How to get SelBlocks Selenium IDE extension to find XML file? - selenium-ide

Hopefully, Chris Noe, is in the house...
Selblocks is an extension for Selenium IDE that provides control-flow constructs such as if/then/else, looping and subroutines.
I'm trying to give interation over an XML file a whirl and am running into an error. It seems it can't find the XML file. The XML file is co-located with my Sel scripts. Please see the screenshot attached.
Is there a source for more documentation or examples? Like the sample test suite you have a picture of on the extension page?

I ran into the same issue, and the problem turned out to be that my XML was invalid. In my case it was because one of the parameters I was using was a url containing ampersands. Changing & to & fixed the problem for me, and the variables loaded perfectly.


NUnit: Can I get HTML report instead of XML?

NUnit 3.0.
I use such code in my application for test running:
string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string[] nunitArgs = new List<string>
// for details of options see
"--work=" + directoryName // save TestResults.xml to the build folder
new NUnitLite.Runner.TextUI().Execute(nunitArgs);
I get output report in the XML format, but I need HTML. Here I see - only XML can be used as output report format. Perhaps I incorrect understood the documentation? I can write XSLT for this XML, but I will do it only if I be sure to get HTML result impossible for NUnit.
NUnitOrange seems to be working with the latest version of XML (NUnit 3.0). Sorry for posting an answer, I am unable to leave a comment. Thanks to you and Michal for sharing the links.
This comment by the dev also: Seems to be in beta but it works great for me.
I am pretty sure HTML output is not natively supported by NUnit. Also, you will probably don't have to implement your XSLT from scratch, there appear to be tools for that purpose already.
It works:
It successfully generated HTML report from the XML.

Sandcastle how to include subtopics in TOC

I'm just getting started with Sandcastle, trying to build a conceptual help file without any code component at all. I've got a basic framework working, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get things into the Table of contents. As I understand it the TOC is based on the contents of the Content Layout.content file, but all I can add are FILES not links within a file.
Is there some syntax that will allow me to have a section within a file appear as a TOC entry? I'm working with some AML files provided by a client, and they include lots of tags that look like this:
<section address="_Toc190084020">
but the _Toc is apparently meaningless, because they don't appear anywhere.
I asked this same question on the SHFB website ( and got an answer from Eric Woodruff, the maintainer of the project.
It turns out that the table of contents is based strictly on the files included in the project, so the only way to get more TOC entries is to break it into more files.

How to write to an existing .xlsm file through Perl

Could someone please clarify if there is any Perl package to edit a pre-existing .xlsm file?
I tried few examples posted in CPAN page and this site which use the combination of WriteExcel and ParseExcel::SaveParser. They are not working for .xlsm file.
Any help would be appreciated.
It's not possible to open an existing xlsm file using Excel::Writer::XLSX, as of version 0.72 Excel::Writer::XLSX, according to the page given by psxls (quote: "This module cannot, as yet, be used to write to an existing Excel XLSX file.").
A solution is to use Win32:OLE, it's well explained in this tutorial: It tested it on my side, I was able to modify a pre-existing xlsm file.
I think Excel::Writer::XLSX should work for you. For getting started, you can check the related author's blog post and a related Perl script example.

What is JedaiLib-0.2.swc?

I found that Eclipse IDE for red5 generates sample client SWF code which is using JedaiLib-0.2.swc as a library. All actual code is hidden inside this file.
Where did this file come from? Who wrote it? Is it possible to obtain it's sources or documentation? Where?
Also the source is here:
The documentation could be found at

iPhone HTML Parsing using TouchXML and tidy

I'm trying to parse HTML using TouchXML. However, it seems that the data I want to parse (I do not control the source, it's downloaded from the internet) is partially malformed - I get various errors during the parse. Therefore, it seems that I should be using the inbuilt tidy support to fix the HTML but I cannot seem to find any documentation or information on how to enable it or link libtidy successfully into my project.
If anyone has any information on how to do this, it'd be much appreciated. Alternatively if there's another tool I could be using to do this - do tell me!
Actually, you can both link to the framework and include the headers, without needing to download the source.
Link to the existing framework libtidy.dylib
Add /usr/include/tidy to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
Turns out that although the framework can be linked in to an xcode project, the headers are missing. I have got around this by downloading the HTML Tidy Source (src and include directory) and added them in to compile as part of my xcode project.