Library error in my iPad application - iphone

I am getting the following error:
Program received signal: “0”.
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib")
What does it mean?

It's due to short memory while running, in this case please look for leaks.
The Message pasted in saying "Data Formatters" will get in several situations, possibly most commonly when unable to find a linked in shared library at launch time.
Please check this link too, similiar question,
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable


Sometimes sensor doesn't handle MDS requests

I'm working with Movesense 2.0.0 on a HR+ sensor and the latest MDSlib for Android.
I have an App that calls my custom WB services to download some data stored on sensor's EEPROM.
It happens that sometimes (once every few hundred calls, not always on the same endpoint and when it happens it keeps doing it for a few subsequent requests) sensor's requests handler is not called, and I get this messages from debugger:
ERROR: SF-N invalid CRC
ERROR: SF-N frame too short
ERROR: SF-N invalid CRC
Usually if I send the request again after a few seconds it's correctly handled.
I also tried sending hundreds of thousands of requests from wbcmd through serial port, but the error never appeared.
Is there something I can look at to troubleshoot this issue?
The CRC error indicates that the datapipe experienced dropping or incorrect data, which was caught by the whiteboard protocol CRC checks. Corruption usually happens when the radio link is on the verge of dropping completely and there really is not much that can be done.
You can read the radio link RSSI value (signal strength) in both iOS and Android to see bad the connection is. Most of the time I don't bother. Easier just to retry failed operations later.
Full Disclaimer: I work for the Movesense team

BugSense Framework crashes

i used Bugsense framework in iPhone application to get the crashe logs, and it works fine.
but when i get the crash report from iTunes account, the crash report indicate that there is a crash in bugSense framework.
What this is mean? is it indicate that crashes in applications reported by bugSense ? or it is actual crash in the framework itself?
Please Help.
It could be, that this is a crash in their SDK. Sadly they perform non-async safe functions in their framework once the crash happened. See for more details on what that means (in this case calling Objective-C code once a crash occurred is unsafe). You might want to contact them to make the fix this possible problem.
But the messages lower in the stack trace also indicate, that this is a crash that happened because of an uncaught exception occurred, which would normally cause another Last Exception Backtrace to appear on top of Thread 0. I am not sure if they have that functionality included. If they do, this causes that block only appear in their own crash report but not in the crash reports iOS creates. Then this is nothing to worry about, except that code above being bad as already mentioned.
If you have enabled immediate dispatch in BugSense, this is probably the reason of this crash, as it isn't guaranteed to be safe.
For more info you can check this: , section Enabling immediate dispatch
this may happen when there is no internet connection, try enable immediate dispatch in bug sense

sqlite query results in crash in iPhone app - Memory Issue

I am using a sqlite query to get nutrient values for a specific food item from USDA database.
The query works fine, when tried in simulator, but results in crash on device sometimes.
I am including the USDA database in the app itself. Also the table on which the query is getting executed holds more than 5 lac records. I am getting 'Level 1 Memory Warning' at the launch of application. I cannot go for webservices, as the requirement is to give offline support.
Any suggestions how to handle this situation??
Edit :
In the log I get Signal 0 message
Program received signal: “0”.
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib")
You are exhausting your app's memory. I am not a DB expert but you will have to use some special techniques to access your huge data base. Perhaps execute multiple queries serially in different sections of the DB. Or divide the DB into segments. Following are some references related to the crash you are seeing-
Program received signal: “0”. Data Formatters temporarily unavailable
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'
There are more if you search for the error message.
I guess the size of the database is causing the crash...
If you are using this database as read only then you can use the compressed and encrypted form ... you can get more details from here
this might help you get rid of the memory warnings..
here is another link which can help you reduce the size of the database....
How to reduce the size of an sqlite3 database for iphone?
Memory Related Crashes are quite common for ios apps I've noticed that more stable apps tend to manually manage memory alot over just letting the device manage it. I think if you split it up into sections instead of reading off one file and like akshay said index the tables it will be more stable. You could try reading files from compressed zips which would be more efficient over just plain old reading.

What does the following error mean?

Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
[Switching to process 388]
error while killing target (killing anyway): warning: error on line 2179 of "/SourceCache/gdb/gdb-1472/src/gdb/macosx/macosx-nat-inferior.c" in function "macosx_kill_inferior_safe": (os/kern) failure (0x5x)
The Debugger has exited with status 0.(gdb)
Program received signal:
“EXC_BAD_ACCESS”. [Switching to
process 388] kill error while killing
target (killing anyway): warning:
error on line 2179 of
in function
"macosx_kill_inferior_safe": (os/kern)
failure (0x5x) quit
Note where the error is; gdb has crashed. This is potentially due to a crash in your application, but that particular messages is certainly not useful to debugging the real problem.
And, more likely than not, the actual crash has nothing to do with an over-release of an object. Maybe so, but likely not.
Typically, when GDB crashes in this fashion, it is because you trashed the heap or stack in a fashion that gdb trips over the corruption trying to figure out what is going on. Or your app has entered a state that gdb can no longer communicate with it (which might be the case here given the crash location).
In this case, some things to try:
using latest dev tools? If not, do so and rebuild your app from clean, too.
can the crash be reproduced on the simulator and the device? If so, can it be debugged properly on one but not the other?
if you run the app without the debugger, can you get it to crash and then extract the crash log from the device?
does the behavior change between debug and non-debug builds? That can greatly impact memory corruption.
did this just start happening? If so, what did you change most recently?
Thought of another trick;
try setting the MallocScribble environment variable. This will scribble values into memory upon allocation/deallocation and can often, at the least, cause a memory corruption related crasher to crash earlier or different enough to catch it.
EXC_BAD_ACCESS usually means you are trying to access something that doesn't exist anymore. We'd need your stack dump and probably some code to help you figure it out.
To quote a co-worker, "Something went wrong somewhere".
This means that you have attempted to access a pointer that is no longer valid. Perhaps you forgot to retain an object, or released it one too many times?

Crashing issue (using core data)

i am getting a serious issue
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib")
The Debugger has exited with status 0.(gdb)
Problem occurs when i am fetching approx more than 5000+ data on tableview (using Core data)
If data is not huge then application doesnt crash.
EXC_BAD_ACCESS means: Exception Bad Access.
This is not a Core Data error. It is an exception from trying to access an object that has been released.
Turn on NSZombie, set a breakpoint on objc_exception_throw. Then run your app again in the debugger and track down the over-release.
Don't know, but it appears to be happening because of the amount of data you are loading. This sounds like a lot of data to be loading on an iPhone. Is there anyway you can reduce the volume? Perhaps you could create a table that contains summaries of your data. Or perhaps page load 20 or 30 records at a time rather than the full 5000.