friend-selector : get user ID of the selected friend - facebook

I need to create a graphical interface that displays the current user's friends and when you click one of these users need to receive in return the ID of the user so they can perform some processing based on business rule of my application. I wonder if there is any component that offers this functionality (click on a friend and get the id of my friend).
When I say "component" I mean the UI's such as friend-selector:

There are NO official plugin to do this. You need to:
Build your own (won't be hard at all)
Try googling for existing ones


How to send message to specific facebook user from website?

My goal is to make a website, in which user could customize a photo and then provide his friends indicators like name or id. My next task is to fetch that info from database and send messages on specific date to provided users. Ex birthday wishes, greetings, and so on.
I studied facebook send api for a few days now and couldn't find solution for myself. If I want to send message, I need to have Page-scoped id of user, which is acquired when the person text you first, which is not desired, because person wouldn't know what it is.
Also I was looking into Customer matching API, also seems to require the same PSID. The next thing I checked was Send Dialog API, which seems to send messages instantly, but not on the specific date. Also I checked unofficial facebook-chat-api, which asks for user ID, whereas I can find my id, I couldn't find ids of my friends.
So I just want to know is it even possible, if yes, I'd really appreciate your help.
User to User communication is not possible (and not allowed) in an automatic way, there is no API for it except for the Send Dialog. The Messenger platform is for page to user communication only.
Do not use inofficial tools, they are not allowed and might get you banned.

Swift - Parse - Friend list - Possibility to create groups of friends

Could someone give me a link (github/gitlab) of a swift projet which show the possibility of managing Users on Parse.
For example , I would like for a user (who have 15 friends):
to create a group with 5 friends for example (the user could add a name for this group)
to delete if necessary the group
to send a message(textfield) to a group
to send a message (textfield) to a user
For the UI, I would like if it exists, to manager user like the Springboard (having the picture of user in round), and when you longpress on it, you have a cross to delete /and 'block sign' to block user.
And the user could drag/drop other user on his friend list to create a group (like on the Springboard when you create a group of app)
Thanks for helping me !
Have a nice day!
I've not come across such framework for parse/swift. I think you need to build it yourself.
This might help you in the direction:
Friend/de-friend people: &
Parse Swift: User relations with a "friends request"
Send messages framework:
What you're asking for is pretty general and extensive. You could use Roles and Relations to manage friend groups. You could have Group objects, give them an owner, and a relation for all the members of the group.
For chat, I'd recommend not trying to just build that directly into Parse. Twilio recently released their Programmable Chat feature, which is awesome. Sounds like it'd be beneficial for you to use that.

How do I view the invoices for a specific account through a URL in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

I'm trying to add an iframe into the form for viewing accounts that will display all the invoices that are connected to that account. I've read this MSDN page about accessing specific forms through a URL, which I can achieve, but copying the URL generated into an iframe I have created on my form produces an error message.
I'd like to know whether what I'm trying to accomplish is possible and if so, how I should format the URL so that only the invoices connected to the user account being opened will be displayed. I'll add more details later if I can.
I think what you actually want to do is add a sub-grid. This is different from an iFrame, an iFrame generally contains web resources, or links to pages on the web. A sub-grid specifically exists to show related records - e.g. to show the left hand relationships links on the body of the form.
I think this article should show you what to do.
Edit - based on Jacks comment:
So Crm can't handle this situation quite so easily with out of the box features. But you do have a couple of options. I dont think any of these are perfect solutions, so I'll let you choose.
A sub-grid effectively just runs some FetchXml, you can change this FetchXml with JavaScript, so you could alter the view to return the records not directly related. Green Bible has an example, though this doesnt look like its supported.
Use a report in an iFrame.
Use a plugin, I havnt done this myself, but a colleague told me it was possible to stick a plugin on the retrieve message and basically change the query or results which is used by the view.
Create a second relationship between the invoice and the account. Then whenever you link an invoice to an account, also populate this new relationship (a workflow will do) with the account, and whenever an invoice linked to a contact is created, populate the new relationship with the parent account of the contact (again a workflow will do). Then just base your sub-grid on this new relationship. This approach isnt the cleanest but its probably the quickest and easiest to implement.

Dynamics CRM 2011 custom code

I'm struggling to find much documentation on Dynamics CRM 2011 and have a problem. I'm not looking for code more a pointer as to the correct method of approach (workflow, dialog, custom HTML web resource etc)
I basically want something that does the following:
Go to Contact list
Select some contacts
Ribbon action opens a box that allows me
to select a custom role from a drop down list (source is a dynamics
Select a radio box for either add or remove role
Save the changes, this will add or remove a role from the contact and also send an email to that contact
I know how to get a list of selected recordIDs but I am not sure if I should be calling a dialog or a custom HTML page with JS.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This may not work at all for your scenario but it is worth thinking out of the box sometimes. This would only work if you have a small number of roles and the roles don't change that often.
Add checkboxes on the Contact, one for each role. Build workflows that fire on update of those checkboxes that send your emails. Now users can quickly edit lots of Contact Roles by using the Multi-Edit feature.
The benefit of this approach is it is a "no code" solution and it is very easy for the User since it uses out-of-the-box functionality. The downside is that you need to maintain those checkboxes. But it may be easier than writing a bunch of web resources and javascript!
I have assembled a list of bookmarks on the subject here. I hope the link works.
Gareth Tucker's site is specially interesting.
In the end the solution was to create a Ribbon item that accepted the selected Guids from the contact list.
Then read those in from a web resource (Silverlight) which called into the sdk and created / removed the records accordingly

iOS identify user(s)

I am building app that will serve some content to the users via my private server. At the server-side I would like to identify user, so that I don't serve same content twice to the same user. How can I identify user(s)?
One way is DeviceID, but user can have multiple devices...?
Is the only way to have my own user IDs for my application (registration). I don't like this as it adds extra complexity to the app.
I know it's a hard task, but maybe facial recognition (from the webcam) could help in logging in users, since it doesn't imply any relation between user and device.
For example, offers a free web-based API for facial recognition.
Although, Ishu's answer (username/password) is the easiest and most standard way to do identify users.
Make an id for user's and also a login page in the app. save his id with in you content table for send that content for that user. if that content entry already having his id then don't send to him otherwise send to him.
I don't think there is another option. You must use user id nothing else.