NSFileManager watch directory - iphone

How would you monitor a directory with NSFileManager?
I would like to able to detect when a file is deleted/added in my documents directory while my app is running.

Here's my own version of DirectoryWatcher written in Swift using GCD instead of Mach and using a closure instead of a delegate
import Foundation
#objc public class DirectoryWatcher : NSObject {
override public init() {
deinit {
public typealias Callback = (_ directoryWatcher: DirectoryWatcher) -> Void
#objc public convenience init(withPath path: String, callback: #escaping Callback) {
if !watch(path: path, callback: callback) {
private var dirFD : Int32 = -1 {
didSet {
if oldValue != -1 {
private var dispatchSource : DispatchSourceFileSystemObject?
#objc public func watch(path: String, callback: #escaping Callback) -> Bool {
// Open the directory
dirFD = open(path, O_EVTONLY)
if dirFD < 0 {
return false
// Create and configure a DispatchSource to monitor it
let dispatchSource = DispatchSource.makeFileSystemObjectSource(fileDescriptor: dirFD, eventMask: .write, queue: DispatchQueue.main)
dispatchSource.setEventHandler {[unowned self] in
dispatchSource.setCancelHandler {[unowned self] in
self.dirFD = -1
self.dispatchSource = dispatchSource
// Start monitoring
// Success
return true
#objc public func stop() {
// Leave if not monitoring
guard let dispatchSource = dispatchSource else {
// Don't listen to more events
dispatchSource.setEventHandler(handler: nil)
// Cancel the source (this will also close the directory)
self.dispatchSource = nil
Use it like Apple's DirectoryWatcher example, something like this:
let directoryWatcher = DirectoryWatcher(withPath: "/path/to/the/folder/you/want/to/monitor/", callback: {
print("the folder changed")
Destroying the object will stop watching, or you can stop it explicitly
It should be compatible with Objective C they way it's written (untested). Using it would be like this:
DirectoryWatcher *directoryWatcher = [DirectoryWatcher.alloc initWithPath: #"/path/to/the/folder/you/want/to/monitor/" callback: ^(DirectoryWatcher *directoryWatcher) {
NSLog(#"the folder changed")
Stopping it is similar
[directoryWatcher stop];

Look Kernel Queues: An Alternative to File System Events in Apple documentation.
There is an example for iOS in AVPlayerDemo (look DirectoryWatcher class).
Also, check Directory Monitor blog post.


How to catch a fatalError caused by during a UITest?

