SymbolicateCrash is not creating proper de-symbol file - iphone

I have the dSYM file for build created on client's machine. Client got a crash in build and now I am trying to de-symbol by use of the symbolicatecrash by the simple following command in terminal:
symbolicatecrash myapp_iPod-Touch.crash > test.txt
but it's not creating any meaningful de-symboled file. and it's giving the follwoing error in terminal:
Can't understand the output from otool
then I found a solution in following link:
iPhone SDK 3.0 and symbolicatecrash not getting along?
but still it's not de-symbolicating the exact memory location to exact code line responsible for crash.
Then I tried some other options too:
Following is the other option but didn't work: -A -v [crashlog-filename] MyApp.dSYM
For reference:
The best option that helped me is atos command to get the exact code line number of the crash but I want the systematic symbolicatecrash to create the dump.
NOTE: When I create build in my machine and desymbolicate (the my machine created) build's crash log in my machine it creates perfectly good dump file (show's exact memory location VS code line responsible for crash).

If you have the DSYM file for the crash then you can use this one:
if [[ $# < 2 ]]
echo "Usage: $0 [-arch <arch> (defaults to whatever is specified in the crashlog- file] <dSYM-file> <crashlog-file>"
exit 1
#Get the architecture either from the params or from the crashlog itself
if [[ "${1}" == '-arch' ]]
ARCH_PARAMS="-arch ${2}"
shift 2
ARCHITECTURE=$(cat "${2}" | grep -A1 "Binary Images:" | grep 0x | sed -E -n 's/.*(armv[6-9]).*/\1/p')
if [ -n "${ARCHITECTURE}" ]
echo "Couldn't determine architecture based on the crashlog. Please specify it by calling $0 -arch <arch> <dSYM-file> <crashlog-file>"
echo "Assuming architecture:" ${ARCHITECTURE}
#Store the other params
#Get the identifier out of the crashlog
IDENTIFIER=$(cat "${CRASHLOG}" | egrep -o "^Identifier:[[:space:]]*.*$" | sed 's/^Identifier:[[:space:]]*\(.*\)$/\1/')
echo "Identifier:" $IDENTIFIER
#Iterate through the crashlog files, find the ones that belong to the $IDENTIFIER, sed the address out of those files, symbolicate them with atos and finally replace them back into those line again. Print all other lines untouched.
while read line
SYMBOL=$(echo $line | sed -E -n "s/.*(${IDENTIFIER}[[:space:]]*)(0x[[:alnum:]]*).*/\2/p" | atos -o "${SYMBOL_FILE}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/${IDENTIFIER}" ${ARCH_PARAMS})
if [ -n "$SYMBOL" ]
echo $line | sed -E "s/(${IDENTIFIER}[[:space:]]*)(0x[[:alnum:]]*)(.*)/\1\2 ${SYMBOL}/"
echo $line
done < "${CRASHLOG}"


ls: terminated by signal 13 when using xargs

I'm using the following command to delete four largest size files in a folder:
find "/var/www/site1/" -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs ls -1S | head -n 4 | xargs -d '\n' rm -f
It works fine, but from time to time throws broken pipe error:
xargs: ls: terminated by signal 13
I ran across a similar issue and found this thread on search for an answer:
Signal 13 means something is written to a pipe where nothing is read from anymore (e.g. see ).
The point here is that the ls command as executed by xargs is still writing output when the following head command already got all the input it wants and closed its input-pipe. Thus it's safe to ignore, yet it's ugly. See also the accepted answer in
You are purposely terminating your program with head -n 4, which creates the broken pipe because you terminated it before the "caller" finished. Since this is expected by you, you can ignore the error by redirecting it to /dev/null which discards it:
find "/var/www/site1/" -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs ls -1S | head -n 4
| xargs -d '\n' rm -f 2>/dev/null
I got the same error, "terminated by signal 13", under different circumstances and other answers here helped me work out the fix. I'd like to expand on the nature of the problem:
corpy386 ~/gw/Release/5.1_v9/ClaimCenter $ find . -name '*.pcf' -not -name '*build*' | xargs grep -l ClaimSnapshotGeneralPanelSet | ( read f && echo $f && grep 'def=' $f )
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
xargs: grep: terminated by signal 13
So here's the same error and I'd only get a single line of output when I knew there are numerous files that match what I'm looking for. The problem was that xargs is producing multiple lines of output and read is only consuming a single line before ending. xargs tries to write the rest of its results to one of the pipes but the receiving end has already quit and gone home. Hence, signal 13: Broken Pipe.
The fix was to consume all of xargs's output by looping - change read f && do_some_things (which reads one time only) to while read f; do do_some_things; done.
corpy386 ~/gw/Release/5.1_v9/ClaimCenter $ **find . -name '*.pcf' -not -name '*build*' | xargs grep -l ClaimSnapshotGeneralPanelSet | while read f; do echo $f; grep 'def=' $f; done**
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="ClaimSnapshotGeneralPRPanelSet(Claim, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="ClaimSnapshotGeneralPanelSet(Claim, SnapshotParam)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="ClaimSnapshotGeneralPRPanelSet(Claim, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="AddressSnapshotInputSet(Snapshot.LossLocation, Snapshot)"
def="ClaimSnapshotGeneralPanelSet(Claim, SnapshotParam)"
This isn't exactly the same situation as OP's script - They wanted a part of the input and cut it off on purpose, I wanted the whole stream and cut it off by accident - but the shell semantics work out the same. Programs tend to be written to keep running until they have consumed all their input rather than test to see if their recipient is still listening.

