Spring #ModelAttribute doesn't care about commandName - forms

<form:form commandName="editWeather" method="post" action="../edit">
<!-- Input fields -->
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
And this is how I get the model in Spring:
#ModelAttribute("DONTGIVEADAMN") Weather weather
And I can still use the weather to do my operations and it works great, for example:
My question is...Why does this work?

Model attribute name doesn't matter when binding data received from a form (because names of form fields correspond to the names of fields of the model object), it matters only when rendering a form.
I particular, when model attribute name in your POST handler method doesn't match the commandName in the form, you will be able to receive the data, but won't be able to redisplay a form with validation errors.

its matching the class type (or interface), not the name of the variable/parameter; and the specified request mapping/method signature must be correct.


angularjs form can not refer to input control when input name is array

I encounter a problem when testing form validation with angularjs
According to angularjs form guide,
an input control that has the ngModel directive holds an instance of NgModelController. Such a control instance can be published as a property of the form instance using the name attribute on the input control.
I created test code at plunker, it all works fine untill I change the input name from
<input type="number" name="age" ng-model="user.age" max="100" required>
<input type="number" name="user[age]" ng-model="user.age" max="100" required>
Does this mean angular can not recognize array syntax in form input?
The problem for me is I want to keep the normal form submission flow and only use angular for form validation, so I need to keep form input as array to work with the backend form handling
It has nothing to do with Angular. It is a syntactic JS error.
If you want to reference a property named user[age], you should do it like this:
form1.user[age] is incorrectly interpreted as (form1.user)[age]

Spring form errors with multiple identical forms on the same page

I am printing an arbitrary number of identical forms on a page using Spring's <form:form tag, and I need a way to distinguish between them, because form errors of one form are now printed on all forms.
Currently all the identical forms are bound to the same, single backing object. That works fine, because a user can only submit one form at a time.
I am using Spring validation to validate form fields. When one of the fields has an error (let's say 'name' is empty) than the error message is printed under the 'name' field of all forms.
Obviously, I need some way to allow Spring to distinguish between the forms, but how?
Some example code:
This Spring webflow definition creates a ClientFormBacking object to back the client forms. And it submits a form POST to the bindAndValidate method, which calls the validator.
<webflow:var name="clientFormBacking" class="com.example.ClientFormBacking"/>
<webflow:view-state id="list" view="clients" model="clientFormBacking">
<webflow:evaluate expression="contextParameterManager.findAll()" result="flowScope.clients"/>
<webflow:transition on="update-client" to="list">
<webflow:evaluate expression="clientBinder.bindAndValidate(flowRequestContext)"/>
<webflow:evaluate expression="clientService.saveOrUpdate(flowScope.clientsPageBacking)"/>
Print an arbitrary number of identical forms with a name field and name error field in JSP:
<c:forEach items="${clients} var="client">
<form:form commandName="clientFormbacking">
<form:input path='name' value='${client.name}'/>
<form:errors path="name" cssClass="input-error" />
The validator that rejects the 'name' field:
ClientValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
// Problem here! There are multiple <form:errors path='name'/> tags....
errors.rejectValue("name", "validation.error.name.empty");

populated attrib in form element doesn't get its value passed

I'm creating a form text field, but would like to set an additional attribute called additional so the html markup looks like this.
<dd id="email-element">
<input type="text" value="" id="email" name="email" additional="">
I'm able to set the attribute using setAttrib like so.
$email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
$email->setAttrib('additional', '');
I'm then setting the value of additional on the client side via ajax. But when the form is submitted, additional appears empty. When I var_dump the form, I can see it as an attribute on this form field, but it's empty. Also when I var_dump the request, it's not on it (which is understandable since it's an attribute, and not the field value itself). Is there a way to read attributes that were changed on the client side?
PHP has no way of reading form attributes that were modified in the browser, but you can read it on the client side and send it back to PHP. The only data submitted are the element values themselves.
If you need the attribute in PHP, add a hidden input called additional (or whatever you like), and during the form's onsubmit event, you can read the value of the attribute, and populate the hidden element and then submit the form. Note that if the client has Javascript disabled, the value will not come through, but that method can be used to read it and send it to the server.
Hope that helps.