The UITest in question launches the app, taps a cell which pushes the Screen to be tested and then fails with a fatalError() when i make a change that i expect will call a fatalError().
How can i catch the fatalError on the UITest and use it to report that the UITest has failed?
Here is the UITest:
class ConcreteFoodScreenUITests: XCTestCase
let app = XCUIApplication()
override func setUpWithError() throws {
continueAfterFailure = false
func testPathToConcreteFoodScreen() throws {
//Tap Concrete Cell in FoodDashboard to go to the ConcreteFoodScreen
app.scrollViews.otherElements.tables.staticTexts["100 g, 100cal, P: 90g, F: 80g, C: 70g"].tap()
app.tables.cells.containing(.staticText, identifier:"Scale").children(matching: .textField).element.tap()
app.keys["5"].tap() //FIXME: Crashes with a Fatal Error
Here is the code that is being triggered that i want to know about:
class ScaleCellTextField: SWDecimalTextField {
//there is more code here but not relevant
func updateFoodEntry() {
// if let scale = Double(self.text!) {
// concreteFood.scale = scale
// }
You can see that i commented out some code here to get it working.
I'm afraid you can't. FatalError() ends your app's process, so I'm not sure you can catch this kind of event.
You can use our dear good old Darwin Notifications... In order to add create a communication channel between your apps : the tested app and the tester app.
You'll need to add a file to both your targets:
typealias NotificationHandler = () -> Void
enum DarwinNotification : String {
case fatalError
class DarwinNotificationCenter {
let center: CFNotificationCenter
let prefix: String
var handlers = [String:NotificationHandler]()
init(prefix: String = "com.stackoverflow.answer.") {
center = CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter()
self.prefix = prefix
var unsafeSelf: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
deinit {
CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(center, unsafeSelf, nil, nil)
func notificationName(for identifier: String) -> CFNotificationName {
let name = prefix + identifier
return CFNotificationName(name as CFString)
func identifierFrom(name: String) -> String {
if let index = name.range(of: prefix)?.upperBound {
return String(name[index...])
else {
return name
func handleNotification(name: String) {
let identifier = identifierFrom(name: name)
if let handler = handlers[identifier] {
func postNotification(for identifier: String) {
let name = notificationName(for: identifier)
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(center, name, nil, nil, true)
func registerHandler(for identifier: String, handler: #escaping NotificationHandler) {
handlers[identifier] = handler
let name = notificationName(for: identifier)
{ (_, observer, name, _, _) in
if let observer = observer, let name = name {
let mySelf = Unmanaged<DarwinNotificationCenter>.fromOpaque(observer).takeUnretainedValue()
mySelf.handleNotification(name: name.rawValue as String)
func unregisterHandler(for identifier: String) {
handlers[identifier] = nil
CFNotificationCenterRemoveObserver(center, unsafeSelf, notificationName(for: identifier), nil)
extension DarwinNotificationCenter {
func postNotification(for identifier: DarwinNotification) {
postNotification(for: identifier.rawValue)
func registerHandler(for identifier: DarwinNotification, handler: #escaping NotificationHandler) {
registerHandler(for: identifier.rawValue, handler: handler)
func unregisterHandler(for identifier: DarwinNotification) {
unregisterHandler(for: identifier.rawValue)
Then, simply, in your tested application:
#IBAction func onTap(_ sender: Any) {
// ... Do what you need to do, and instead of calling fatalError()
DarwinNotificationCenter().postNotification(for: .fatalError)
To catch it in your test, just do the following:
// This is the variable you'll update when notified
var fatalErrorOccurred = false
// We need a dispatch group to wait for the notification to be caught
let waitingFatalGroup = DispatchGroup()
let darwinCenter = DarwinNotificationCenter()
// Register the notification
darwinCenter.registerHandler(for: .fatalError) {
// Update the local variable
fatalErrorOccurred = true
// Let the dispatch group you're done
// Don't forget to unregister
defer {
darwinCenter.unregisterHandler(for: .fatalError)
// Perform you tests, here just a tap
// Wait for the group the be left or to time out in 3 seconds
let _ = waitingFatalGroup.wait(timeout: .now() + 3)
// Check on the variable to know whether the notification has been received
And that's it...
Disclaimer: You should not use testing code within your production code, so the use of DarwinNotification should not appear in production. Usually I use compilation directive to only have it in my code in debug or tests, not in release mode.

Is there a battery level did change notification equivalent for kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey on macOS?

