Ionic, Crosswalk, TalkBack, and Accessibility (A11Y) - ionic-framework

I am currently building a hybrid app using Ionic Framework. This app must support accessibility. In iOS, VoiceOver works great! But in TalkBack on Android, overall it works decent but having a few issues so I decided to try Crosswalk. In Crosswalk, Talkback seems to be working better. BUT, if the app pauses then resumes, elements are no longer high-lighted even though TalkBack is still on. Do you have any ideas how to resolve this? Does anyone else have this problem?


Compatibility of Flutter with Car Play and Android Auto

I developed an app on Flutter and I'm looking at a way to link it with Car Play and Android Auto. For my understanding Flutter is not compatible yet. Anyone know if it will be in the future (if yes, when we should expect this)? Is there any turnaround I can look into?
Flutter Apps are now compatible with Apple CarPlay!
flutter_carplay aims to make it safe to use apps made with Flutter in the car by integrating with CarPlay. CarPlay takes the things you want to do while driving and puts them on the car’s built-in display. Currently, it supports only iOS 14.0+.
Feel free to like, star, comment, share, and contribute to support more!
Flutter has yet to have Car Play and Android Auto support as of this writing. As previously mentioned in the comments, it's best to keep track for its updates in this GitHub thread.
I got audio app working on carplay easily enough. Based on
And then using my apple developer account, setting entitlements to allow carplay, basically. I cam add details if requested. Also, I used a mac/xcode to check things worked etc.
Android auto I can't yet get working.. funny that!

What could be the reason that GWT-mobile apps doesnt really work on mobile device?

what could be the reason for that, that gwt mobile apps doesnt really work on mobile phone?
iam using a ZTE-Blade Android 2.1 (in germany Base Lutea) mobile phone and i have big problems with gwt-mobile-apps while using this mobile phone.
the gwt-apps are running but there is no reaction when i touch UI like buttons or something.
i must press the button maybe over 100 times to get a reaction.
and that is the case for every gwt mobile app.
Nearly no reaction from UIs like buttons for every gwt-mobile-app.
I wrote a little app in gwt and on the browser on my PC, it works perfect but on my mobile not really.
with other apps like android or jquery-apps, there are no problems.
everything works fine but with gwt-mobile-apps there are no reactions by touching UIs like buttons.
What could be the reason for that?
i really have no idea.
does somebody know this problem and are there similar problems for gwt-mobile-apps on other devices?
i had the same problem on my 2.1 android phone and the only problem is that android 2.1 is to old.
gwtmobile works very nice on younger android devices.
If you look when the developers made the last updates to this framework it shows that they haven't updated it since April 2010.
Because of the deversity of mobile devices and browsers it hard to optimze javascript for every type of browser.
You should use a framework which is up to date like jQuery mobile or Sencha Touch 2. They are well focused on this topic.
Statement of sencha:
"A note about Android support: Due to the overwhelming diversity of physical Android devices on the market, we can only test so many. This support matrix is not intended to be exhaustive, but to give you an idea of the support for Android devices. Your mileage may vary." (
Take a look at m-gwt:
This is a mobile library for GWT, that works very nicely.
It uses core GWT concepts (rebinding, clientbundles, ...).

Custom Android Emulators

I currently have an Android app on the Android Market. One of it's main purposes involves detecting incoming calls. Unfortunately, some phone models don't seem to be detecting this correctly. The version of Android isn't the problem (other phones with 2.1 and 2.2 work fine), so I'm wondering if the phones have something unique about them.
Because the main phone I've had problems with is the Epic 4g, I was hoping to get an emulator running simulating the phone. Is it possible to do this? I don't know anyone that personally has that model of phone, so this seems like my only option to debug the issue.
I've found this for Motorola Phones
which has helped me.
Generally, the emulator is based on QEMU, so it can be configured deeply. But thats not very useful as it is hard to get the actual hardware specs of any specific device as long it's developing company don't like to talk and share their secrets and flaws.
This said, it would be quite easy for an phone company insider to set up an exact emulator but very hacker style to set up for ourselves, needing days of investigation on the actual phone to check out its hardware details.

iPhone Browser Live Testing

I'm using win7.
and i have website which i want to test it with iPhone browser environment.
which it's use most flash (jISFR).
this is the website i talking for,
may you can see menu navigation is using flash jSIFR, which it's seems not work in iPhone, and want to fix it. of course i need iphone Testing for it.
Is there somebody know how i can test it with iphone browser?
may there is a software can do it?
or a website give service like that?
Not a perfect solution but you might be able to test it on the Android browser instead. The SDK runs on all major OSs and is free to download and install. Just make sure that flash support is turned off. I'm pretty sure iPhone and Android both use WebKit so you should get similar behaviour on both.
You could use the iPhone simulator if you have access to a Mac.
There are sites like this:
but this one doesn't work very well, at least not for this particular request. Go there and point it at - it renders the Flash block on the top right hand side just fine on my desktop computer (Firefox3 Mac OS X), but have a look here:
to see a screen grab of that page from my iPhone... Note the big grey block where the flash bit should be...

Works on Emulator and Safari browser but not on real IPhone

I am building a website that runs on IPhone. I am facing a issue where in the application works on browsers and emulator. But its not working on real IPhone device.(Basically my login submit is not happening on IPhone!)
Also the console doesnt shown me any error on IPhone. Have anybody faced such an issue. What could be the issue any idea.......solution is appreciated!
Justin Samuel.
I found the cause of the issue.Basically my config has a setting which gives my site url. eg: currently it was something like
Now this worked on normal browsers and emulators. But when it comes to IPHone i had to change the config variable with something like
Browser was smart enuf to find out what the handle this but not IPhone browser.
Thanks Mahboudz and Mike for you valuble time. Yes I should have added more details while giving the question. Sorry for that!!
Thanks All.