What is JedaiLib-0.2.swc? - eclipse

I found that Eclipse IDE for red5 generates sample client SWF code which is using JedaiLib-0.2.swc as a library. All actual code is hidden inside this file.
Where did this file come from? Who wrote it? Is it possible to obtain it's sources or documentation? Where?
Also the source is here: http://code.google.com/p/jedai/

The documentation could be found at


is there a way to convert a scratch 3.0 file into a .swf file?

I tried scratch 2.0 but I use Sinhala language because l am Sri Lankan. So I can't use Sinhala in scratch 2.0 So I can't convert using scratch 2.0
Is there any other way we can convert an Sb3 file to a Swf file?
I hope I understood correctly. You want to convert a Scratch project to SWF. Scratch 2.0 is not an option due to lack of language support; you feel obliged to create the project in Scratch 3.0.
I guess it should be possible to convert SB3 to SWF in two steps: first convert SB3 to SB2, then convert SB2 to SWF.
This wiki article explains both steps:
SB3 to SB2
Scratch user -Rex- made a .sb3 to .sb2 converter here.
Run sb3tosb2.py (requires Python) to run the converter.
After the .sb2 is saved, the guides below can be followed (.mp3 files will not be converted to .wav to be used in the .sb2).
Note: it wasn't clear to me what 'guides' the last sentence refers to.
SB2 to SWF
You can download an SB2 to SWF converter or use an online converter at this site.
Note: the link above now redirects to: https://asentientbot.github.io/converter/
I've been struggling with this as well but only because when I go to the converter on asentienbot.github.io it tells me this "Quite a few years ago, I wrote a tool to port Scratch projects to SWF files and standalone applications. It is now obsolete and unsupported." And doesn't let me press any buttons just tells me I can download the source code. Does this happen to you?
As #Ruud Helderman said, you can convert SB3 to SB2 using this converter made by -Rex-.
For the SB2 to SWF part, you can use the Wayback Machine to access older versions of the website.
Here, I linked the latest available version of the page.
EDIT: You have to download the converter since the online version redirects you to: https://asentientbot.github.io/converter/

How to write to an existing .xlsm file through Perl

Could someone please clarify if there is any Perl package to edit a pre-existing .xlsm file?
I tried few examples posted in CPAN page and this site which use the combination of WriteExcel and ParseExcel::SaveParser. They are not working for .xlsm file.
Any help would be appreciated.
It's not possible to open an existing xlsm file using Excel::Writer::XLSX, as of version 0.72 Excel::Writer::XLSX, according to the page given by psxls (quote: "This module cannot, as yet, be used to write to an existing Excel XLSX file.").
A solution is to use Win32:OLE, it's well explained in this tutorial: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=153486. It tested it on my side, I was able to modify a pre-existing xlsm file.
I think Excel::Writer::XLSX should work for you. For getting started, you can check the related author's blog post and a related Perl script example.

How to get SelBlocks Selenium IDE extension to find XML file?

Hopefully, Chris Noe, is in the house...
Selblocks is an extension for Selenium IDE that provides control-flow constructs such as if/then/else, looping and subroutines.
I'm trying to give interation over an XML file a whirl and am running into an error. It seems it can't find the XML file. The XML file is co-located with my Sel scripts. Please see the screenshot attached.
Is there a source for more documentation or examples? Like the sample test suite you have a picture of on the extension page?
I ran into the same issue, and the problem turned out to be that my XML was invalid. In my case it was because one of the parameters I was using was a url containing ampersands. Changing & to & fixed the problem for me, and the variables loaded perfectly.

iPhone HTML Parsing using TouchXML and tidy

I'm trying to parse HTML using TouchXML. However, it seems that the data I want to parse (I do not control the source, it's downloaded from the internet) is partially malformed - I get various errors during the parse. Therefore, it seems that I should be using the inbuilt tidy support to fix the HTML but I cannot seem to find any documentation or information on how to enable it or link libtidy successfully into my project.
If anyone has any information on how to do this, it'd be much appreciated. Alternatively if there's another tool I could be using to do this - do tell me!
Actually, you can both link to the framework and include the headers, without needing to download the source.
Link to the existing framework libtidy.dylib
Add /usr/include/tidy to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
Turns out that although the framework can be linked in to an xcode project, the headers are missing. I have got around this by downloading the HTML Tidy Source (src and include directory) and added them in to compile as part of my xcode project.

not able to find nunit.framework while using icsharplibrary

I am trying to code for unzipping a file after uploading it on the sever and using following library to achieve this:
But i am not able to add reference nunit.framework in my application. Where can i find this framework? I am not able to find it in the sample project that they have provided.
You should be able to find what you are looking for at
NUnit Downloads