I am building a Swift app that monitors the battery percentage, as well as the charging state, of a Mac laptop's battery. On iOS, there is a batteryLevelDidChange notification that is sent when the device's battery percentage changes, as well as a batteryStateDidChange notification that is sent when the device is plugged in, unplugged, and fully charged.
What is the macOS equivalent of those two notifications in Swift, or more specifically, for kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey and kIOPSIsChargingKey? I read through the notification documentation and didn't see any notifications for either. Here is the code I have for fetching the current battery charge level and charging status:
import Cocoa
import IOKit.ps
class MainViewController: NSViewController {
enum BatteryError: Error { case error }
func getMacBatteryPercent() {
do {
guard let snapshot = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()?.takeRetainedValue()
else { throw BatteryError.error }
guard let sources: NSArray = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesList(snapshot)?.takeRetainedValue()
else { throw BatteryError.error }
for powerSource in sources {
guard let info: NSDictionary = IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription(snapshot, ps as CFTypeRef)?.takeUnretainedValue()
else { throw BatteryError.error }
if let name = info[kIOPSNameKey] as? String,
let state = info[kIOPSIsChargingKey] as? Bool,
let capacity = info[kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey] as? Int,
let max = info[kIOPSMaxCapacityKey] as? Int {
print("\(name): \(capacity) of \(max), \(state)")
} catch {
print("Unable to get mac battery percent.")
override func viewDidLoad() {
(I'm replying to this almost 3-year-old question as it is the third result that comes up on the Google search "swift iokit notification".)
The functions you're looking for are IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource and IOPSCreateLimitedPowerNotification.
Simplest usage of IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource:
import IOKit
let loop = IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource({ _ in
// Perform usual battery status fetching
}, nil).takeRetainedValue() as CFRunLoopSource
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), loop, .defaultMode)
Note that the second parameter context is passed as the only parameter in the callback function, which can be used to pass the instance as a pointer to the closure since C functions do not capture context. (See the link below for actual implementation.)
Here is my code that converts the C-style API into a more Swift-friendly one using the observer pattern: (don't know how much performance benefit it will has for removing run loops)
import Cocoa
import IOKit
// Swift doesn't support nested protocol(?!)
protocol BatteryInfoObserverProtocol: AnyObject {
func batteryInfo(didChange info: BatteryInfo)
class BatteryInfo {
typealias ObserverProtocol = BatteryInfoObserverProtocol
struct Observation {
weak var observer: ObserverProtocol?
static let shared = BatteryInfo()
private init() {}
private var notificationSource: CFRunLoopSource?
var observers = [ObjectIdentifier: Observation]()
private func startNotificationSource() {
if notificationSource != nil {
notificationSource = IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource({ _ in
BatteryInfo.shared.observers.forEach { (_, value) in
value.observer?.batteryInfo(didChange: BatteryInfo.shared)
}, nil).takeRetainedValue() as CFRunLoopSource
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), notificationSource, .defaultMode)
private func stopNotificationSource() {
guard let loop = notificationSource else { return }
CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), loop, .defaultMode)
func addObserver(_ observer: ObserverProtocol) {
if observers.count == 0 {
observers[ObjectIdentifier(observer)] = Observation(observer: observer)
func removeObserver(_ observer: ObserverProtocol) {
observers.removeValue(forKey: ObjectIdentifier(observer))
if observers.count == 0 {
// Functions for retrieving different properties in the battery description...
class MyBatteryObserver: BatteryInfo.ObserverProtocol {
init() {
deinit {
func batteryInfo(didChange info: BatteryInfo) {
Credits to this post and Koen.'s answer.
I'd Use this link to get the percentage (looks cleaner)
Fetch the battery status of my MacBook with Swift
And to find changes in the state, use a timer to re-declare your battery state every 5 seconds and then set it as a new variable var OldBattery:Int re-declare it once again and set it as NewBattery, then, write this code:
if (OldBattery =! NewBattery) {
print("battery changed!")
// write the function you want to happen here

Working with Swift completion handlers for chained functions

I am chaining some functions together and I can't figure out how to call a completion handler with a return value once all the functions are done running.
class AirQualityProvider {
var aBlock: ((Int?) -> Void)?
func getAirQuality(completion: #escaping (Int?) -> Void) {
aBlock = completion
private func callAPI() {
let data = Data()
parseDataForAQI(data: data)
private func parseDataForAQI(data: Data) {
for d in data {
private func dosomeMath(data: Int) {
THEN ONLY RETURN ONE VALUE using a completion handler.
Currently, it returns the average as it is being generated.
Almost got it working with help to Alexander. The code Alexander supplied works perfectly, it is amazing. The issue is, when I run taskrunner inside alamofire it returns empty. Outside alamofire it works as usual. I need to run this inside alamofire.
func A(json : JSON){
for (key,subJson) in json{
if subJson["free"].doubleValue > 0.0 {
func B(asset: subJson["asset"].stringValue, json: subJson)
func B(asset : String, json : JSON){
return 100
Alamofire.request(url).responseJSON { response in
return 100
I would use a dispatch queue to synchronize the aggregation of results (by synchronizing Array.append(_:) calls, and the subsequent reading of the array). Here's a simple example:
import Dispatch
import Foundation
class ParallelTaskRunner<Result> {
private var results = [Result]()
private let group = DispatchGroup()
private let resultAggregatorQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Result Aggregator")
func execute(_ closure: (#escaping (Result) -> Void) -> Void) {
group.enter() // Register that a new task is in-flight
closure { result in
self.resultAggregatorQueue.sync { // Synchronize access to the array
self.results.append(result) // Record the result
self.group.leave() // This task is done
func getResults() -> [Result] {
group.wait() // Make sure all in-flight tasks are done
return resultAggregatorQueue.sync { return results }
let taskQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Task Queue", attributes: .concurrent)
let taskRunner = ParallelTaskRunner<Int>()
for i in 0...100 {
taskRunner.execute { completionHandler in
taskQueue.async { // Simulated async computation
let randomTime = 3.0
print("Sleeping for \(randomTime)")
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: randomTime) // Simulates intesnive computation
let result = i // Simulate a result
print(taskRunner.getResults()) // Oh look, all the results are here! :D

