to plugin's . you see some layout hear add your code in (top down ) bar .
if you doesn't understand then 2nd way.
go to website and open your dashboard now go to website template . now edit the template .
now you see some codes in new tab . scroll down and put your cods in HTML Body place .
i think you understand : for more shahzebraza425#yahoo .com / www.megaphotocompetition .com /
www.shahzebraza .tk / www.wuwsoftware .tk

How to define what will be inserted in share message?

I have an app with blog records per each user. I have add share button to my app, to give ability to post interesting blog records to users time line or to send to other user. But in default it takes image and text for share as it wants and not always correctly. So I find out that it can be dirven by meta tags (using for example "image" property to set image for share dialog). That's work ok on main page (where I'd like to make ability share with whole application), but on pages of blog records I cann`t customize it. meta tag should be in , but all info (short text and image of blog post) I get later in body, so I can insert it. How can I manage with this? Or may be there is another way to share content with?
What blog engine are you using? If it is a wordpress - try this plugin from offician facebook docs Otherwise I'd suggest to find a facebook plugin for your blog engine using google and install it.

Meaning of referer param fb_source=games_ego

I see many people coming to my facebook game with HTTP referer that includes
Previously all options were at
but "games_ego" is something new.
What could it mean?
It's new section "Discover New Games" in the right block which is shown only in games.
Official Facebook documentation:
I don't know if they just changed it, but I only see "fb_source=ego". I updated the wiki.
Also, on the wiki there's a link to where Facebook has documented the possible values.