comparing two directories with separate diff output per file - diff

I'd need to see what has been changed between two directories which contain different version of a software sourcecode. While I have found a way to get a unique .diff file, how can I obtain a different file for each changed file in the two directories? I'd need this, as the "main" is about 6 MB and wanted some more handy thing.

I came around this problem too, so I ended up with some lines of a shell script. It takes three arguments: Source and destination directory (as used for diff) and a target folder (should exist) for the output.
It's a bit hacky, but maybe it would be useful for someone. So use with care, especially if your paths have special characters.
SRC=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g'`
DST=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/\//\\\\\\//g'`
if [ ! -d "$TARGET" ]; then
echo "'$TARGET' is not a directory." >&2
exit 1
diff -rqN $DIFFARGS "$1" "$2" | sed "s/Files $SRC\/\(.*\?\) and $DST\/\(.*\?\) differ/\1/" | \
while read file
if [ ! -d "$TARGET/`dirname \"$file\"`" ]; then
mkdir -p "$TARGET/`dirname \"$file\"`"
diff $DIFFARGS -N "$1/$file" "$2/$file" > "$TARGET"/"$file.diff"

if you want to compare source code it is better to commit it to a source vesioning program as "svn".
after you have done so. do a diff of your uploaded code and pipe it to file.diff
svn diff --old svn:url1 --new svn:url2 > file.diff

A bash for loop will work for you. The following will diff two directories with C source code and produce a separate diff for each file.
for FILE in $(find <FIRST_DIR> -name '*.[ch]'); do DIFF=<DIFF_DIR>/$(echo $FILE | grep -o '[-_a-zA-Z0-9.]*$').diff; diff -u $FILE <SECOND_DIR>/$FILE > $DIFF; done
Use the correct patch level for the lines starting with +++


How to rename all the files (without for loop) in a single line command?

I want to rename all the files in my home directory (example abc), in the format (abc_bkp) without using any loops and it should be a single line command in unix (bash script).
If the directory contains nothing but files, this should do it:
ls | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If it contains subdirectories, links, and other things you don't want to rename, you must filter the output of ls. Here is a crude way to do it; maybe someone can suggest a more elegant approach:
ls -l | grep ^- | cut -d' ' -f 13 | xargs -I {} mv {} {}_bkp
If you don't want to use loops then I believe the BEST way could be find command, try following command as a DRY run first and once you are satisfy with results then you could remove echo from it to give a real shot.
find -type f -or -type d | xargs -I % echo mv % %_bkp
-I: From man xargs page:
-I replace-str
Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard input. Also, unquoted blanks do not
input items; instead the separator is the newline character. Implies -x and -L 1.

Using sed and mv to add characters to files

First off, I'd like to say that I know this is almost an exact duplicate of some posts that I've read, but have not had any luck with referencing.
I have 100+ files that all follow a very strict naming convention of 5_##_<name>.ext My issue was that when originally making these files I failed to realise that 5_100_ and above would mess up my ordering.
I am now trying to append a 0 in front of every number between 01 and 99. I've written a bash script using sed that works for the file contents (the file name is in the file as well):
for fl in *.tcl; do
echo Filename: $fl
#sed -i 's/5_\(..\)_/5_0\1_/g' $fl
However, this only changes the contents and not the filename itself. I've read that mv is the solution (rename is simpler but I do not have it on my system). My current incarnation of my multiple attempts is:
mv "$fl" $(echo "$file" | sed -e 's/5_\(..\)_/5_0\1_/g') but it gives me an error: mv: missing destination file operand after <filename>
Again, I'm sorry about the duplicate but I wasn't able to solve my issue by reading it. I'm sure I'm just using the combination of mv and sed incorrectly.
Solution was entered in the comments. I was using $file instead of $fl.
Something like this might be useful:
for n in $(seq 99)
prefix2="5_$(printf "%02d" ${n})_"
prefix3="5_$(printf "%03d" ${n})_"
for f in ${prefix2}*.tcl
[[ -r "${prefix3}${suffix}" ]] || mv "${prefix2}${suffix}" "${prefix3}${suffix}"
Rather than processing every single file, it only looks at the ones that currently have a "5_XX_" prefix, and only renames them if the corresponding "5_XXX_" file doesn't already exist...
for fl in *.tcl
NewName="$(echo "${fl} | sed '/^5_[0-9]\{2\}_/ s/../&0/' )"
#echo "Filename: ${fl} -> ${NewName}
[ ! "${fl}" = "${NewName}" ] && mv ${fl} ${NewName}
With a bit a securisation a allow to pass several time on same folder (changing only needed one).
Under linux (non posix sed by default), use sed --posix instead of simple sed call