Swift: Create Class with NSTimer

I want to create a DirectoryWatcher class that detects whether a directory has changed its first level content and then calls a delegate. This will also run in another thread.
Here is my code:
protocol DirectoryWatcherDelegate {
func directoryDidChange(path: String)
class DirectoryWatcher {
private(set) var path = ""
private let timer: NSTimer
private let fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
private var previousContent: [String]
let delegate: DirectoryWatcherDelegate?
init(initPath: String) {
path = initPath
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(10, target: self, selector: Selector("checkDir"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func start() {
previousContent = getContentAtPath()
func stop() {
private func checkDir() {
if previousContent != getContentAtPath() {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
if let delegate = self.delegate {
} else {
print("No delegate has been assigned")
private func getContentAtPath() -> [String] {
var content: [String]
do {
content = try fm.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(path)
} catch {
content = []
return content
My Problem ist in the init methode, where I initialize the NSTimer. Because this is the init methode I am not able to use self, bacause it is uninitialized.
How to fix this?
BTW: The error messages I am getting are:
The variable self.timer used before initialized
Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties

Are there anything similar to Java's "Future" in Swift?

Java has Future or FutureTask that can run a task in a new thread. Then, return the execution result to the original thread. Are there any feature in Swift can achieve that?
You're looking into some kind of language construction called Futures and promises. You can find some examples, like:
https://bitbucket.org/al45tair/async (C#-like async/await primitives in Swift)
https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit (Promise kit http://promisekit.org/)
mentioned earlier https://github.com/Thomvis/BrightFutures
However the language itself misses such feature.
Not provided by the language (meaning the standard library), but you can surely roll your own or simply use a library such as https://github.com/Thomvis/BrightFutures
If Apple did implement Futures or Promises in Swift, would they say so? After all, they always avoid talking about Future products. ;)
Anyway, the original question seems to be generally about ways to do asynchronous work, not necessarily about specifically doing that with a Futures/Promises style model. So, while the third party libraries mentioned in other answers are great for that model, you can also do asynchronous work without that model using the same iOS & OS X built-in APIs that you can from ObjC: dispatch or NSOperation. For example:
NSOperationQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
// do background work
NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
// back to main thread for follow up work
There is also now FutureKit
Similar to BrightFuture, but does composition more like BFTask
And I should mention Bolts BFTask, which while written in Objective-C is also a good candidate. (And is now used inside of Facebook iOS SDK)
I end up with the following solution (iOS SDK only, Swift 3) based on Operation and OperationQueue classes:
In short: Wrapping code into synchronous or asynchronous operation. Chaining operations using utility class. Adding operations into serial queue.
In case of error there is no need to cancel current operation, just skip actual code. Additionally asynchronous execution blocks must call finalize callback to inform operation queue about completion. Optionally DispatchQueue can be provided as parameter. Block of code will be asynchronously executed on that queue.
fileprivate func publishProductOnWebsite(listing: Listing) {
var resultSKU: String?
var resultError: Swift.Error?
let chain = OperationsChain{ isExecuting, finalize in
let task = ServerAPI.create(publishInfo: listing.publishInfo) { sku, error in
guard isExecuting() else {
return // We are canceled. Nothing to do.
if let error = error {
resultError = error
} else if let sku = sku {
resultSKU = sku // Arbitrary thread. But OK as this example for serial operation queue.
finalize() // This will finish asynchronous operation
chain.thenAsync(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue.main) { _, finalize in
if let sku = resultSKU {
listing.sku = sku
DBStack.mainContext.saveIfHasChanges(savingParent: true) { error in
resultError = error
} else {
chain.thenSync(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue.main) { [weak self] in
if let error = resultError {
self?.handleError(error) // Executed on Main thread.
} else {
operationQueue.addOperations(chain.operations, waitUntilFinished: false)
