facebook api for reflecting events - facebook

I want to develop a carrom game.
I don't want to integrate this game in facebook. but when one of the players playing the game the others must able to see that changes on their own computer.
This can be done via facebook(means players must log in to facebook). So is there any facebook_erlang api to send events to other players?

Using the Facebook API you can build an application. Doesn't have to be Erlang. If you want to build an application where players can send messages you can do that within your Facebook application, which can be build using Erlang.


Messenger - Chatbot without creating FB App for each Page

I built a chatbot that I plan to use with my pages. It's nothing special, only for development purposes. I used fastapi + mongodb + RASA NLU. It's all working fine with the integration by creating the app and subscribe to the webhook. the only problem I have is that I need to create one app per page. How can I link my chatbot to my page without creating an app all the time? I noticed ManyChat and ChatFuel can do this but I'm lost the fb developer documentation.
for reference, here's my current webhook setup.
it's a workaround, of course. it works but I don't really want to maintain too many fb apps. not that I have many but between me and my friends who want to use my chatbot, it's not a pretty sight.
You can use the same webhook to handle events from multiple pages, but i don't think there is a way to make one fb messenger app for multiple pages! because the app will be receiving page-scoped unique Ids
You can just connect multiple pages to same app. And when you receive the event on your webhook, you can check the page-id and based on page-id, perform that page specific actions.

Facebook App Center on Desktop Game

I've been developing a desktop PC game in Unity which connects to Facebook in order to post messages about the player's progress (high score etc). The chosen method of how the app integrates with Facebook is currently set to "Website with Facebook Login". Everything is already set up and working (Open Graph stories, action and types) but after trying to submit the app for review, it appears desktop apps are not allowed to be configured this way.
The question I am asking is, if desktop apps are not allowed to use App Center, what are the preferred methods of posting messages to a users wall? There is the option of using normal feed posting but it is my understanding that this approach does not allow custom stories and will only display a generic message.
Does anyone have experience with the matter or perhaps has integrated it in their own game / app in the past?
Just to clear up a misconception in the question, an app can appear in Facebook's App Center even if it doesn't publish anything to Facebook - it must be on a supported platform (iOS, Android, or Facebook Canvas), though. And an app that doesn't appear in App Center can still publish to the site, too. The two are not connected.
That said: The feed dialog is actually highly customizable, and relatively easy to integrate into any game that can invoke a Web browser. Check out its documentation for details.
Additionally, you can create highly structured messages using the Open Graph. Doing this requires you to get the user's authorization, probably using a Web dialog. You need to request the publish_actions permission to do so; a few games (case study here, e.g.) have had remarkable success building out appealing OG implementations.
None of this is really specific to the Unity SDK at this point, I'm afraid, as it doesn't currently have native desktop support (just iOS, Android, and web player). But I hope it's helpful.

Is there any way to connect to the Facebook chat service without using the XMPP protocol?

I am trying to create an application that will basically be a Linux command line messenger app just for Facebook chat. When you connect to facebook chat using the XMPProtocol, you can send instant messages to all of your friends but you can only see the messages from the friends that appear online. If an offline friend sends you a message, you do not see it. I have tested this with various chat programs (like pidgin) that are using XMPP to connect to facebook chat.
There is an iPhone app called "Messenger" that allows you to send and receive instant messages even when your friends appear to be offline. How is this possible? Do you have to use some other protocol? I tried making a research about this, and while there were many references about XMPP basically having this limit, there was no reference about how you solve this problem. I'd appreciate any clue regarding the direction I should look (may that be just the name of a protocol, an open source project that has this feature etc).
chat and inbox are two faces of the same Facebook backend ...so i mean you can read message sent by your Facebook friends by Graph Api http GET as this ... https://graph.facebook.com/me/inbox?access_token=xxxxxx

Can track belong to the application and not individual users?

My application isn't going to be revolved around soundcloud users, I will be using it for its nice api that is provided to stream audio. I also want to use the javascript upload feature but that seems to be out of the question too.
The record widget should be able to upload the audio to your server so that you can upload the audio not as an individual user.
I still haven't been able to get my app to work without using their authentication window.
Any help would be appreciated.
Nearly everything you do with the SoundCloud API must be done on behalf of a SoundCloud account. You can only use the SoundCloud API to stream content from or upload content to a SoundCloud account.
If you'd like to have SoundCloud functionality in your app, I'd recommend allowing users to connect their SoundCloud accounts.
"Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen", from the API docs: http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/guide#user-credentials
With this method you can log in as a user in the code. Since every app must be registered to a user anyway, you can make a new username to register the app, and log in with that one.

Is there any Facebook API open , where I can connect to Facebook games from my application in WP7

for developing wp7 applications , is any API that can be used for calling facebook games.
I want to conenct to a specific facebook game like bubble shooter , where i can connect and play that game in my application
there is a facebook API if you go to the facebook site and look on there.
your question is a little vague though, is it that you want to be able to conenct to a specific facebook game with your app, or do you want your app to be hosted on facebook?