How to add an external resource (pdf file) in my doxygen documentation - doxygen

I generate a doxygen documentation. In one of my "page" I have a link to a pdf file:
This file is in my project in another directory. The documentation ends up in folder called "html".
How do I tell doxygen to copy the pdf file into html ?

There is a doxygen configuration option HTML_EXTRA_FILES that allows extra files to be copied to the root of the html documentation. You should be able to specify the following to copy the file:
HTML_EXTRA_FILES = ../documents/xxx.pdf
This will place xxx.pdf in the root of your HTML documentation, so you will likely need to change your link to:


asciidoc, doctoolchain, target github readme.adoc - how to export asciidoc file containing includes into ONE file without include?

GitHub supports asciidoc readme files, but it looks like "include" is not supported.
I want to use doctoolchain which can render and export to html and pdf (and maybe into other formats). This tool works great.
I could use to show the generated html file from the GitHub repository.
But I think it would be a good idea to have the result also as one (1) readme.adoc file.
How to export into one (1) asciidoc file, which I could use as it is as readme file so that github will render it and show? Best would be to use doctoolchain, when this tool will render my documentation it could also generate the one-file-asciidoc-documentation.
I think internally asciidoctor collects and merge all these "include" files. So maybe this file is already available in any place? The doctoolchain build folder contains only the target files.
You are right there is a long dicussion why includeis not supported by github.
You can achieve your goal with doctoolChain and pandoc( Following steps are required:
configure your docDir/Config.groovy
inputFiles should have docbook defined
inputFiles = [[file: 'yourfile', formats['docbook']]]
run the doctoolchain task generateDocbook - it creates ???.xml file somewhere in docDir/build
generate from the generated docbook again an asciidoctor file - `pandoc <FILENAME_OF_GENERATED_DOCBOOK.XML> -f docbook -t asciidoctor -o <FILENAME_OF_ASCIIDOCTOR_WHICH_HAS_EVERYTHING>
make sure it runs automatically and you commit it regulary
now you are ready
This script can be used to resolve includes and to generate one (1) output file:
some information about the script and possible next steps you can read here:
AsciiDoc Backend (AsciiDoc 2 AsciiDoc) for preprocessing
to use it, ruby and asciidoc must be installed:

Generate chm output from doxygen output

I am using
chmcmd, a CHM compiler. (c) 2010 Free Pascal core.
for generating .chm file from Doxygen output. It presents me with error messages like
Warning: Found file dynsections.js while scanning files.html, but couldn't find it on disk
and similar for "namespacestd.html". It looks like something has changed in the installation of Doxygen during the times. It is just a warning, but I guess it has reason and consequences. How can I overcome it?
I don't use ChmCmd but even with Doxygen version 1.8.13 the file dynsections.js is always contained in the output directory ..\html on my Windows10 machine.
Of course I have <script type="text/javascript" src="dynsections.js"></script> in files.html.
Please first search for the files like dynsections.js. Try adding the names of the *.js files to the [FILES] list in your project (.hhp) file. This will ensure that the .js files are compiled into the help file, which may not be the case at present.
If you're using HTML Help Workshop as an alternative to chmcmd, the procedure for adding the file names to the [FILES] section is as follows:
Open the .hhp file in HTML Help Workshop.
Click the Add/Remove Topic Files button on the Project tab.
Click Add.
In the File Name field, type *.js.
Click Open, select the files to add to the list, and then click Open again.
You can go the short way by editing your *.hhp file with a text editor. Add a new wildcard line for all *.js files in the [FILES] section like:

Doxygen TAGFILES will not link to external documentation

TAGFILES in my Doxyfile will not link to external documentation.
In a generated configuration file by 'doxygen -g'
The following lines were modified from the original as:
Running 'doxygen' resulted in a file
and a subdirectory containing some html pages
In another directory, another generated configuration file by 'doxygen -g'
was modified from the original as:
TAGFILES = ../libd/libd.tag=../../libd/html
Running 'doxygen' resulted a subdirectory containing some html pages
However, the above html pages do not contain a link to the 'libd' html.
Changing the TAGFILES line to be
TAGFILES =~/tests/libd/libd.tag=~/tests/libd/html
TAGFILES = ../libd/libd.tag=../libd/html
did not make any differences.
Searched online a lot, but could not find any clue. Was it my doxygen version problem? Or my configuration mistakes? Please advice. Thanks in advance for any help.

How to change TypeLite Output Directory

Currently all of my TypeScript typings are located under Scripts/typings/Library. By default, TypeLite is just under Scripts. Is there a way to specify the output directory so it is under a custom Library name? ie Scripts/typings/MyCSharpProj?
TypeLite uses T4 templates for generating output files and I am afraid it isn't possible to change the output directory for the template. The output file is always generated alongside the template.
If you move Manager.ttinclude and to another directory and the output files will be generated there.

Ignoring files in project folder for Doxygen

How can you ignore files by Doxygen similarly as by Git's .git/info/exclude?
Doxygen generates docs for me based on 3rd party codes such Email -component and of my Git -repo, which I do not want.
I need to keep the files where they are.
You can use the EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag in the configuration file:
Taken from here.