Change rendering of basic text to use <p></p> instead of <br /> - wiki-markup

WikiPlex renders basic text without adding paragraph <p> tags, instead inserting <br /> where there is a new line.
Unfortunately, this prevents me from being able to target the resultant HTML using CSS.
Is there a way to have WikiPlex render paragraphs properly?


TinyMCE: promlem with editing text within complex template HTML

I'm using template plugin for inserting html snippets. For example:
<a class="button" href="#"><span class="button-inner"><span class="button-label">Button Text</span></span></a>
Everything goes fine until editor tries to change button's text and exit its html to add some more text after. The caret doesn't leave the A tag and stops within spans or before closing A tag. So in the end we get something like this:
...Button Text</span> some more </span> text here </a>
It breaks the layout completely.
Is there a way to mark the link as single solid block or spans as non-enterable with some attributes to prevent inserting text within unexpected places?
You use the contenteditable="false" attribute to make a portion of your HTML non-editable. Here is an example:
I changed your link HTML to this:
<a contenteditable="false" class="button" href="#">
<span class="button-inner">
<span class="button-label">
Button Text
It will act like a single character in the editor...

Tinymce as email editor - image preview with CID

I am using Tinymce as an email editor. When inserting an embedded image as attachment, the images are inserted as:
<img src="cid:mycid#sth" />
This works for the email sending part - but of course not for the editor. The image is not displayed...
Question: Is there a "content" and "display" layer in Tinymce where I can hook into?
My goal is to save the content as
<img src="cid:mycid#sth" />
and transform it in the editor window as
<img src="/mypreview/image/2000" />
I am using Tinymce 4.
The editor relies on the browser for the rendering of HTML so anything like your <img src="cid:mycid#sth" /> won't render in the editor - its simply not valid HTML.
What you can do is rely on data-xxx attributes in HTML to store the data you really want and transform the HTML when you go to load it into TinyMCE.
For example...
When someone inserts the image you could create the following HTML
<img data-src="cid:mycid#sth" src="/mypreview/image/2000" />
...this would allow the editor to actually render an image while you still keep the data you need. When you save the content you can strip out the existing src data and copy the data-src content back into the src if that is what your app needs for its server side processing.
If someone edits the content you can just reverse the process and change the src back to HTML that TinyMCE can render.

Multiple paragraphs in a CQ5 page don't work

I tried adding muultiple "par" components in my template's JSP. But only the one appearing first is visible on the page.
Is there is limitation of using paragraphs in a page ?
Just change the value for your path variable
<cq:include path="par1" resourceType="foundation/components/parsys" />
<cq:include path="par2" resourceType="foundation/components/parsys" />
this should help you in having multiple paragraph components

How can I enable tinyMCE in Umbraco to add a div with a class attribute and contain a paragraph?

I need to allow add a div with a class attribute in tinyMCE in Umbraco. I can add a div, but all content in the div is just text. I need that text has a paragraph, and finally add a class attribute for the div.
It's a little hard to understand what you are asking, but I think this should help.
You can basically associate a stylesheet with the tinyMCE and then add styles to it that will appear in the style dropdown
You may use
tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<div class="section'></div>');
This will insert the specified html into the editor at the local caret position.
Be aware that your valid_elements and valid_children configuration settings won't strip out anything from the html that you insert.
If you can paste your template code then we can be more of a help to you.
What you want to do is wrap your <umbraco:Item field="aliasOfYourRTE" runat="server" />
with the div you want so in your case your code will look like this:
<umbraco:Item field="bodyText" runat="server" />
The umbraco RTE automatically spits out <p> </p> tags when content is inserted. Also, make sure you are publishing your node so that your content is viewable on the front end.
Hope this helps.
Go to Settings - Styles.
Open the stylesheet with the styles for the Format dropdown of TinyMCE in Data Type Richtexteditor.
Add a style with the Alias div.class, e.g. div.alert alert-danger.
If you then click in TinyMCE on a paragraph and then choose in the Format dropdown this style the paragraph is formatted as follows:
<div class="alert alert-danger"> ... </div>
Is this what you wished to do?

How to display everyone of the label and the radio choices in its own line?

I'm using Struts2. By default, when using the struts form, the label and the choices are displayed in the same line. How can I do to make the label in a line, and every radio choice in its own line? Is there a way by CSS? I need your help guys. Here it is how my form looks like. Thank you!
<s:form action="resultAction" namespace="/">
<s:radio label="Gender" name="yourGender" list="genders" value="defaultGenderValue" />
<s:submit value="submit" name="submit" />
Which theme are you using as by default struts2 use xHtml theme and which generate certain set of Tables to render the view.
Struts2 use free-marker template to render the HTML for tags and you can customize theme as per your choice or can create you rown theme.
Try with simple theme which will not generate any table or div and will render plain HTML for you are you have all way to apply your custom CSS to change/customize the view.
You can set the theme per page basis on for the whole application for per page basis add the following line in the head section
<s:set name="theme" value="'simple'" scope="page" />
for whole application you can either set in file or in struts.xml file though the second one is more preferable.
<constant name="struts.ui.theme" value="simple" />
If you want to play with theme here is the link for same