Open video from a URL on webView Iphone - iphone

In my Iphone app I open a URL on a webview.This URL contains videos. When I open a video it is not played fullscreen and if I rotate the screen it is not rotating. How can I manage this video ? I don't have any player. Can anyone help me ?
Please help...

these two links can help you ... especially the first one..

You do not technically need a "media player", just load a supported media URL into a UIWebView and it should play automatically. I would not recommend making this a habit, but its a quick solution.

i think your webpage contains <video> tag in it. That's why its not getting full screen.
try to play the video with video
You will surely get the full screen video


Youtube video view in swift

Is there a way to present youtube videos in app other than using webView, I've tried YoutubePlayer_in_WKWebView and hasn't been working. webView works but I just want the video to be displayed, not the whole page.
You would have to obtain the actual video file if you want just the video to display without the rest of the YouTube page. While officially it's unethical to rip videos from YT, unofficially it's not that hard.

Adding a YouTube video to my application

I am trying to embed a YouTube video in my application, and I am going through this tutorial as a start. I get the red screen when I run it on the stimulator, so I presume everything went well.
Now when the user taps on the screen while the video is playing I need a toolbar to appear, with a slider showing the length of the video (and the user could slide to his/her desired time on the video).
I need to know if this feature comes by default when you embed the YoutTube video, or do i have to code it? If i have to code it how should i do it? Any sample codes or tutorial?
The only way to show a YouTube video in an iOS app is by having it inside a UIWebView (that is what the tutorial walks you through). Once the user taps the "play" button, the video should go full screen and automatically present the standard video controls that you see when you play videos on iOS.
Youtube provides the HTML code for embedding videos in web pages. This HTML code will also produce a video when embedded in a UIWebView. While the video is playing, all of the standard Youtube video controls (Play, Pause, Time Slider) should also show up in the UIWebView.

Playing videos without launching Media Player? iOS

How would I play videos on my app without launching the player.
So by just pressing a button, the video would play.
Sorry if not explained very well..
Like MadPad
Or is this just an array of images, like a animation?
HTML5 Video Player rendered in a UIWebView could achieve this effect.

video page in iphone

I need this:
will a link to the video file will get me to there when clicked or I need to link to a page and put some code on it?
i tried to link to
and this was the result:
what am I missing??
Yes. You can simply link to an MP4 video, and iOS will automatically play it in its QuickTime Player.
No need for any specific HTML page.
Note: Ascertain that your video is encoded properly

iPhone SDK - Play Audio/Video through UIWebView

I want to know if I could play a mp3 file or mp4 (video) file through an UIWebView by loading a simple url request. I have already tried sending the UIWebView to a video link (e.g. but it will flash a quick QuickTime logo and show a black screen. However in MobileSafari it streams fine. Is there anyway to play a media file through an UIWebView??!
Use the HTML5 <audio> tag.