TinyMCE: promlem with editing text within complex template HTML - tinymce

I'm using template plugin for inserting html snippets. For example:
<a class="button" href="#"><span class="button-inner"><span class="button-label">Button Text</span></span></a>
Everything goes fine until editor tries to change button's text and exit its html to add some more text after. The caret doesn't leave the A tag and stops within spans or before closing A tag. So in the end we get something like this:
...Button Text</span> some more </span> text here </a>
It breaks the layout completely.
Is there a way to mark the link as single solid block or spans as non-enterable with some attributes to prevent inserting text within unexpected places?

You use the contenteditable="false" attribute to make a portion of your HTML non-editable. Here is an example:
I changed your link HTML to this:
<a contenteditable="false" class="button" href="#">
<span class="button-inner">
<span class="button-label">
Button Text
It will act like a single character in the editor...


How do I wrap a JSSOR image with an anchor tag in order to hyperlink a single image?

We upgraded from JSSOR 26.5.2 to 27.5.0, and found that we are no longer able to use "link slides" as described in the JSSOR documentation here:
The issue seems to be a DOM change in JSSOR 27. Now there is a new DIV element, the one with data-events=auto and data-display=block, that acts as a kind of "glass" in front of the actual image (the one with u=image). As a result, any ... that surrounds the actual IMG can never be clicked, because the z-index of this "glass" prevents the click on the .
In our case, we've always been using a construct like this:
<a u="image" href="..." style="display: block;">
<img src="..." alt="..."/>
It's always worked until now. Is this a bug in JSSOR?
Your code is correct.
Anyway, here is an example, hope this helps.
The output code is as below,
<a href="#">
<img data-u="image" src="//jssorcdn7.azureedge.net/demos/img/gallery/980x380/004.jpg" />
<div data-t="0" style="position:absolute;top:30px;left:30px;width:500px;height:40px;font-family:Oswald,sans-serif;font-size:32px;font-weight:200;line-height:1.2;text-align:center;background-color:rgba(255,188,5,0.8);">responsive, scale smoothly</div>
I got the problem, the new version improved to use <a> element as whole slide.In this manner, you can add anything inside without hiding the link area.
That's to say, as <a> is a slide, you can remove the parent <div> element.

TinyMCE Editor removing nested tag under anchor tag

I am using TinyMCE editor and I found that text inside a Heading <H1> tag which includes an anchor tag (<A>) is removed - the anchor link and its contents are getting removed.
What can I do so that the anchor link does not get removed?
You can use the following source code to test result. When we paste below lines in source code.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="http://example.com" target="_blank">
<font color="blue">This is a New Link.</font>
and when we switch to Editor View then the below output we got:
<div style="text-align: center;">
<h1>This is a New Link</h1>
output as below:
Here is a screenshot of what I get in TinyMCE

Spacing between the glyphicon and text?

I am trying to add a glyph icon as part of an email address link. The icon shows but there is no spacing between the icon and the email address text (I want the hyperlink to include both the icon and the text... including the space). What's the best way to accomplish this?
<a href="mailto:someone#somewheredotcom" title="Some Email">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope">someone#somewheredotcom</span>
You can try to do this:
.glyphicon-envelope:before {
margin-right: 5px;
Be aware that your custom css file should be included after bootstrap.css
If you using only glyphicon just add one space after </span> tag like below
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> Individual
If you using glyphicon along with font awesome library reference just add fa-fw at the end of class.
<a href="mailto:someone#somewheredotcom" title="Some Email">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope fa-fw">someone#somewheredotcom</span>
From http://getbootstrap.com/components/, see this note
Be sure to leave a space between the icon and text for proper padding.
So, you can modify the CSS if desired, for example using Bogdan's idea, or just by adding between the icon and your text:
<a href="mailto:someone#somewheredotcom" title="Some Email">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></span> someone#somewheredotcom
According to Bootstrap:
Icon classes should only be used on elements that contain no text content and >have no child elements.
You should put the email address outside of span:
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope fa-fw"></span>someone#somewheredotcom

TinyMCE - Removing content

I'm using TinMCE to edit site content and need to add a custom piece of HTML via a button using TinyMCE plugin so when i click the button the following content gets added:
<div class="custom">
<a class="header">title</a>
<a class="delete">delete</a>
<p>Some text</p>
This is all working however I want to add a link so when I click delete the div gets removed from the TinyMCE content.
Is it possible?
If you are using tinyMCE 4.X, it can be done using the <> source code editor option under tools. when you open it, you will see the html source code for what you have entered in the tinyMC editor.
<div class="custom">
<a class="header">title</a>
<a class="delete" onclick="this.parentNode.remove();">delete</a>
<p>Some text</p>
just make sure you have added anchor's onclick as extended_valid_elements
extended_valid_elements : "a[onclick]"
... });
for more.... check this out :

expression-engine : Fancybox + EE?

I am having a problem using fancybox with expression engine.
Basically I have different galleries set-up using matrix plugin. Each gallery has around 10 images. Basically I want the thumbnail to open up fancybox and fancybox to be able to scroll through the images in that matrix entry/gallery.
Sounds simple but I can’t seem to get fancybox to scroll through the images, it just stays on the first image.
This is my code for the thumbnails:
<ul id="image_gallery">
{exp:channel:entries channel="gallery_images"}
<a class="grouped_elements" href="{title_permalink='gallery/view'}" rel="{title}">
{gallery_image limit="1"}
{exp:imgsizer:size src="{image}" width="200px" height="180px"}
<img src="{sized}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="" />
This is my code for the fancybox template:
{exp:channel:entries channel="gallery_images"}
<ul id="img_gallery">
{exp:imgsizer:size src="{image}" width="650px" height="500px"}
<img src="{sized}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt=""/>
Everything works fine except for the image scrolling.
I’d appreciate any help!
Without seeing the output of your ExpressionEngine tags, it's difficult to understand where the problem is. However, your problem may be as simple as making sure all of the images in a gallery share the same HTML relationship attribute.
Fancybox Galleries are created from elements who share the same rel="" attribute:
<a class="gallery" rel="set_1" href="#"><img src="1.jpg" alt=""/></a>
<a class="gallery" rel="set_1" href="#"><img src="2.jpg" alt=""/></a>
<a class="gallery" rel="set_1" href="#"><img src="3.jpg" alt=""/></a>
In looking over your code, you're using the ExpressionEngine {title} tag as the rel="" attribute.
Since the title of your channel entry likely contains spaces and other special characters, a better choice would be to use the URL Title field, {title_permalink}.
The {title_permalink} tag converts the channel entry title to be URL-safe using either hyphens or underscores as character separators (using the Word Separator for URL Titles setting in the Global Channel Preferences).
Your updated thumbnail code would then be:
<a class="grouped_elements" href="{title_permalink='gallery/view'}" rel="{title_permalink}">
<img src="{sized}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="" />
If this doesn't work, perhaps you can provide a more complete code sample such as a jsFiddle or Pastie to help us understand where the problem may be.
