Using multiple custom dictionaries using FxCop command line arguments - nant

I had set up fxcop Custom Dictionaries for several projects in Visual Studio. However when it comes to running FxCop as part of our build process (using NAnt), we ran into trouble.
We currently have FxCop set up to run with the command line arguments /project:ProjectPath as well as /file:OutputPath/*.dll, and it seems to be respecting those arguments.
How can I tell FxCop to respect what I've set up in my .csproj files; through either the command line, or in a .fxcop project file?
Ideally, we don't want to have to change anything any time we add a new project or a new CustomDictionary.xml file. Hopefully, it would find all the custom dictionaries by itself.

The task that executes FxCopCmd in MSBuild actually fetches the codeanalysisdictionary.xml file location from the .csproj. So if you want to execute fxcop yourself, you'd either have to run it through MSBuild or duplicate the behavior into your nant task.


PowerShell script builds the wrong path in TFS2017

I am adding a PowerShell script to run in my build to get the Version Number for the build. When I use the builder(Box with ...) to get the file, it takes me to my TFS Project and I work my way down to the file. When the build definition runs it fails at that step, because it cant find my script.
What it has done is prepended the local Servers work directory to the front of the Path it had me choose.
I feel this is a Bug or how am I suppose to get the most current copy of a script in TFS when the Build Definition runs.
Tried with a simple powershell script on my side, but couldn't reproduce your issue, the script is working.
Only add one step in build, and map to $/teamproject in Repositity, then select the script:
To narrow down the issue, you could create a new pipeline with only one task-Powershell, check what will happen.
If you still get error, please share detail logs with system.debug=true enable.
Also take a look at this tutorial about how to use powershell fetch/change build number, which may helps-- Use a PowerShell script to customize your build pipeline
According to your error info, you are lacking of the definition.
Please make sure you have specified the value in options--build number format
Then it should run without any problem:

Azure DevOps - Set a Build variable using another variable (nested/composed variables)

In Azure DevOps I have a Pipeline variable "package version" and I set it using 0.1.3$(Rev:.r)-alpha .
I use that variable to replace the "Version" in the .net core project file.
In the Build tasks the dotnet build give me this error:
so I assume the Pipeline variable cannot use a nested variable.
There is a nother way or a different syntax to do it?
The nested variables should work.
I think the error was the dotnet pack using Automatic package versioning set to "Use the build number" that contain the wrong $(rev:.r) (lowercase!).
Using a custom string for Version in the VS project file gives noise on VS (error if the file is open, warning otherwise) and now the Pipeline Build give me an error on dotnet nuget restore because of the invalid Version.
I decided to use a simple clean version, <Version>0.1.2</Version>, that I can choose and document.
Then I want to find a way to read it in the build pipeline and create a custom variable attaching the Build Revision:
0.1.2$(Rev:.r) =>
That is the result I want.
I found this:
I'm using it with the default settings.
I'm using the variables it creates to compose a new variable, "package version":
and I use that in the nuget pack task:
but it does not work.
The resulting variable still contain "$(Rev:.r)" not parsed.
I'll try to use again the "Automatic package versioning" and create the build number in the Options...
[Edit 2]
Set the build version number in the Pipeline Build Options worked.
It's not the optimal solution because the Build Number is not parsed and looks awful.
$(Rev:.r) is not available outside Build / Options.
I used $(Build.BuildNumber) and I'm able to create a composed variable:
Build.BuildNumber is valorized in Build/Options: $(Build.DefinitionVersion)$(Rev:.r)
Version.MajorMinor is created by the Project Version As Build Variable add-on.
I don't know how to obtain the same result without using a third party component.
I'm glad my extension helped and thanks for the nice review. If you want more control and have a little time to spend to play with PowerShell, you can easily achieve what you want in two steps, without using third party extensions.
Read and parse the .csproj file as XML
Set build variables
Here are couple of links on reading XML files and working with build variables, it's actually pretty easy.
VSTS: Pass build/release variables into Powershell script task
[xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $env:project_file
echo $XmlDocument.Project.PropertyGroup.Version
Write-Host '##vso[task.setvariable variable=package_version;issecret=true]0.1.2.'
Note: my answer wouldn't fit in a comment, I had to post an answer.

Testng - Ant - windows terminal how to deal with errant input

I have a java selenium QA project where we use ant and testng via the powershell terminal. What I would like help with is creating a redirect if a tester enters a typo in the terminal.
If I am in the run directory and I simply type ant, it will run the default.xml file listed in the build.xml file which is what I expect.
If I enter an actual ant command with a typo though:
ant -Dtestdir= c:\dev\qa\src\tests -Dtestxml=blablabla
it will attempt to run every test.xml file in the test directory. This is especially problematic because most of the those test.xml files call java classes that contain #Factory and #Dataprovider(s) and they allocate everything at once which just causes everything to fail.
What I would like is a way to tell ant if the input is erroneous, then run the default.xml file(which I have configured to populate an html error page). I've been reviewing both testng and ant docs and I'm not finding a solution, so your guidance would be appreciated.
Other than this one issue, the system works very well.
After digging around a bit more and learning how to ask the question properly, I found 2 great examples here on SO.
1) Create an additional ant target that checks for the existence of the file the user has typed. And add it to the depends attribute of the main target , and also adding the if attribute.
2) Use the Ant fail task and fail the build (with a message) if the file is not available. I prefer this one because the tester can get some feedback.
Example 2

Change the paramaters that Visual Studio uses when running Deploy-AzureResourceGroup

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 to deploy resources to a resource group in Azure. This runs the 'Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1" powershell script that is automatically generated. I wanted to remove a couple of the parameters that I do not need (i.e. DSCSourceFolder) from this powershell script. When I try to deploy, it throws an error message saying that it cannot find the parameter that I removed.
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'DSCSourceFolder'.
Is there any way to change the default parameters that Visual Studio uses when starting the Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1 powershell script?
The command the VS uses to invoke the script is not configurable... you can of course ignore them but not change or remove them without affecting the UI in VS.
If you just run the script from PowerShell, then you can do whatever you want to it.
All that said, I'm interested in your scenario - i.e. why the desire to customize?

How to activate "treat warning as error" for specific build definitions?

I would like to make my main branch TFS build definitions to treat warnings as errors so that the build fails when the projects are not error free. Since I do not want to activate "treat error as warning" in all project as a default, my first idea was to add a powershell script to my main build definition that substitues false with true in the line <TreatWarningsAsErrors>...</TreatWarningsAsErrors> in all csproj files it finds (something along the line of this). Is there any better/straighter way via some option as part of the build definition settings?
In the build definition specify /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=True in the MSBuild argument field.
This will override any setting from the csproj files.
Unfortunately, there is no this kind of settings as part of the build definition.
However, you could be able to return warnings and errors from your powershell script using logging commands. With using task.logissue type=error you could fail the build task and then fail the build.
More details you could take a look at this similar question: Is it possible to raise and display build warnings from build steps using TFS 2015