Dynamically building a exlude list for both rsync & egrep format

I wonder if anyone out there can assist me in trying to solve a issue with me.
I have written a set of shell scripts with the purpose of auditing remote file systems based on a GOLD build on a audit server.
As part of this, I do the following:
1) Use rsync to work out any new files or directories, any modified or removed files
2) Use find ${source_filesystem} -ls on both local & remote to work out permissions differences
Now as part of this there are certain files or directories that I am excluding, i.e. logs, trace files etc.
So in order to achieve this I use 2 methods:
1) RSYNC - I have an exclude-list that is added using --exclude-from flag
2) find -ls - I use a egrep -v statement to exclude the same as the rsync exclude-list:
e.g. find -L ${source_filesystem} -ls | egrep -v "$SEXCLUDE_supt"
So my issue is that I have to maintain 2 separate lists and this is a bit of a admin nightmare.
I am looking for some assistance or some advice on if it is possible to dynamically build a list of exlusions that can be used for both the rsync or the find -ls?
Here is the format of what the exclude lists look like::
You don't need to create a second list for your find command. grep can handle a list of patterns using the -f flag. From the manual:
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file contains zero
patterns, and therefore matches nothing. (-f is specified by POSIX.)
Here's what I'd do:
find -L ${source_filesystem} -ls | grep -Evf your_rsync_exclude_file_here
This should also work for filenames containing newlines and spaces. Please let me know how it goes.
In the end the grep -Evf was a bit of a nightmare as rsync didnt support regex, it uses regex but not the same.
So I then pursued my other idea of dynamically building the exclude list for egrep by parsing the rsync exclude-list and building variable on the fly to pass into egrep.
This the method I used:
# Create Signature of current build
#Create Signature File
find -L ${SRC} -ls | egrep -v **"$SEXCLUDE"** | awk '{fws = ""; for (i = 11; i <= NF; i++) fws = fws $i " "; print $3, $6, fws}' | sort >${BASE}/${SIFI}.${AFS}
export SRC=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $2'}`
export TRG=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $3'}`
export SCROOT=`grep ${AFS} ${CONF}/ | awk {'print $4'}`
**export BEXCLUDE=$(sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' ${CONF}/exclude-list.${AFS} | tr "\n" "|")**
**export SEXCLUDE=$(echo ${BEXCLUDE} | sed 's/\(.*\)|/\1/')**
#Load Properties File
. /users/rpapp/rpmonit/audit_tool/conf/
So with these new variables:
**export BEXCLUDE=$(sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' ${CONF}/exclude-list.${AFS} | tr "\n" "|")**
**export SEXCLUDE=$(echo ${BEXCLUDE} | sed 's/\(.*\)|/\1/')**
I use them to remove "*" and "/", then match my special characters and prepend with "\" to escape them.
Then it using "tr" replace a newline with "|" and then rerunning that output to remove the trailing "|" to make the variable $SEXCLUDE to use for egrep that is used in the crSig function.
What do you think?

