I was hoping to be able to load a timeline I saved (Embedded QTWebkit) using the Chrome web tools however on trying to load it I get the error "Old Timeline format is not supported." Does anybody know of a tool I can use to display the "Old" format or a way I can convert the data?
I'm not sure if there is a way to convert the old format into the new one, but you can try loading data on webpagetest.org timeline
I am new to flutter and I found load csv from local and display as listview but I want to load from url and display. How can I do that?
A .csv from a remote source will probably have the content type of text/csv.
You should be able to call the url using a library (https://pub.dev/packages/http is a good choice, although I hear good things about Dio and probably a few others I haven't come across), get the data (e.g. as a http.Response), parse the response into some sort of model and then display it within the list view. Ideally the differences between displaying data from a local and remote source would be minimal - just where the data is coming from. This means you should be able to reuse the code you've written to load the data from a local source.
Without more information its hard to help. There's a good tutorial on building out Flutter apps using the Clean architecture at https://resocoder.com/category/tutorials/flutter/tdd-clean-architecture/. The difference will be that the Response data will be csv rather than JSON, so you'll need to sub in what you've done for the local loading.
When i access a yahoo finance for intraday data they show a interactive chart, but i only can find the data for the row my mouse was over the last time it was in the chart, it automatically updates the html... and then if go to the << left on the chart, the server request more data for the hide part from the chart...
so my question is, in what file i can find all this data? i mean, they don't send it everytime my mouse go over the chart, so it must be stored somewhere...
the values of open,close,low,high,volume,%chg
or more right to the point,
how do i scrape data from this kind of charts?, i mean i give the url to one crawler and then it download all the from this chart, including move the chart to the << left until they stop to send more data
any ideias?
i heard about this selenium+python
anyone have any ideias? i still stuck =//
1) this chart is produced by javascript. Try to disable javascript and refresh page -> no chart
2) the chart is SVG
3) to be able to download SVG, you need a javascript capable library, like Phantom.js
4) you have to fetch what's in tag svg viewBox
Maybe a good start is beginning by something easy, like the tiger: http://raphaeljs.com/tiger.html
In this particular case, you can get stock data from NASDAQ in Excel spreadsheet format to work with. http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/jpm/historical
They also allow you to set the time period of data you would like to access, as well.
I have Excel file with table ~100x100 and need to get access to this values from iOS app.
At first, I've try to make json in Mr.DataConverter and then it's not a problem to read to array. But! Some float values didn't recognized properly, and I'd got numbers without quotes:
At the time other parsed correctly!
So, from this moment I can't parse my Json string to NSArray.
The question is:
How to convert xls to json, OR How to put and retrieve the values in iOS device?
You can use the DHlibxls iOS Framework and simply pull the .xls file into your app, then read and process with that framework. The framework is based on the open source libxls library on SourceForge, and has a non-attributed BSD license.
I recommend exporting the Excel spreadsheet to CSV and then using a proper CSV parser to parse the data. If you run into any issues then there is likely an issue in the spreadsheet that you would need to fix.
Alternative: If possible use excel file in formate: tab delimited-text-file. That solve all your problem. Easy to open text file in iOS with file manager/c++.
i am new in json parsing .I don't know how to send data to server[http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?] by use of textfield according to user input. And whatever result will come by server how will i display that data on my result label .
There is no official feature included in the SDK for parsing JSON. Have a look at the JSON Framework. Instructions are at the bottom of the page.
(Also just noticed that you asked something simliar an hour ago).
I am trying to get an rss feed into my iphone app.
I was following this tutorial:
and it works for a feed in xml format but im trying to get this feed in feed://www.clontarfrugby.com/feed/
and it keeps giving me the error
Unable to download xml data (error code 1002)
I have been looking online for ways to import a rss feed thats not in xml format but i cant find anything.
Does anyone know how to change what ive done in the tutorial so i can import the right feed? or does anyone know of any tutorials that could help me out?
That is an XML feed (RSS is always XML).
Your issue is likely that "feed://" isn't a real URL, even if Safari handles it. Change it to "http://" and it'll probably work fine.