OperationsChain class: Wraps block of code into Operation and saves operation into operations array maintaining dependencies.
public class OperationsChain {
public private(set) var operations = [Operation]()
public init(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
executionBlock: #escaping AsynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) {
let op = AsynchronousBlockOperation(blockExecutionQueue: blockExecutionQueue, executionBlock: executionBlock)
public init(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
executionBlock: #escaping SynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) {
let op = SynchronousBlockOperation(blockExecutionQueue: blockExecutionQueue, executionBlock: executionBlock)
public func thenAsync(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
executionBlock: #escaping AsynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) -> AsynchronousBlockOperation {
let op = AsynchronousBlockOperation(blockExecutionQueue: blockExecutionQueue, executionBlock: executionBlock)
if let lastOperation = operations.last {
} else {
return op
public func thenSync(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
executionBlock: #escaping SynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) -> SynchronousBlockOperation {
let op = SynchronousBlockOperation(blockExecutionQueue: blockExecutionQueue, executionBlock: executionBlock)
if let lastOperation = operations.last {
} else {
return op
SynchronousBlockOperation and AsynchronousBlockOperation classes.
public final class SynchronousBlockOperation: Operation {
public typealias WorkItemBlock = (Void) -> Void
fileprivate var executionBlock: WorkItemBlock?
fileprivate var blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue?
public init(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil, executionBlock: #escaping SynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) {
self.blockExecutionQueue = blockExecutionQueue
self.executionBlock = executionBlock
public override func main() {
if let queue = blockExecutionQueue {
queue.async { [weak self] in
} else {
open class AsynchronousBlockOperation: AsynchronousOperation {
public typealias FinaliseBlock = (Void) -> Void
public typealias StatusBlock = (Void) -> Bool
public typealias WorkItemBlock = (#escaping StatusBlock, #escaping FinaliseBlock) -> Void
fileprivate var executionBlock: WorkItemBlock?
fileprivate var blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue?
public init(blockExecutionQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil, executionBlock: #escaping AsynchronousBlockOperation.WorkItemBlock) {
self.blockExecutionQueue = blockExecutionQueue
self.executionBlock = executionBlock
open override func onStart() {
if let queue = blockExecutionQueue {
queue.async { [weak self] in
self?.executionBlock?({ return self?.isExecuting ?? false }) {
} else {
executionBlock?({ [weak self] in return self?.isExecuting ?? false }) { [weak self] in
AsynchronousOperation class: Reusable subclass of Operation.
open class AsynchronousOperation: Operation {
fileprivate var lockOfProperties = NonRecursiveLock.makeDefaultLock()
fileprivate var lockOfHandlers = NonRecursiveLock.makeDefaultLock()
fileprivate var mFinished = false
fileprivate var mExecuting = false
extension AsynchronousOperation {
public final override var isAsynchronous: Bool {
return true
public final override var isExecuting: Bool {
return lockOfProperties.synchronized { mExecuting }
public final override var isFinished: Bool {
return lockOfProperties.synchronized { mFinished }
extension AsynchronousOperation {
public final override func start() {
if isCancelled || isFinished || isExecuting {
willChangeValue(forKey: "isExecuting")
lockOfProperties.synchronized { mExecuting = true }
didChangeValue(forKey: "isExecuting")
public final override func cancel() {
if isExecuting {
} else {
lockOfProperties.synchronized {
mExecuting = false
mFinished = true
public final func finish() {
willChangeValue(forKey: "isExecuting")
willChangeValue(forKey: "isFinished")
lockOfProperties.synchronized {
mExecuting = false
mFinished = true
didChangeValue(forKey: "isExecuting")
didChangeValue(forKey: "isFinished")
extension AsynchronousOperation {
/// Subclasses must launch job here.
/// **Note** called between willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey calls, but after property mExecuting is set.
open func onStart() {
/// Subclasses must cancel job here.
/// **Note** called immediately after calling super.cancel().
open func onCancel() {
/// Subclasses must release job here.
/// **Note** called between willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey calls,
/// but after properties mExecuting and mFinished are set.
open func onFinish() {
[Java Future and Promise]
Swift's Combine framework uses these constructions