Change multiple files

The following command is correctly changing the contents of 2 files.
sed -i 's/abc/xyz/g' xaa1 xab1
But what I need to do is to change several such files dynamically and I do not know the file names. I want to write a command that will read all the files from current directory starting with xa* and sed should change the file contents.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the -exec argument to find, which is intended for this type of use-case, although it will start a process for each matching file name:
find . -type f -name 'xa*' -exec sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g' {} \;
Alternatively, one could use xargs, which will invoke fewer processes:
find . -type f -name 'xa*' | xargs sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g'
Or more simply use the + exec variant instead of ; in find to allow find to provide more than one file per subprocess call:
find . -type f -name 'xa*' -exec sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g' {} +
Better yet:
for i in xa*; do
sed -i 's/asd/dfg/g' $i
because nobody knows how many files are there, and it's easy to break command line limits.
Here's what happens when there are too many files:
# grep -c aaa *
-bash: /bin/grep: Argument list too long
# for i in *; do grep -c aaa $i; done
... (output skipped)
You could use grep and sed together. This allows you to search subdirectories recursively.
Linux: grep -r -l <old> * | xargs sed -i 's/<old>/<new>/g'
OS X: grep -r -l <old> * | xargs sed -i '' 's/<old>/<new>/g'
For grep:
-r recursively searches subdirectories
-l prints file names that contain matches
For sed:
-i extension (Note: An argument needs to be provided on OS X)
Those commands won't work in the default sed that comes with Mac OS X.
From man 1 sed:
-i extension
Edit files in-place, saving backups with the specified
extension. If a zero-length extension is given, no backup
will be saved. It is not recommended to give a zero-length
extension when in-place editing files, as you risk corruption
or partial content in situations where disk space is exhausted, etc.
sed -i '.bak' 's/old/new/g' logfile*
for i in logfile*; do sed -i '.bak' 's/old/new/g' $i; done
Both work fine.
#PaulR posted this as a comment, but people should view it as an answer (and this answer works best for my needs):
sed -i 's/abc/xyz/g' xa*
This will work for a moderate amount of files, probably on the order of tens, but probably not on the order of millions.
Another more versatile way is to use find:
sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g' $(find . -type f -name 'xa*')
I'm using find for similar task. It is quite simple: you have to pass it as an argument for sed like this:
sed -i 's/EXPRESSION/REPLACEMENT/g' `find -name "FILE.REGEX"`
This way you don't have to write complex loops, and it is simple to see, which files you are going to change, just run find before you run sed.
u can make
'xxxx' text u search and will replace it with 'yyyy'
grep -Rn '**xxxx**' /path | awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs sed -i 's/**xxxx**/**yyyy**/'
There's some good answers above. I thought I'd throw in one more that is succinct and parallelizable, using GNU parallel, which I often prefer to xargs:
parallel sed -i 's/abc/xyz/g' {} ::: xa*
Combine this with the -j N option to run N jobs in parallel.
If you are able to run a script, here is what I did for a similar situation:
Using a dictionary/hashMap (associative array) and variables for the sed command, we can loop through the array to replace several strings. Including a wildcard in the name_pattern will allow to replace in-place in files with a pattern (this could be something like name_pattern='File*.txt' ) in a specific directory (source_dir).
All the changes are written in the logfile in the destin_dir
echo "--Begin $(date)--" | tee -a $destin_dir/$logfile
echo "Source_DIR=$source_dir destin_DIR=$destin_dir "
declare -A pairs=(
['OTHER_string_to replace']='string replaced'
for i in "${!pairs[#]}"; do
echo "[$i]=$j"
echo " "
echo "Replace: $replace_what for: $replace_for"
find $source_dir -name $name_pattern | xargs sed -i "s/$replace_what/$replace_for/g"
find $source_dir -name $name_pattern | xargs -I{} grep -n "$replace_for" {} /dev/null | tee -a $destin_dir/$logfile
echo " "
echo "----End $(date)---" | tee -a $destin_dir/$logfile
First, the pairs array is declared, each pair is a replacement string, then WHAT1 will be replaced for FOR1 and OTHER_string_to replace will be replaced for string replaced in the file File.txt. In the loop the array is read, the first member of the pair is retrieved as replace_what=$i and the second as replace_for=$j. The find command searches in the directory the filename (that may contain a wildcard) and the sed -i command replaces in the same file(s) what was previously defined. Finally I added a grep redirected to the logfile to log the changes made in the file(s).
This worked for me in GNU Bash 4.3 sed 4.2.2 and based upon VasyaNovikov's answer for Loop over tuples in bash.
The Silver Searcher Solution
I'm adding another option for those people who don't know about the amazing tool called The Silver Searcher (command line tool is ag).
Note: You can use grep and other tools to do the same thing here, but The Silver Searcher is fantastic :)
ag -l 'abc' | xargs sed -i 's/abc/xyz/g'
Install The Silver Searcher
sudo apt install silversearcher-ag # Debian / Ubuntu
sudo pacman -S the_silver_searcher # Arch / EndeavourOS
sudo yum install epel-release the_silver_searcher # RHEL / CentOS
Demo Files
Paste the following into your terminal to create some demonstration files:
mkdir /tmp/food
cd /tmp/food
content="Everybody loves to abc this food!"
echo "$content" > ./milk
echo "$content" > ./bread
mkdir ./fastfood
echo "$content" > ./fastfood/pizza
echo "$content" > ./fastfood/burger
mkdir ./fruit
echo "$content" > ./fruit/apple
echo "$content" > ./fruit/apricot
Using 'ag'
The following ag command will recursively find all the files that contain the string 'abc'. It ignores the .git directory, .gitignore files, and other ignore files:
$ ag 'abc'
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
1:Everybody loves to abc this food!
To just list the files that contain the string 'abc', use the -l switch:
$ ag -l 'abc'
Changing Multiple Files
Finally, using xargs and sed, we can replace the 'abc' string with another string:
ag -l 'abc' | xargs sed -i 's/abc/eat/g'
In the above command, ag is listing all the files that contain the string 'abc'. The xargs command is splitting the file names and piping them individually into the sed command.

