NEventStore CommonDomain: Why does EventStoreRepository.GetById open a new stream when an aggregate doesn't exist? - cqrs

Please explain the reasoning behind making EventStoreRepository.GetById create a new stream when an aggregate doesn't exist. This behavior appears to give GetById a dual responsibility which in my case could result in undesirable results. For example, my aggregates always implement a factory method for their creation so that their first event results in the setting of the aggregate's Id. If a command was handled prior to the existance of the aggregate it may succeed even though the aggregate doesn't have it's Id set or other state initialized (crash-n-burn with null reference exception is equally as likely).
I would much rather have GetById throw an exception if an aggregate doesn't exist to prevent premature creation and command handling.

That was a dumb design decision on my part. I went back and forth on this one. To be honest, I'm still back and forth on it.
The issue is that exceptions should really be used to indicate exceptional or unexpected scenarios. The problem is that a stream not being found can be a common operation and even an expected operation in some regards. I tinkered with the idea of throwing an exception, returning null, or returning an empty stream.
The way to determine if the aggregate is empty is to check the Revision property to see if it's zero.


How to avoid arithmetic errors in PostgreSQL?

I have a PostgreSQL-powered web app that does some non-essential, simple calculations involving getting values from outside sources, multiplication and division for reporting purposes. Today an error where a multiplication that exceeded the value domain of a numeric( 10, 4 ) field led to an application crash. It would be much better if the relevant field had just been set to null and a notice be generated. The way the bug worked was that a wrong value in one field caused several views to become unavailable, and while a missing value in that place would have been sad but no big problem, the blocked view is still essential for the app to work.
Now I'm aware that in this particular case, setting that field to numeric( 11, 4 ) would have prevented the bailout, but that is, of course, only postponing the issue at hand. Since the error happened in a function call, I could also have written an exception handler; lastly, one could check either the multiplicands or the result for sane values (but that is in itself a little strange as I would either have to do a guess based on magnitudes or else do the multiplication in another numeric type that can probably handle a value whose magnitude is in principle not known to me with certainty, because external sources).
Exception handling is probably what this will boil down to, which, however, entails that all numeric calculations will have to be done via PL/pgSQL function calls, and will have to be implemented in many different places. None of the options seems particularly maintainable or elegant. So the question is: Can I somehow configure PostgreSQL to ignore some or all arithmetic errors and use default values in such cases? If so, can that be done per database or will I have to configure the server? If this is impossible or a Bad Idea, what are the best practices to avoid arithmetic errors?
Clarification This is not a question about how to rewrite numeric( 10, 4 ) so that the field can hold values of 1e6 and above, and also not so much about error handling in the application that uses the DB. It's more about whether there is an operator, a function call, a general configuration or a general pattern that is most commonly recommended to deal with situations where a (non-essential) computation normally results in a number (or in fact other value type) except with some inputs that cause exceptions, which is when the result could fully well and safely be discarded. Think Excel printing out #### when cell is too narrow for the digits to be displayed, or JavaScript giving you NaN in place of arithmetic errors. Returning null instead of raising an exception may be a bad idea in general programming but legitimate in specific case.
Observe that PostGreSQL error codes does have e.g. invalid_argument_for_logarithm, invalid_argument_for_ntile_function, division_by_zero all grouped together under Class 22 — Data Exception and does allow exception handling in function bodies, so I can also specifically ask: How to catch all class 22 exceptions short of listing all the error codes?, but then I still hope for a more principled approach.
Arguably the type numeric (without type modifiers) would be the right thing for you if you want to avoid overflows (that's what you seem to mean with “arithmetic error”) as much as possible.
However, there will still be the possibility of value overflows numeric format.
There is no way to configure PostgreSQL so that it ignores a numeric overflow.
If the result of an operation cannot be represented in a data type, there should be an error. If the data supplied by the application can lead to an error, the application should be ready to handle such an error rather than “crash”. Failure to do so is an application bug.

Dapper not throwing an exception when select query does not contain expected column

When using Dapper as follows:
connection.Query("select a from Foo").Select(x => new Foo(x.a, x.b));
My preference is that an exception is thrown when trying to access x.b, rather than it just returning null.
I understand that just returning null may be by design (e.g. for performance reasons), and ideally tests would exist that flag up the missing data, but if I could have both, this seems like an additional layer of safety that may be worth having.
Alternatively, is there another way to instantiate an object using a constructor in a way that will throw an exception when a needed column is missing?
Yup. Dapper often seems to err on the side of optimism. Every error is a runtime error, and as in this case, some things that you would like to be errors fly straight through.
Were you to use QueryFirst, you wouldn't even need to run the program. This would be caught as you type. You access your query results via generated POCOs, so if a column isn't in the query, it isn't in the POCO. If you use select *, then later delete a columnn from the DB, you can regenerate all your queries and the compile errors will point to the line in your code that tries to access the deleted column.
Download here.
Short video presentation here.
disclaimer: I wrote QueryFirst

Which exception to throw when I find my data in inconsistent state in Scala?

