Access email client from a web app for iPhone/Blackberry - iphone

Can we access the native email client from an iPhone web app, or a BlackBerry web app?

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How can I get notification on iphone facebook app from facebook mobile web app

I have made facebook mobile web app.
It sometimes send the facebook push notifiactions.
Facebook web page( recieves the notifications well, but the facebook mobile app(iOS and android) doesn't.
Is it possible to send notification to the facebook mobile app from my facebook web app?
Thank you.
Are you using the notifications api ? If so, you should know it only sends out notifications on the website. From,
Note: Only apps on can use the Notifications API. Also these notifications are only surfaced on desktop version of

Facebook Authentication for Mobile app accessing Django backend via REST

I am developing a mobile app based on Titanium Mobile and using its FB Module that authenticates the user via FaceBook. Now, we will also be implementing a web service for this mobile application implemented with the Django Rest Framework.
I'm wondering how best to implement this securely so that once the user is authenticated with FaceBook the mobile app can also be authenticated to the Django backend.

How to validate a user request from iPhone is an authenticated Facebook user?

I'd like to build a web application which allow iPhone users to save a short memo as a todo list on the web server. The user must logon on Facebook on the iPhone before submitting a memo.
On the server side, how can I tell whether the iPhone user has logon on Facebook or not?
In a native app, FBConnect can be used to establish trust between the app and Facebook. (FBConnect calls an fbDidLogin delegate method).
It's up to you to establish trust between your iPhone app and your web service, but once you have, the app can report the FB login state along with it's requests.
Assuming you're just building a web application, I don't understand why it would be different then building a normal web application that uses fbconnect and graph api. You just happen to design it to fit a mobile browser. There's a section on authentication.

Logged in using Gmail account from iPhone

I have an iPhone application, I implement Facebook login on my app, now users can logged in to my app using their FB account. I also want to implement Gmail login to my app, then users can logged in to my app using their Gmail account. Is it possible to implement Gmail login on iPhone app. Any API for Objective-C for Gmail login is available?
check out the link for google api for objective c client but they don't provide for the login a user from google credentials

making custom ads for iphone application?

i would like to display ads from my server in a uiwebview placed inside my application for which i will be sending some data from the phone to my server but what i have heard sending user data to your server in application will lead to the application being rejected?? is it true?? is there any other way to implement own custom ads from my server into the application??
That's not true, as long as your server aren't belong to some company in the mobile OS business.