DOS to UNIX path substitution within a file

I have a file that contains this kind of paths:
C:\good\bar\[variable subdir count]\foo.c
And I would like to get the following file:
C:/good/bar/[variable subdir count]/foo.c
Note that the non matching path should not be modified.
I know how to do this with sed for a fixed number of subdir, but a variable number is giving me trouble. Actually, I would have to use many s/x/y/ expressions (as many as the max depth... not very elegant).
May be with awk, but this kind of magic is beyond my skills.
FYI, I need this trick to correct some gcov binary files on a cygwin platform.
I am dealing with binary files; therefore, I might have the following kind of data:
which should be translated as:
The first \ must not be translated, despite that it is on the same line.
However, I have just checked my .gcno files while editing this text and it looks like all the paths are flanked with zeros, so most of the answers below should fit.
sed -e '/^C:\\good/ s/\\/\//g' input_file.txt
I would recommend you look into the cygpath utility, which converts path names from one format to another. For instance on my machine:
$ cygpath `pwd`
$ cygpath -w `pwd`
$ cygpath -m `pwd`
Here's a Perl implementation of what you asked for:
$ echo 'C:\bad\foo.c
C:\good\bar\[variable subdir count]\foo.c' | perl -pe 's|\\|/|g if /good/'
C:/good/bar/[variable subdir count]/foo.c
It works directly with the string, so it will work anywhere. You could combine it with cygpath, but it only works on machines that have that path:
perl -pe '$_ = `cygpath -m $_` if /good/'
(Since I don't have C:\good on my machine, I get output like C:goodfoo.c. If you use a real path on your machine, it ought to work correctly.)
You want to substitute '/' for all '\' but only on the lines that match the good directory path. Both sed and awk will let you do this by having a LHS (matching) expression that only picks the lines with the right path.
A trivial sed script to do this would look like:
/[Cc]:\\good/ s/\\/\//g
For a file:
You will get the output below:
Here's how I would do it in awk:
# fixpaths.awk
/C:\\good/ {
print $1 >> outfile;
Then run it using the command:
awk -f fixpaths.awk paths.txt; mv outfile paths.txt
Or with some help from good ol' Bash:
cat file | while read LINE
if <bad_condition>
echo "$LINE" >> newfile
echo "$LINE" | sed -e "s/\\/\//g" >> newfile
try this
sed -re '/\\good\\/ s/\\/\//g' temp.txt
or this
awk -F"\\" '{if($2=="good"){OFS="\/"; $1=$1;} print $0}' temp.txt