I have a small Scala program which reads data from a data source. This data source is currently a .csv file, so it can contain data inconsistencies.
When implementing a repository pattern for my data, I implemented a method which will return an object by a specific field which should be unique. However, I can't guarantee that it will really be unique, as in a .csv file, I can't enforce data quality in a way I could in a real database.
So, the method checks whether there are one or zero objects with the requested field value in the repository, and that goes well. But I don't know Scala well (or Java for that matter), and the charts of the Java exception hierarchy which I found were not very helpful. Which would be the appropriate exception to throw if there are two objects with the same supposedly unique value. What should I use?
There are two handy exceptions for such cases: IllegalStateException and IllegalArgumentException. First one is used when object internal state is in some illegal position (say, you calling connect twice) and the last one (which seems to be more suitable to your case) is used when there is the data that comes from the outside world and it does not satisfy some prescribed conditions: e.g. negative value, when function is supposed to work with zero & positive values.
Both are not something that should be handled programmatically on the caller side (with the try/catch) -- they signify illegal usage of api and/or logical errors in program flow and such errors has to be fixed during the development (in your case, they have to inform developer who is passing that data, that specific field has to contain only unique values).
You can always use a customized Exception and in case this is a web API you might want to map your exception to: Bad Request (400) code.

What coredata errors should I prepare for?

I have an app getting close to release date, but it occurred to me that wherever I have core data save and/or fetch requests I'm not really handling the errors other than to check if they exist and #throw them, which I'm sure will seem almost like nails on a chalkboard to more experienced programmers, and surely there's some kind of disaster waiting to happen.
So to be specific, what kinds of errors can I expect from A) Fetches, and B) Saves, and also C) in general terms, how should I deal with these?
You can see the Core Data Constants Reference to get an idea about what kind of errors you can expect to see in general.
For fetches, the most common issue is that the fetch returns an empty array. Make sure that your view controllers, datasources and delegates can handle an empty fetch. If you dynamically construct complex predicates, make sure catch exceptions from an invalid predicate.
Most save errors results from validation errors. You should have a error recovery for every validation you supply. One common and somewhat hidden validation error is not providing a required relationship.
One thing that trips people up with Objective-c is that errors and exceptions are slightly different critters than they are in other languages. In Objective-C an error is something that the programmer should anticipate and plan for in the normal operation of the application e.g. a missing file. By contrast an exception is something exceptional that the programmer wouldn't expect the app to have to routinely handle e.g. a corrupted file.
Therefore, in Core Data a validation failure would be an common expected and unexceptional error whereas as corrupted persistent store would be a rare, unexpected and highly exceptional exception.
See the Exceptions Programming Guide and the Error Handling Programming Guide for details.

BEST approach to share messages between data tier and application tier

I was looking for any suggestion or a good approach to handle messages between the data & application tier, what i mean with this is when using store procedures or even using direct SQL statements in the application, there should be a way the data tier notifies upper layers about statement/operation results in at least an organized way.
What i commonly use is two variables in every store procedure:
#code INT,
#message VARCHAR(1024)
I put the DML statements inside a TRY CATCH block and at the end of the try block, set both variables to certain status meaning everything went ok, as you might be thinking i do the opposite on the catch block, set both variables to some failure code if needed perform some error handling.
After the TRY CATCH block i return the result using a record:
SELECT #code AS code, #message AS message
These two variables are used in upper tiers for validation purposes as sending messages to the user, also for committing o rolling back transactions.
Perhaps i'm missing important features like RAISERROR or not cosidering better and more optimal and secure approaches.
I would appreciate your advices and good practices, not asking for cooks recipes there's no need, just the idea but if you decide to include examples they'd be more than welcome.
The generally accepted approach for dealing with this is to have your sproc set a return values
and use raise error as has been previously suggested.
The key thing that I suspect you are missing is how to get this data back on the client side.
If you are in a .net environment, you can check for the return value as part of the code. The raise error messages can be captured by catching the SqlException object and iterating through the errors collection.
Alternatively, you could create and event handler and attach to the connection InfoMessage event. This would allow you to get the messages as they are generated from sql server instead of at the completion of the batch or stored procedure.
another option which I wouldn't recommend, would be to track all of the things you care about into a XML message and return that from the stored proc this gives you a little more structure then your free text field approach.
My experience has been to rely on the inherent workings of the procedure mechanisms. What I mean by this is that if a procedure is to fail, either the implicit raised error (if not using try/catch . . . simply CRUD stuff) or using the explicit RAISERROR. This means that if the code falls into the catch block and I want to notify the application of the error, I would re-raise the error with RAISERROR. In the past, I've have created a custom rethrow procedure so I can trap and log the error information. One could use the rethrow as an opportunity to throw a custom message/code that could be used to guide the application down a different decision path. If the calling application doesn't receive an error on execution, it's safe to assume that it succeeded - so explicit transaction committing can commence.
I've never attempted to write in my own communication mechanism for interaction between the app and the stored proc - the objects in the languages I interact with have events or mechanisms to detect the raised error from the procedure. It sounds to me like your approach doesn't necessarily require too much more code than standard error handling, but I do find it confusing as it seems to be a reinventing the wheel type of scenario.
I hope I've not misunderstood what you are doing, nor do I want to come off as critical; I do believe, however, you have this feedback mechanism available with the standard API and are probably making this too complicated. I would recommend reading up on RAISERROR and see if it's going to meet your needs (see the Using RAISERROR link for this at the bottom of the page as well).