Get fish shell to work with gcloud command line tools?

Has anyone had any luck getting fish shell to work with google's gcloud command line tools? I'm not an expert in Fish script but these are the two files gcloud needs to run (which work fine use Fish's bash mode). Fish doesn't allow you to source bash files from what I understand so these would need to be converted to Fish script?
script_link="$( readlink "$BASH_SOURCE" )" || script_link="$BASH_SOURCE"
if [ "$apparent_sdk_dir" == "$script_link" ]; then
sdk_dir="$( command cd -P "$apparent_sdk_dir" && pwd -P )"
export PATH=$bin_path:$PATH
_python_argcomplete() {
local IFS=''
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
complete -o default -F _python_argcomplete "gcloud"
_completer() {
eval '[[ "$'"${name}"'_COMMANDS" ]] || '"${name}"'_COMMANDS="$('"${command}"')"'
set -- $COMP_LINE
while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
[[ $2 ]] && return
grep -q "${name}\s*$" <<< $COMP_LINE &&
eval 'COMPREPLY=($'"${name}"'_COMMANDS)' &&
[[ "$COMP_LINE" == *" " ]] && return
[[ $1 ]] &&
eval 'COMPREPLY=($(echo "$'"${name}"'_COMMANDS" | grep ^'"$1"'))'
unset bq_COMMANDS
_bq_completer() {
_completer "CLOUDSDK_COMPONENT_MANAGER_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=1 bq help | grep '^[^ ][^ ]* ' | sed 's/ .*//'" bq
unset gsutil_COMMANDS
_gsutil_completer() {
_completer "CLOUDSDK_COMPONENT_MANAGER_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=1 gsutil help | sed /Additional/q | grep '^ ' | sed -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ .*//'" gsutil
unset gcutil_COMMANDS
_gcutil_completer() {
_completer "CLOUDSDK_COMPONENT_MANAGER_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=1 gcutil help | grep -v '^information' | grep '^[a-z]' | sed -e 's/ .*//' -e '/^$/d'" gcutil
complete -o default -F _bq_completer bq
complete -o default -F _gsutil_completer gsutil
complete -o default -F _gcutil_completer gcutil
What worked for me was just using bass. Check it out:
Just take the lines that gcloud adds to your bash_profile, and prepend bass to them in your .config/fish/ file, as follows:
# The next line updates PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
bass source '/Users/hunter/bin/google-cloud-sdk/'
# The next line enables shell command completion for gcloud.
bass source '/Users/hunter/bin/google-cloud-sdk/'
As of today, I was able just to do
brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk
Added source /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/ to my ~/.config/fish/
Clone then run
For path.bash, all it does is add the Cloud SDK bin directory to your PATH. We put some weird stuff in there because we wanted it to work from inside the Cloud SDK directory even when behind, eg, a symlink. For your own system, just do the fsh equivalent of "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin".
For the tab completion, I don't know how fsh's tab completion works, so I've got nothing.
Fish support is now included out of the box with gcloud, however I ran into a pretty annoying issue. The code included in google-cloud-sdk/ (and #nafg's answer) leaves the directory changed, resulting in each new shell session starting in the google-cloud-sdk directory.
The modification I made was fairly simple, adding two extra lines to get the current working directory and restore it afterwards. This seems to have resolved the issue for me, so hopefully will help anyone else googling for "fish gcloud" problems.
set restore_dir (pwd -P)
set sdk_dir (builtin cd "$apparent_sdk_dir" > /dev/null; and pwd -P)
set bin_path "$sdk_dir/bin"
cd "$restore_dir"
I was able to set up completion by executing this:
# fisher v3
fisher add aliz-ai/google-cloud-sdk-fish-completion
# fisher v4
fisher install aliz-ai/google-cloud-sdk-fish-completion
Fisher can be found here:
using fisher:
fisher install lgathy/google-cloud-sdk-fish-completion
and you are good to go
There's an interesting approach here:
Basically it will run a bash script in bash, but it will diff how it changes the environment and apply that in fish.
However it won't work for completions and for your path.bash it's overkill. More like:
Change var=value to set var value
Change [ ... ] to test ...
Change $( ... ) to ( ... )
if doesn't need then and ends with end
Change || to ; or and && to ; and
Change export to set -x
So without testing here's what I would try:
set script_link ( readlink "$BASH_SOURCE" ); or set script_link $BASH_SOURCE
set apparent_sdk_dir ${script_link%/*}
if test "$apparent_sdk_dir" == "$script_link" ;
set apparent_sdk_dir .
set sdk_dir ( command cd -P "$apparent_sdk_dir"; and pwd -P )
set bin_path $sdk_dir/bin
set -x PATH $bin_path:$PATH

