Play SWF files one the iPhone - iphone

I am new to the iPhone development, I need to develop application in which I can load SWF files (shock wave file). I have done lots of research but I couldn't get it to work. How do I load it on the iPhone ? if it's not possible, what alternatives do I have ?

There is no Flash player on iOS and no other solution to play Flash in your app. However, you might want to look into Adobe AIR for iOS which is able to produce iOS apps.

The iPhone doesn't support flash.

iOS Doesn't support Flash so you won't be able to launch a swf. If you have the source for the SWF you could consider building an ios app through Flash CS5+. Also, you could try porting it to haxe, which is very similar to actionscript and should allow you to build for both Android and iOS at once.

As I know there is no such application (expect Frash, which is only available on jailbroken iPhones) which can load SWF Files on an iPhone.
The only way you can go is to convert that file in an iPhone readable format, which I can't recommend as the results are normally horrible.
Otherwise I suggest to recode the behaviour of that SWF File in Objective C or something similar to that.

There is no Flash player in iOS. Even more – it is forbidden by Apple iOS Developer Agreement to deploy them (and other technologies where you may use an app to execute another executable code of any kind (SWF, Java, AIR, etc.) on iOS devices.

You can also make your own flash player.


Calling flash file in iphone application

Can anybody suggest me how to call flash file in iphone application.
Is it possible or not?
Is there any way to call flash file in iphone application?
Is it possible to call flash file in Titanium then we call titanium in iphone application.
Can any body suggest me in details?
waiting for your reply!
No it's not possible. Flash is not supported on iPhone
Edit 1 (to OP's comment)
No. The Flash player is not supported either in Safari on the iPhone or in iPhone apps.
As I understand Titanum (which I don't have much knowledge of) it is not a runtime but a compiler that compiles "web-languages" into specific files for each target platform, so there is no way to read the swf via Titanuim. In fact, I don’t think this would not be allowed on the iPhone anyway because (I think) the iPhone's sandbox doesn't allow any kind of external code to be read or JIT-compiled by an app.
Lack of Flash support is such a big deal, politically and economically, that if there was a way of reading Flash files on the iPhone you would have heard about it.

Flash Equivalent for iPhone

Anyone know of any flash equivalent software for the iPhone. Need to do some simple masking, animation...
As others have said, you can use AIR, but I'm guessing you want this to run in the browser, not as some native app. That is, you want something you can put on a web page, not distribute as an application through the App Store.
If that is the case, try Wallaby:
Wallaby can export certain Flash features to HTML5, which can be rendered in mobile Safari.
Hope that helps.
Depending on your exact needs (eg. if you want to work with timeline animations) then using the iOS packager part of AIR is a good option. For most uses however I would consider the performance of Flash iOS apps to be sub-par.
A development tool that is fairly similar to Flash programming-wise is Corona SDK:
Checkout Adobe's AIR. Its a run time that runs on the iPhone. You write in their flash language and then same code can run on iOS and Android.

Can we Integrate flash in iPhone application?

I want to integrate flash in my iPhone application so is it possible to integrate?
You can write apps in Flash that will run on the iPhone by using the Packager for iPhone. It only works with Flash and not Flash Builder. Adobe just released a revision after Apple changed its SDK license again so that it can run. Note that to run on the iPhone your app has to be compiled by Flash to a native iPhone app. You can't run just any SWF.
Also yesterday Adobe announced AIR 2.5 which claims to let you program for one runtime (AIR) and target multiple platforms including iPhone and iPad. The release notes explain that they will be updating their Packager to work with AIR 2.5 for feature parity with AIR 2.5 for Android.
There is an application called Packager for iPhone from Adobe, which can be used to make iPhone app from Flash. I never used it though, but I think you should give it a try.
Adobe Packager appears to only be able to create entire apps, not library code that will integrate inside a larger app. There also is no complete Flash interpreter in a form that you might be able to bundle with your app (although there appear to be a few open source projects that claim to run a limited subset of Flash). Thus there is no way to integrate Flash into a larger iPhone application that will run offline.
Online, you might be able to run a Flash application remotely on a server, and serve the graphic results to an iPhone app using something like the VNC protocol.
A new parser called hiramkei will soon be available for adding Flash animation SWF files into Xcode projects for iPhone. Here is the site

Can I successfully do iPhone/iPad website development/testing on Windows?

Can I successfully do iPhone/iPad web development (not native apps) on Windows, and without having an iPhone/iPad device?
I.e. work like PSD-to-iPhone-optimized XHTML/CSS layout.
I’m interested to learn about and make iPhone/iPad optimized websites. Any tips? How different will it be from desktop? What’s different other than the smaller screen?
From experience I will say the only true way to test for the iPad is to test on an iPad. I have been developing a site in html5 specifically for an iPad and we initially used the iPhone to test. The drag function we had implemented with jQuery had worked almost perfectly on the iPhone but after the client had tested on the iPad they came back to us and said the function did not work period and they were correct.
I guess this could change depending on what type of development you are doing. From experience I would say either A. Make some trips to the apple store B. Make friends with iPad owner C. Buy and iPad
yes for an ipohne emulator... try MobiOne.
It's a good application to test the pages in iphone like environment.
I don’t think you can really do iPhone/iPad development successfully without an iPhone/iPad at all, whether on Windows, Mac or Commodore 64.
If you’re serious about iPhone/iPad development, how could you not try your software out yourself on the devices it’s going to run on? Your clients are going to want code that works on the iPhone/iPad. You need an iPhone/iPad to check that it works.
if your developing a web app then i think you can use this:
The answer is: Yes you can absolutely do iPhone and iPad website development on a Windows PC.
However, you really should/must test the result on an actual iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad. Especially if you are integrating in any way with special device features like the dialing feature of the phone. (Yes you can have phone numbers in a webpage trigger dialing when you tap on them.)
However, you can do the bulk of the development on Windows, testing the WebApp in Safari or Chrome, which are the most fully compliant HTML5 WebKit based browsers out there.
Also highly recommend using an HTML5 touch framework like jQuery Mobile or Sencha Touch. This will go a long way to ensuring that your WebApp is optimized for the screen size and touch gestures of the mobile devices.
Remember that you can't deploy a pure WebApp to the app store, only download it from a website. You'll need a native wrapper like PhoneGap for that. And to compile a PhoneGap wrapped WebApp you'll need XCode on a Mac.
But there's a lot of power in adding your WebApp to the home screen on iOS. No native code involved and you get a full screen webapp with a home screen icon, loading image and no browser toolbars. Highly recommended.

Game in iphone using Flash Lite

Hai everyone, may I ask whether iphone can support .swf file or not? This is because I have developed a mini game using Adobe Flash Lite by using action script 2.0 and save as .fla file and export as .swf file. If can, can give me some guidances on how to import .swf to iphone. Thank a lot.:)
The iPhone and other iOS devices cannot run Flash apps (at least not without being jailbroken first). See for Apple's official position on Flash.
Somedays the iPhone can support flash, others it can not. It all depends how Apple are feeling at the moment...
Currently the only way to run flash on iPhone is to jailbreak it first.