get embed url links from youtube channelwith xml in xcode - iphone

I have been trying to embed a list of videos from certain YouTube channel in my table view. I learned how to embed each on manually with a list of urlStrings. Now I would like to upgrade it into a more robust process by retrieving the links from YouTube by itself. The question:
How do I get the url(s) of each videos from the channel using xml?
-I know "" returns something I want, I just dont know how to go from there to a list of these "".
Thanks in advance!


How to add multiple youtube playlist with video in my flutter app?

I need to add Youtube playlist with Youtube player in my flutter application.And i want to add multiple playlist. When i will upload video to youtube then autometically will have to appears on my flutter app.
I saw some tutorial, where people use hereku server to fetch youtube api to flutter app. But they use just a single playlist. here is the link
Can you tell me how i can add multiple playlist on my app.
Thank You :)
I think you could maybe try a combination of this two packages:
With this package you could fetch all the videos inside a playlist and (as it goes directly through Youtube API) the list should update as soon as a new video is uploaded.
Given a certain list of youtube video ids, you can use this player to reproduce them (I’ve used it in a project and worked perfectly, even with live streams)
So, I guess that combining them would be my fist approach.
Update 31 Jan 20201
I tried youtube_api package but couldn't make it load the videos from a specific youtube playlistId neither, so I've checked their code and created a new implementation that only retrieves the videos from a specific playlistId.
Here is the code if you want to take a look

Playing video from youtube link without UIWebView

I want to play a video in my app from youtube link e.g:
But i don't want to redirect the user to any web view in the app. Just want to play that video in the video player in the current view of my application.
Is it possible to play the video without redirecting to UIWebView? If possible, how can i do this? Thanks for the help in advance.
The only allowed way seems to be using UIWebview. Doing it other way will violate youtube copyrights.
However there are few open source libraries out there. You can use it at your own risk.
Just use XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController. It uses progressive download + MoviePlayer and AVFoundation frameworks.
To play this video you need to have the link to the video stream that is associated with video you want to play. Unfortunately this isn't so simple to get this link for some movies on YouTube since this link can be encoded for some movies (channel VEVO for example). Read this for more information about encoded links
Unfortunattely as for now there is no simple way to decode these links. Despite this, you can get the source link for the not encoded films without bigger problems using some calls to the YouTube Api.

How to incorporate YouTube into iPhone app

We are developing an iPhone app where we need to allow users to search and see videos within the app itself.
I have seen this link
How to incorporate youtube into iPhone app? but I have a doubt. Why can’t we simple use NSURLResponse object to retrieve the response and parse it.?
Are they any other easier approaches to implement this functionality?
You CAN just hit a search URL for youtube and parse the data that you get back. The only problem with that is the app would not remain stable. IF youtube were to change the layout of the page, or the names of the tags your app would more than likely crash or become unresponsive.
Using the API's that YouTube has created for your specific needs, would make the app much more stable.
Its unlikely the API would change without YouTube giving you prior notice which will allow you to make the changes need to your app before the update happens.
Do it right the first time. Heres the API link! :)
Query the server, get the response, and parse the data into a UITableView.

Iphone and Youtube api

I want to retrieve uploaded videos from a certain youtube channel and I want to display the list in a UITableView. Then when user clicks on a row the video will play. Is this possible to do with youtube API?
Im new to iPhone app development and I need to get this done asap. Can some one provide some code samples or point me in the right direction. I cant find much useful stuff on the net
Please Help
Maybe a good start is
Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library
Google Data APIs Examples

Have users add content to a streaming video?

Let's say I have a flash video streaming website, what are some ways in which users could add comments, links, effectively mark up a video?
Why not just allow them to add comments and links using the videos unique id and store this info in your database? Unless you mean editing the video itself.
You could use flash to read comments from an xml file then display it on top of the video. PLease elaborate on how you want these comments displayed.
Edit: If your looking to do it how youtube does it create a swf in flash that can read from an xml file (where the xml file takes the videos unique id to query the datbase to retrieve the comments).. the comments would then be displayed on top of the video as labels. Please reference actionscript 2 or 3 depending on what version of flash you're using.