comparing two directories with separate diff output per file

I'd need to see what has been changed between two directories which contain different version of a software sourcecode. While I have found a way to get a unique .diff file, how can I obtain a different file for each changed file in the two directories? I'd need this, as the "main" is about 6 MB and wanted some more handy thing.
I came around this problem too, so I ended up with some lines of a shell script. It takes three arguments: Source and destination directory (as used for diff) and a target folder (should exist) for the output.
It's a bit hacky, but maybe it would be useful for someone. So use with care, especially if your paths have special characters.
SRC=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g'`
DST=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g'`
if [ ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
echo "'$TARGET' is not a directory." >&2
exit 1
diff -rqN $DIFFARGS "$1" "$2" | sed "s/Files $SRC\/\(.*\?\) and $DST\/\(.*\?\) differ/\1/" | \
while read file
if [ ! -d "$TARGET/`dirname \"$file\"`" ]; then
mkdir -p "$TARGET/`dirname \"$file\"`"
diff $DIFFARGS -N "$1/$file" "$2/$file" > "$TARGET"/"$file.diff"
if you want to compare source code it is better to commit it to a source vesioning program as "svn".
after you have done so. do a diff of your uploaded code and pipe it to file.diff
svn diff --old svn:url1 --new svn:url2 > file.diff
A bash for loop will work for you. The following will diff two directories with C source code and produce a separate diff for each file.
for FILE in $(find <FIRST_DIR> -name '*.[ch]'); do DIFF=<DIFF_DIR>/$(echo $FILE | grep -o '[-_a-zA-Z0-9.]*$').diff; diff -u $FILE <SECOND_DIR>/$FILE > $DIFF; done
Use the correct patch level for the lines starting with +++

grep all lines from start of file to line containing a string

If I have input file containing
nothing here
I want to grep / extract (without using awk) every line from starting till I get the string "something". How can I do this? grep -B does not work since it needs the exact number of lines.
Desired output:
it's not completely robust, but sure -B works... just make the -B count huge:
grep -B `wc -l <filename>` -e 'something' <filename>
You could use a bash while loop and exit early when you hit the string:
$ cat file | while read line; do
> echo $line
> if echo $line | grep -q something; then
> exit 0
> fi
> done
head -n `grep -n -e 'something' <filename> | cut -d: -f1` <filename>

tail and grep log and mail (linux)

i want to tail log file with grep and sent it via mail
tail -f /var/log/foo.log | grep error | mail -s subject
how can i do this?
You want to send an email when emailing errors occur? That might fail ;)
You can however try something like this:
tail -f $log |
grep --line-buffered error |
while read line
echo "$line" | mail -s subject "$email"
Which for every line in the grep output sends an email.
Run above shell script with
nohup ./ &
so it will keep running in the background.
I'll have a go at this. Perhaps I'll learn something if my icky bash code gets scrutinised. There is a chance there are already a gazillion solutions to do this, but I am not going to find out, as I am sure you have trawled the depths and widths of the cyberocean. It sounds like what you want can be separated into two bits: 1) at regular intervals obtain the 'latest tail' of the file, 2) if the latest tail actually exists, send it by e-mail. For the regular intervals in 1), use cron. For obtaining the latest tail in 2), you'll have to keep track of the file size. The bash script below does that - it's a solution to 2) that can be invoked by cron. It uses the cached file size to compute the chunk of the file it needs to mail. Note that for a file myfile another file .offset.myfile is created. Also, the script does not allow path components in the file name. Rewrite, or fix it in the invocation [e.g. (cd /foo/bar && zut), assuming it is called ].
if [[ $file =~ / ]]; then
echo "$0 does not accept path components in the file name" 2>&1
exit 1
if [[ -e .offset.$file ]]; then
if [[ -e $file ]]; then
size=$(stat -c "%s" "$file") # this assumes GNU stat, possibly present as gstat. CHECK!
# (gstat can also be Ganglias Status tool - careful).
if (( $size < $offset )); then # file might have been reduced in size
echo "reset offset to zero" 2>&1
echo $size > ".offset.$file"
if [[ -e $file && $size -gt $offset ]]; then
tail -c +$(($offset+1)) "$file" | head -c $(($size - $offset)) | mail -s "tail $file" foo#bar
How about:
mail -s "catalina.out errors" < grep ERROR catalina.out