Passing Complex object from View to Controller: one object is always null

I'm passing a complex object as a Model to the View as
but when I get the Model back from the View, one particular object comes always null while other complex types are normally passed through
my View is the default Edit Strongly Typed View
What am I missing?
The ModelState Error says
The parameter conversion from type 'System.String' to type 'Julekalender.Database.CalendarInfo' failed because no type converter can convert between these types.
Why don't I get the same for the other types? How is it automatically converted?
I have added 3 fields (as the T4 template does not append this types) but I still get null when POSTing
The green boxed below is the field
<div class="editor-field">
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Calendar.Guid)%>
Even renaming the Action to
public ActionResult General2(GeneralInfo model)
gives the same error
Make sure that when you use this wizard there are input fields generated in the view for each property of the Calendar object so that when you post the form they will be sent to the controller action. I am not sure this is the case (haven't verified if the wizard does it for complex objects, I've never used this wizard).
In the resulting HTML you should have:
<input type="text" name="Calendar.Prop1" value="prop1 value" />
<input type="text" name="Calendar.Prop2" value="prop2 value" />
... and so on for each property you expect to get back in the post action
... of course those could be hidden fields if you don't want them to be editable
The problem comes from the fact that you have a string variable called calendar in your action method and an object which has a property called Calendar which is confusing. Try renaming it:
public ActionResult General2(string calendarModel, GeneralInfo model)
Also don't forget to rename it in your view.

jQuery ajaxSubmit(): ho to send the form referencing on the fields id, instead of the fields name?

im pretty new to jQuery, and i dont know how to do that, and if it can be done without editing manually the plugin.
Assume to have a simply form like that:
<form action="page.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="Your name" id="contact-name" value="" />
Email: <input type="text" name="Your email" id="contact-email" value="" />
When you submit it, both in 'standard' way or with ajaxSubmit(), the values of the request take the label of the field name, so in the page.php i'll have:
$_POST['Your name'];
$_POST['Your email'];
Instead i'll like to label the submitted values with the id of the field:
Is there a way to do that with jquery and the ajaxsubmit() plugin?
And, maybe, there is a way to do it even with the normal usage of a form?
p.s: yes, i know, i could set the name and id attributes of the field both as 'contact-name', but how does two attributes that contain the same value be usefull?
According to the HTML spec, the browser should submit the name attribute, which does not need to be unique across elements.
Some server-side languages, such as Rails and PHP, take multiple elements with certain identical names and serialize them into data structures. For instance:
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
If the user types in 1 Infinite Loop in the first box and Suite 45 in the second box, PHP and Rails will show ["1 Infinite Loop", "Suite 45"] as the contents of the address parameter.
This is all related to the name attribute. On the other hand, the id attribute is designed to uniquely represent an element on the page. It can be referenced using CSS using #myId and in raw JavaScript using document.getElementById. Because it is unique, looking it up in JavaScript is very fast. In practice, you would use jQuery or another library, which would hide these details from you.
It is reasonably common for people to use the same attribute value for id and name, but the only one you need to care about for form submission is name. The jQuery Form Plugin emulates browser behavior extremely closely, so the same would apply to ajaxSubmit.
It's the way forms work in HTML.
Besides, Id's won't work for checkboxes and radio buttons, because you'll probably have several controls with the same name (but a different value), while an HTML element's id attribute has to be unique in your document.
If you really wanted, you could create a preprocessor javascript function that sets every form element's name to the id value, but that wouldn't be very smart IMHO.
var name = $("#contact-name").val();
var email = $("#contact-email").val();
$.post("page.php", { contact-name: name, contact-email: email } );
This will let you post the form with custom attributes.