All Eclipse Plugins Disabled - eclipse

I'm running Eclipse 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 10.04. I tried to install the EGit plugin for Eclipse, and after Eclipse restarted, I found all of my other plugins had effectively vanished (Subclipse, PyDev, OpenExtern, Colorer, etc). Oddly enough, Eclispe doesn't list anything as disabled, and running Eclipse from the command line doesn't show any errors.
I immediately uninstalled EGit, and tried uninstalling and then reinstalling some of my other plugins, but I can't seem to get anything working. Eclipse's software dialog listed them all as installed, and I can atleast see PyDev listed under the Open Perspective dialog, but when I try and start the PyDev perspective, nothing happens, and no errors are shown. I also tried Eclipse's update wizard, to install all pending updates for components, but that had no noticeable effect.
I'm completely lost, especially since I'm not getting any kind of messaging that would indicate a problem. What's happened here? How do I fix Eclipse's plugins?
EDIT: The issue seems to be similar to this post. I see dozens of errors like
Could not instantiate provider org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core.svnnature for project X
in my ~/workspace/.metadata/.log
Unfortunately, the suggested solution of somehow using the Equinox p2 Installer doesn't work for me.
EDIT: I tried deleting my ~/.eclipse folder and reinstalling my plugins, but the problem persists.
EDIT: I again tried deleting my ~/.eclipse folder, my ~/workspace/.metadata folder, removing all Eclipse Ubuntu packages (including config data), and then reinstalling, but plugins still aren't showing up...
EDIT: There may have been some other weird stuff going on. I'm not sure what triggered it, but at some point my entire file system became "readonly", and a lot of processes started to crash when they couldn't modify their db files (e.g. Firefox). After a reboot, everything seemed to resolve itself, and I was able to download and install Eclipse 3.7, which supposedly doesn't suffer from this bug.

Try going to Help > About Eclipse
Click on Installation Details and the Installation History tab
Select the date before things got screwed up and hit Revert


Eclipse Indigo crashes after installing GWT

I was trying to set up GWT(Google Web Toolkit) on my system using it as a plugin for eclipse Indigo. I am currently on a Ubuntu workstation. Upon restart after the installation, eclipse simply crashes without any error info. I did look around here on stack overflow , as well as on google about what could be done, but the things which seemed to work for others do not seem to work for me.( deleting certain .jar files, deleting the metadata folder in the workspace).
Any help would be great.
Problem solved. There is a bug in Indigo , exposed by the plugin. All that needs to be done is to check for updates first and then install the plugin. The bug has been fixed in one of the point updates.

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: for details

Eclipse entries under launch group are missing

I do C++ embedded development for the NetBurner platform. They have plug-ins that customize Eclipse and in addition to a build tool-chain they add a Launch Group under the Run Configuration area. Everything was working fine under Indigo (32 bit) when I decided to install Subclipse (big mistake). As soon as the install finished I could no longer run my existing configurations successfully. When I went into the Run Configurations area I noticed the Launch Group I used to use was missing. Here is what it looked like earlier yesterday:
Here's what it looks like today:
Things I've tried
First I uninstalled the Subclipse plugins using the
Help->About->Installation Details and then selecting them one at a
time, Uninstalling and restarting after each uninstall. No change.
Then I unpacked the original Eclipse Indigo/CDT 32 bit download to a
fresh folder. Copied over the NetBurner plugins from the zip I got
from the manufacturer. No change.
Launched with different Workspaces, no change.
Launched a Galileo version, it uses older plug-ins, and it still
Copied older plug-ins into Indigo, the older NetBurner launcher
shows up (but it doesn't really work with Indigo)
Removed the older plug-ins put in the newer ones, old NetBurner
launcher went away new launcher does not show up.
Tried removing the
{Workspace}.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core.launches - no
Interestingly even though launches has many .launch files that should show up under Run Configuration, nothing shows up.
One other strange (possibly relevant) thing is that icon for the NetBurner Perspective went away, now it just has <NetBurner> as the text and a generic perspective icon.
I can still cross-compile and build for the NetBurner (i.e. the build toolchain still works), it's just the ability to use run configurations that seems to be missing.
I'm out of ideas, does anyone know of some global setting that sits outside the workspace and outside the Indigo installation folder that could be causing this?
I'm running on Win 7 64 bit ultimate, I run the 32 bit version of Indigo because the 64 bit doesn't appear to work with the NetBurner plug-ins. I've also disabled the two Mylyn tasks under General->Startup and Shutdown (they seemed to cause many Permgen memory crashes). This is the same setup I had working flawlessly yesterday.
I also noticed that only 3 of the 4plug-ins are showing up in the Installation Details plug-in pane. The nbeclipse.core_2.6.0.jar is in the eclipse plugin directory but not showing as loaded. So I guess I know now the problem is the plug-in isn't loading but I don't know why or how to get it to load, or what subclipse could have changed that would cause this.
I suspect that the Subclipse installation may have caused an update to some other plugin(s) that it depended on (keep in mind the transitive nature plugin dependency resolution; if you're installing plugin A and it requires a certain version of Plugin B that you don't have, Plugin B will be installed or updated to that version). In doing so, maybe the NetBurner plugin can no longer load because its declared dependencies are no longer met (ie, it depended on an earlier version and does not tolerate a later version).
You can use the OSGi Console to help determine why a plugin is not loading. Here are a couple of references that should help:
By the way, you can not just copy plugins into an Eclipse installation and expect them to work. For several versions now, Eclipse has not supported that ability. You must use Help > Install New Software or File > Import > Install > From Existing Installation to install plugins. Ask the vendor if they have an update site to install from; like I said above, simply dropping things into Eclipse's plugins folder is not supported any more, it won't work. Other than the vendor providing an update site, the only other option is to use the dropins folder, as described here.

