Liferay: How have chat-portlet disabled it's borders? - chat

Chat portlet is displayed as a long bar at the bottom of the screen. I want to write a similiar portlet.
I can draw my bar anyway on the screen with CSS styles and also I have learned how to make static portlet visible always for all users with portal-ext.propeties.
But along with my bar, Liferay draws standard portlet frame with a title and controls on it. I found that it is named "topper" in HTML code.
So how to disable topper and border for one specific portlet in the way chat-portlet did it? I failed to figure this out from chat-portlet sources.
I found two options which can be relevant to this
but they weren't work.
First one causes ClassNotFoundException and second one causes portlet content not reaching page source.

I was to use
correctly. It does not work if placed in incorrect order.


ZK Hflex not working when using MVVM and include approaches

When I use Hflex property in a included page in a MVVM approach, it doesn't work.
The problem happens when I include some page inside another, and this page has components whose sizes are controlled by hflex property. I already tried to force the rendering of the components using invalidate on parent window load, or Clients.resize(component) when it is created inside the viewmodel class, but with no success. It just happens in this case: pages included in a MVVM scenario.
Here is a way to see the error: see the problem, click in the "Open" label, then a combobox is shown. You can see that the size of the combobox is only updated after resizing the browser window or after clicking in the dropdown button
If I explicitly resize the browser window, then the components are correctly sized.
Could anyone give any idea on how to solve it?
It's actually the javascript who does the fault,
Let me explain more. First you set the src of the include correct.
This is before the javascript is called, and your div don't really have a width at that moment.
So it takes that size, what you see.
Then the javascript is called and and actually he show's the div, but with the rendered with of the include at that moment.
How can you fix it : use zUtl.fireSized.
Here is your working fiddle.

How can I customize partstack header in rcp application

I am trying to customize PartStack header of a view in rcp application. My goal is to customize the coloring of the header and to add date and time to it and hide minimize and maximize buttons. Buttons can be hidden using css but other goals give me hard time. At the moment I am looking to use a custom renderer by overriding some methods in StackRenderer class. Is that a right approach or is there another renderer that I shoud use?
If you don't want the min/max buttons then do not include MinMaxAddon in the Add On list in the Application.e4xmi.
Using a custom renderer for StackRenderer is useful for changing the text of the part tabs items. If you want to put text elsewhere on the part stack line you will probably need to look at the MinMaxAddon to see how it does that.

Fancybox 2: auto resize the iFrame height for tabbed content

I use Fancybox2 to open an iFrame popup window (content comes from the same website). Within this popup, I have tabbed content (Bootstrap tabs). Each tab has content of different heights.
I am hoping that Fancybox can resize its height accordingly when I click tabs to see content on different heights.
I tried different combinations of autoSiz, autoHeight, etc. Got no success. Googled, and it seems many people asked related questions.
Am I missing something? Or is it doable? I feel this should be an easy configuration.
You may need to trigger the $.fancybox.update() (fancybox v2.x) method after the tab selector event
If using iframes, try parent.$.fancybox.update()
You may also need set fitToView to false

Facebook hide content from non-fans in a unique way

I need to build a tab looking like this one:
I know how to add an image and a comment box and i know of several "plain" ways to hide the content from non-fans, but i came across the above tab and i really like the way it shows thee content yet you cant engage it until you press the like button.
Any help please?
Thanks in advance.
Your link didn't work for me, but you can place a absolutely positioned div with a high z-index above the rest of your content to prevent the user from clicking on anything.
Update: Now that the link has been updated I see that they are doing exactly what I described above. In chrome if you right-click the background and select "inspect element" you will see the following computed style for the div:
The content is blacked out simply with a div with a black background and some opacity. Just for fun, you can overcome their like gate (without liking) via chrome's JS console by selecting the iframe context and then entering the following:
... now call youself a 'hacker' ;)

Smartgwt - create a panel with title and a border

This sounds like a pretty simple thing to do but I havent been able to find an easy way to do this. How do I create a panel with a title and a border which can contain my widgets? I have seen the SectionStack class which provides this. But I dont want to create a section stack.
Window can be added to a layout and drawn. But is it the only way or is there a container class that I am missing?
Also, how does one center things? Say a textfield and a button at the center of the page. How is this achieved?
If you are using a DynamicForm, you can give it a border and title with
This actually works for Canvas, too (which is the superclass of most widgets and layouts in SmartGWT).
(I just had the same problem, and found this question, as well as the thread Is there a "titled Border" on the SmartGWT Forums, which gave this answer. I tried and it seems to work.)
To do form-related tasks, look into DynamicForm. To set the inputs in the form, you use setItems(Item...). A text field is a TextItem. You set it's title to control the label that SmartGWT will build. To get a title for the form, the best I've come up with is to use a container canvas that will contain both the title (probably a Label element) and the DynamicForm. To center the inputs, I believe you'd need to use setAlignment on the DynamicForm.
You could create an object that is actually a VLayout that contains a Label (the tile), has a border as you need and includes a Canvas (the generic stuff you want included).
In my experience, I noticed that very often I have a DynamicForm visible, so I just add a BlurbItem control to diplay the tile and a small explanation.