Date picker format for Blackberry webworks? - blackberry-webworks

I am unable to change format in Blackberry web works application.
I used this code for date picker
<input type="date" name="from_date" id="from_date" />
Here it displays date like yyyy-mm-dd but I need dd-mm-yyyy.

Seeing that Blackberry supports the input type=date, seems that it is not possible to change the date format yet.
(Which was also stated on this SO Question)
I suggest you do one of these things instead :
Create a custom date picker using jQuery UI
If you want to have the Blackberry feel, create a java extension for the date picker.
Let the current input type date format on your app and just build the dd-mm-yyyy format on your javascript using the Date functions.


How to view "Old" timeline format

I was hoping to be able to load a timeline I saved (Embedded QTWebkit) using the Chrome web tools however on trying to load it I get the error "Old Timeline format is not supported." Does anybody know of a tool I can use to display the "Old" format or a way I can convert the data?
I'm not sure if there is a way to convert the old format into the new one, but you can try loading data on timeline

Get the similar timezone list as in iphone Settings app

I am able to get list of timezones using
NSArray *timezoneNames = [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames] ;
but the generated list of timezones does not cover all the major city names. Like for India it shows only Kolkata city. While I expected to display the timezone for New Delhi (capital) also.
So I want to generate the same timezones list as iOS generates in its Settings->General->Date Time-> Timezone because it shows almost all the major cities of the world. Can we fetch this list? Or do we need to create our own database(say .plist) for this? uses a plist file to display the timezone list. The name of file is: "all_cities_adj.plist".
To get to this file you need to traverse deep down into the SDK itself.
I have mentioned the traverse path below where you can find it.
1.Go to the folder where you have your Xcode.
2.Right-Click on it and then click Show Package Contents.
3.Then Contents --> Developer --> Platforms --> iPhoneSimulator.platform --> Developer --> SDKs --> iPhoneSimulator6.1.sdk --> System --> Library --> PrivateFrameworks --> AppSupport.framework
4.In this folder you can find the plist file.
Please let me know if it helped...
I've been running into this problem as well and there is no way to get the same timezones as in the settings app.
You will need to create you own list.
Firstly you need to download the .csv file which will provide you country/cities/timezone/region. Using this file we can display the list of countries and their cities. When user select any city we need to map it with the respected country and then this country needs to be map with device's timezones([NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames];).
This link also might be useful in this regard:
Get timezone by Country and Region

Excel rendered from SSRS loses currency symbold when viewed on iPhone in UK

Our reports format the currency dynamically. So in the result-set there is a column called CurrencyFormatString. This is applied to the appropriate fields via FORMAT(FieldName,CurrencyFormatString)
Everything seems to work fine until the report is rendered to Excel and the file is viewed on an iPhone. For our UK Customers they see $ instead £ for the currency symbol. Of course, it works just fine on an Andriod device.
If I take the correct formatting mask, and manually put it into an Excel cell. Save it and send to myself it works fine. There seems to be something going on with the Currency setting on the cell overriding the format.
This comes out in the Column CurrencyFormatString: £#,##0.00;(£#,##0.00)
Export to Excel, open and R-Click Properties you see: [$-10409]£#,##0.00;-£#,##0.00
when SSRS renders the Excel. I don't know what that first part in brackets is, Im guessing it has something to do with the Currency setting which is set to $.
Any ideas on getting the proper format to propagate to the iPhone? This is using SSRS 2008. I havent tried on newer versions of SSRS.
You can trick Excel by exporting an excel formula.
In the SSRS report, if you use something like this sort of formula:
"=TEXT(" + FieldName + ",""£#,##;-£#,##"")"
On the report it will look like this if you view it in html renderer:
When exported to excel, the excel formula parser will kick in and you will get
Ugly workaround I know. -1 to iPhone's Excel app.
The answer to this question appears to be, you can't.
It also appears that the SSRS included with SQL Server 2012 now defaults to rendering in .xslx which the native iPhone Email app can't open anyways.
If you, your company or customers use Android, you should be fine.

Does Orbeon Form support the Thai language?

I am new to Orbeon Form and would like to use it. However, I had tried the Form examples on Orbeon Form Web Site and input some of data in Thai Language. Yes, It can be input data in the fields with “Thai Language”. But when I try to generate “PDF”. The Thai Language Data cannot be displayed.
Can Orbeon X-Forms Support “Thai Language” for inputting Data in the Fields ?
Do I need to use “Professional version” in order to get “Thai Language” to work and display on PDF generation ?
Can “Orbeon X-Form” be able to save Data Locally at the workstation (in case the forms are complicated to fill-in, and need several input time to finish?
This is probably due to the fact that the PDF is lacking an adequate font. Since September 2011 builds, there are properties to specify font embedding, for example:
<property as="xs:string"
For more information, see the documentation. Embedding a specific font with Thai characters might do the trick, although to be fair I haven't tried Thai specifically.
This should work equally well with both Orbeon Forms CE and PE.
You can do this by adding the "Save locally" button to your forms, which is done by setting a property in your properties-local.xml. This will enable users to save an HTML file on their local machine. The HTML file contains all the information they entered so far: when they reopen it, they are taken back to the form on your side, with the data they entered so far "pre-filled".
You can go through this link for internationlization of Orbeon Forms
There is an example given too with multiple languages reflecting on a same form.

Need help parsing JSON on iPhone application

i am new in json parsing .I don't know how to send data to server[] by use of textfield according to user input. And whatever result will come by server how will i display that data on my result label .
There is no official feature included in the SDK for parsing JSON. Have a look at the JSON Framework. Instructions are at the bottom of the page.
(Also just noticed that you asked something simliar an hour ago).