eclipse plugins not visible

I have recently installed gwt-plugin to my eclipse. But plugins are are not visible, even if I try to install it again, eclipse is not allowing me to install, saying its already installed.I even I ran eclipse as administrator(I am using it in windows 7) and also with clean option, nothing worked out.
And one more thing, After GWT installation, it gave two options - 'Restart' and 'Apply changes'.I have chosen 'Restart'. (Does it matter?)
Any help is appreciated..
Maybe you installed gwt-plugin correctly, but you are missing one of its dependencies? Take a look at this thread. One of the answers discusses using the OSGI console to locate missing dependencies.

Subclipse plugin doesn't work in Eclipse?

even though there was no error when installing Subclipse in Eclipse. I won't see the SVN perspective at all?
I have tried with "Eclipse Classic 3.5.1" and with "Eclipse for PHP Developers".
After downloading and unzipping the packages I used Eclipse's "Install Software" mechanism to install Subclipse 1.6.x. I followed the steps described here:
But after Eclipse re-starts I don't get any SVN Repository perspective? I have tried to un-install/re-install all the software components many times now. Finally after 3 hours of trying I am giving up. Does anyone have any hint what I am missing?
I had the same problem. I use Windows 7 64 bits OS. I clean read-only flag of eclipse folder in C:\Program Files (x86) and give full access right to all users on my PC. I reinstalled it from update site and it works.
This is a known bug with subclipse:
EDIT For anyone keeping track of this, it looks like Eclipse Helios SR1 may have fixed the issue. I haven't tested it myself yet, but by the sounds of the discussion at it should now be working.
I just had this same issue with Ubuntu. It turned out to be permissions. Once I gave write permissions to everywhere in my eclipse installation and then reinstalled subclipse, its views and so forth appeared, just like magic.
I don't know what you are looking for. But after installing the Subclipse plugin, you should have a new entry in the File | New | Project dialog. Something along the lines of "Checkout project from SVN"
Then when you hit continue, you can enter your SVN repository details, check the branch you are interested in, etc. After checking out a project, you can right click on it and go to the "Team" submenu to get the features provided by Subclipse like check in code, diff, merge, etc.
I ran into the exact same problem too. I installed both Subclipse and GWT/GAE plugins and couldn't find any evidence of them after installation.
I'm on Windows 7 and had installed Eclipse 3.5 SR2 into C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5. I also put my workspace in C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace. When I was checking things I noticed there was a lock icon on the C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace.
I reinstalled Eclipse to C:\dev\eclipse and the workspace to C:\dev\eclipse\workspace. After that the installation of the plugins went without a hitch and I could see the SVN Repository Exploring perspective (no idea why some of the other posters claim this perspective doesn't exist). I suspect it was some sort of permissions problem on the directories.
Another way to check and see if the whole thing was installed correctly is to go to the SVN Repositories view. Go to Window -> Show View -> Other, and then search for SVN. If you see a bunch of SVN views like "Repositories," Subclipse is installed.
I had this problem due to some kind of incompatibility between Subclipse and Android ADT plugins. One answer suggested yoxos which gives you all your eclipse plugins from one central repository.
Had the same problem. I work on Linux, and when I installed eclipse in /usr/local/eclipse, Subclipse did not show up. The solution was to install Eclipse locally, e.g. in /home/user/eclipse. Now Subclipse (and other plugins too) worked!
Edit: guess it could be the same on Windows.
I think this is due to some incompatibilities between the packages of subclipse and the gwt 2.x plugin and android... as this started happen to me after I upgrade to v 2.0 of gwt back in the day.
The same issue repeats both on Mac and Windows... and it seems no fix has been released.
Now the only way I've found to move on with my work is to remove subclipse and install the latest subversive plugin instead.
I know this ain't subclipse but it works very similar and no issues with gwt nor android plugins.
it worked for me and so I hope it works for you in the mean time.