Youtube video view in swift - swift

Is there a way to present youtube videos in app other than using webView, I've tried YoutubePlayer_in_WKWebView and hasn't been working. webView works but I just want the video to be displayed, not the whole page.

You would have to obtain the actual video file if you want just the video to display without the rest of the YouTube page. While officially it's unethical to rip videos from YT, unofficially it's not that hard.


Facebook video cannot be embedded

I have a problem embeding cerain videos in my website. Video I uploaded few mounths ago, and was embeded perfectly now shows a dark blue screen with the message "this video cannot be embedded". I checked with other videos I found, they all seams to work with my code. I tried "editing" the video on facebook, and there is a check box "Prohibit embedding", which is not selected. Baside that, I couldn't find anything related.
Why can't I embed my video?

iPhone trying to get youtube to automatckly start video

I have a web page with the following code
if I play it through the computer the video automatically starts, but it will not on the iphone?
can you have a webpage that will automacly start playing the youtube video when it is open???
maybe you can try this in your UIWebView put webView.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=FALSE; more here - YouTube Autoplay Possibilities In IOS

Adding a YouTube video to my application

I am trying to embed a YouTube video in my application, and I am going through this tutorial as a start. I get the red screen when I run it on the stimulator, so I presume everything went well.
Now when the user taps on the screen while the video is playing I need a toolbar to appear, with a slider showing the length of the video (and the user could slide to his/her desired time on the video).
I need to know if this feature comes by default when you embed the YoutTube video, or do i have to code it? If i have to code it how should i do it? Any sample codes or tutorial?
The only way to show a YouTube video in an iOS app is by having it inside a UIWebView (that is what the tutorial walks you through). Once the user taps the "play" button, the video should go full screen and automatically present the standard video controls that you see when you play videos on iOS.
Youtube provides the HTML code for embedding videos in web pages. This HTML code will also produce a video when embedded in a UIWebView. While the video is playing, all of the standard Youtube video controls (Play, Pause, Time Slider) should also show up in the UIWebView.

video page in iphone

I need this:
will a link to the video file will get me to there when clicked or I need to link to a page and put some code on it?
i tried to link to
and this was the result:
what am I missing??
Yes. You can simply link to an MP4 video, and iOS will automatically play it in its QuickTime Player.
No need for any specific HTML page.
Note: Ascertain that your video is encoded properly

Youtube iPhone issue

I want to play a youtube video on a website trough a hyperlink (a website for iOS devices such as iPhone/iPod/iPad). This works almost perfect except I have one big issue:
• When the video is done, I do not get the "done" button in the top left of the youtube video you would expect to bring you back to the website from where you clicked the youtube hyperlink.
Instead, it seems the youtube iphone app is opened and "done" reads "back". Pressing back brings the user to the youtube app main page, to return to the website he has to double tap the home button to go to safari and select the website.
The result I am looking for is the same that happends when you click on an embedded youtube movie, instead of in my case: a hyperlinked youtube movie (this will play in fullscreen and displays a done button which brings you back to the webpage that movie was embedded on).
Is it possible to do this?
I'm not a iOS developer, but I have an iPhone and watch quite a few videos on it.
As far as I can tell, iOS opens the YouTube app whenever you click on a YouTube link ... and stays in it after you've finished playing. That's what you mean by "there's now done button".
Doing a little research, I found this post. To embed yt videos in your site, use an iframe, like so:
<iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="385"
src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
where VIDEO-ID is the string you find at the end of yt links (e.g. C8Wu3Bps9ic in
Hope that helps!