Get iPhone address book contacts into a mobile web app? - iphone

Is it possible to get iPhone address book/contacts into a mobile web app? Yes/No, how?

There is no API in JavaScript to fetch the address book content in Mobile Web application BUT the PhoneGap have made it available through the plugins So they have exposed the Phone Contact list through Contact JS class,
Follow the below link to play with phone Contact list .
PhoneGap Contact Documentation


How do I open the Contacts app Swift

Is there a URL to open the contacts application from within my application? I know you can achieve this with the settings app by using the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString constant in Swift; however, I wasn't sure if I could do the same with the Contacts app.
There isn't a deep link for opening the Contacts App.
Apple is very picky when it comes to deep-linking. They have to provide one for Settings since many apps need services like Data, Location, Bluetooth, Wifi, etc.
Unfortunately they do not extend this to the Contacts App.
However if your app needs contact information then for that Apple has provided a Contacts framework to browse through your contacts within your app itself.
Read more about it here.
In order to add/update/delete/merge contacts directly from your app without using the Apple's Contact UI, use the CNSaveRequest APIs. More on that here.
The closest thing you can get to opening a contact is to write them a message in IMessage. From this screen the user can press the contact icon and open the contact page for that particular contact.
You can do this by opening the url sms://+44776382223 where the number is the number of the person that you would like to view the contact of.

How to fetch device information from a progressive web app

How to fetch device information (Google Advertising Id or IDFA) from a progressive web app
Google Advertising ID is not accessible to progressive web app running in browser and so the installed PWA.
Said that, you can make it available to your installed PWA using an Android service(which is a native code getting the Google Advertising ID) and passing it to your PWA using Deep links, by setting a Indent filter to your PWA with a URL and have the ID retrieved in your native code passed to web app in the query para (URL).
You can refer to this java code to retrieve device identifiers and wrap it as a Android service, which calls your PWA using deep links.

iPhone: Access Album from Web app

I want to develop a web app using html5, js. One of the feature is to access photo album and upload a pic to the server. Is it possible to access via web app if i develop? I would like to know, is it really possible to access directly album etc
For this, one should have some cross platform app like Phone Gap. e.g. if your application is in Phone Gap then you can access

Customized installation of iPhone or Android application

I want to develop native mobile application in which user will send invitation to his friend to install another companion native application via a link to the application. But in order for this to work I need to pass a custom token or parameters in the link so that when the companion application is installed by the user's friend, this token is parsed by the companion application to display personalized message ( much like query string parameters are passed in the URL for normal web applications). Is this possible for iPhone and Android native applications?
It is not possible on stock iPhone/iOS devices. App installation on iOS devices can only be done through the App Store app or iTunes, which do not accept any additional parameters other than the app identifier in the URLs they handle.

Access email client from a web app for iPhone/Blackberry

Can we access the native email client from an iPhone web app, or a BlackBerry web app?
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