Swift - Parse - Friend list - Possibility to create groups of friends - swift

Could someone give me a link (github/gitlab) of a swift projet which show the possibility of managing Users on Parse.
For example , I would like for a user (who have 15 friends):
to create a group with 5 friends for example (the user could add a name for this group)
to delete if necessary the group
to send a message(textfield) to a group
to send a message (textfield) to a user
For the UI, I would like if it exists, to manager user like the Springboard (having the picture of user in round), and when you longpress on it, you have a cross to delete /and 'block sign' to block user.
And the user could drag/drop other user on his friend list to create a group (like on the Springboard when you create a group of app)
Thanks for helping me !
Have a nice day!

I've not come across such framework for parse/swift. I think you need to build it yourself.
This might help you in the direction:
Friend/de-friend people: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32557977/3314336 &
Parse Swift: User relations with a "friends request"
Send messages framework: https://github.com/slackhq/SlackTextViewController

What you're asking for is pretty general and extensive. You could use Roles and Relations to manage friend groups. You could have Group objects, give them an owner, and a relation for all the members of the group.
For chat, I'd recommend not trying to just build that directly into Parse. Twilio recently released their Programmable Chat feature, which is awesome. Sounds like it'd be beneficial for you to use that.


Ban a User in a particular firebase firestore group chat for predefined time

I am very new to coding. but i managed to build a group chat app using a low code platform called flutterflow. i managed to spend significant amount of time on it and was able to build a public group chat app except few functionalities. I am hoping to find help from here. for the following questions.
I have chat mods appointed on a group level. like if you create a group, you are a founder and you can assign mods to that perticular group chat. now i want these mods to be able to ban a user in that particular group chat.
I have tried created a subcollection in groups called "banned user" and created two feilds. one is "banned users" document reference to users. and another is "banned_till" to record a time stamp until the user gets banned.
Problem with this is when i ban a user twice, it creates two documents in the user reference with the same user. and two documents has different "banned_till" times. which one it is supposed to pick?
i tried to do this and put a conditional visibility to the chat that "if current time is less than or equal to banned_till time" it wont let user type in the textfield to chat. but this is giving me gray screen.
I am very new to this. any help would be appreciated.
there is specific way to do so. you have to set custom logic. like save all banned users in a firebase database object with thier max time and procced next.

Leave group chat, and get removed from member list

I am working on the chat application.
I want to implement the group user chat and I have successfully done that.
Now I want toad the functionality by which user can leave the group. I found leave the group but it seems like it's just making user unavailable but not removing user from the member list.
Is there any way by which user remove himself from the member list?
I have read the xep 0045 for it, in that there is a topic for existing the room which seems make user unavailable but not removing from member list.
If anyone has any idea how to do this please share it.
Leaving a room in XMPP (0045) is accomplished by sending an unavailable presence to that room (see XMPPRoom.leaveRoom() in the XMPPFramework) - that should remove them from the occupants of that room (we do this with our app regularly).
"Members list" - is a MUC feature for moderator use cases, it is not related to user. Just leave room as described in XEP, you no need to modify members list. In fact, you no need to add user in this list too, simple chat application should only tracks <presence> stanzas from and to room JID.

Facebook APIs using checkins as an entry to raffle

I've been exploring ways that it might be possible to promote the business of a friend of mine. One of these ways is by encouraging users to check in to his business, the incentive for this being that they go into the draw to win some kind of prize.
I've been trying to find if the code for this already exists but I might be looking in the wrong places. If it doesn't what would be the best way to do it using the graph APIs.
You can use Facebook app to check-in to your page/business.
All page check-ins can be fetched using following request by your code
If you want to get only specific time period check-ins use since and until params in query.
You have to parse the json response and store in an array and randomly select the winner.
you can contact the winner using their facebook id and send them a message.
You will have to write the code yourself, but it would essentially work like this:
Get the user to allow access to the "Raffle" application and get their email address and permissions to look at their check-ins. Email is required to contact the winner.
Use a scheduled script (cronjob) to periodically check if the user has checked-in anywhere (in particular, the business you want to promote).
Award a raffle ticket for each unique check-in within a 24 hour period.
Hold a draw between all the users who checked in on that day or week and award the prize to someone randomly.
Pretty simple flow, but complex code.

friend-selector : get user ID of the selected friend

I need to create a graphical interface that displays the current user's friends and when you click one of these users need to receive in return the ID of the user so they can perform some processing based on business rule of my application. I wonder if there is any component that offers this functionality (click on a friend and get the id of my friend).
When I say "component" I mean the UI's such as friend-selector: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/friend-selector/
There are NO official plugin to do this. You need to:
Build your own (won't be hard at all)
Try googling for existing ones

Creating a chat feature?

I need to include chat, in my application. People sign in the chat and create their user and chat to other users. However it needs to be like facebook chat or pingchat where you add friends you want to talk to.
Can anyone give me pointers to what i need to do? I've heard about xmpp servers but not sure if that is the right thing for my app. Any help would be much appreciated
Is your app going to create new users, and add them in the chat list, or going to use existing users (like Gtalk, Y! Messenger etc) on existing protocols (like IRC, XMPP etc)...?
If you are going to implement your own chat system, where your users are registering in your website, then you are going to do these things:
Setup your website
Create a protocol (that's, how you pass messages)
Write and implement an API (in PHP, ASP etc)
Connect that API with your iPhone app.
How it works?
You keep a table of chat messages. The table include:
All what you do is, when you start a Chat session from Alice to Bob, you just enter them in the table. Next, you fetch the row from the Web Server to your App, by calling your PHP file (say, http://mychatserver.com/getChat.php) based on the condition SELECT CHAT_MESSAGE FROM CHAT_TABLE WHERE CHAT_FROM="ALICE" AND CHAT_TO="BOB";. This message is displayed in your App.
This process should be performed repeatedly, with an interval of, say 1 sec.
I hope you got this idea.