Fancybox Positioning Inside Facebook Canvas iFrame - facebook

OK so I have a iframe canvas app with its height set to "Settable" with the facebook javascrip sdk calls to FB.Canvas.setSize(); and FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow();. These are working perfectly, as the iframe gets set to a certain pixel height based on its content.
The problem is that when I make a call to Fancybox, it positions itself based on this height. I know that's exactly what its supposed to do as the fancybox jQuery returns the viewport by:
(line 673 of latest version of jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js):
_get_viewport = function() {
return [
$(window).width() - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
$(window).height() - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
$(document).scrollTop() + currentOpts.margin
But the problem is the iframe will, for a lot of viewers, be longer than their browser window. So the Fancybox centers itself in the iframe and ends up only partly visible to the majority of viewers. (i.e. iframe height is 1058px and users browser is say only 650px).
Is there a way to have fancybox just calculate the physical browser height? Or do I need to change some settings in my Facebook canvas app to make it work?
I like how the only scrollbar is the one on Facebook (the parent, if you will).
All suggestions GREATLY appreciated!

For fancybox 2 try:
_start: function(index) {
and replace with:
_start: function(index) {
if ((window.parent != window) && FB && FB.Canvas) {
function(info) {
window.canvasInfo = info;
} else {
_start_orig: function (index) {
Then in function getViewport replace return rez; with:
if (window.canvasInfo) {
rez.h = window.canvasInfo.clientHeight;
rez.x = window.canvasInfo.scrollLeft;
rez.y = window.canvasInfo.scrollTop - window.canvasInfo.offsetTop;
return rez;
and finally in _getPosition function replace line:
} else if (!current.locked) {
} else if (!current.locked || window.canvasInfo) {

As facebook js api provides page info, then we could use it, so
_start = function() {
replace with
_start = function() {
if ((window.parent != window) && FB && FB.Canvas) {
function(info) {
window.canvasInfo = info;
} else {
_start_orig = function() {
and also modify _get_viewport function
_get_viewport = function() {
if (window.canvasInfo) {
return [
$(window).width() - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
window.canvasInfo.clientHeight - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
$(document).scrollLeft() + currentOpts.margin,
window.canvasInfo.scrollTop - window.canvasInfo.offsetTop + currentOpts.margin
} else {
return [
$(window).width() - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
$(window).height() - (currentOpts.margin * 2),
$(document).scrollLeft() + currentOpts.margin,
$(document).scrollTop() + currentOpts.margin

I had the same problem, i used 'centerOnScroll' :true, and now it works fine...

Had the same problem. Thankfully fancybox is accessable through CSS. My solution was to overwrite fancybox's positioning in my CSS file:
#fancybox-wrap {
top: 20px !important;
This code places the fancybox always 20px from top of the iframe. Use a different size if you like. The !important sets this positioning even though fancybox sets the position dynamically at runtime.

Here's one way to do it by positioning the Fancybox relative to the position of another element, in my case an Uploadify queue complete div that displays a view link after the user uploads an image.
Have a style block with a set ID like so:
<style id="style-block">
body { background-color: #e7ebf2; overflow: hidden; }
Then the link to open the Fancybox calls a function with the image name, width, and height to set the content and sizes. The important part is the positioning. By getting the position of the queue complete div, generating a new class declaration (fancy-position), appending it to the style block BEFORE the fancybox loads (!important in class will override positioning from fancybox), then adding the new class using the wrapCSS parameter in the fancybox options, it positions the fancybox exactly where I want it.
function viewImage(image, width, height) {
var complete_pos = $('#image_queue_complete').position();
var css_code = '.fancy-position { top: ' + + 'px !important; }';
var img_src = '<img src="images/' + image + '" width="' + width.toString() + '" height="' + height.toString() + '" />';
content: img_src,
type: 'inline',
autoCenter: false,
wrapCSS: 'fancy-position'


Is there a way to make an ion-modal-sheet to snap the header in Ionic V6

I'm currently developing an app using Ionic V6 and i'm figured out if it was possible to make an ion-modal-sheet snap the header when it fully swiped like the Uber eats application ?
Thanks in advance for your answers and have a nice day !
For those who wondering how to do it, here's how i managed to get something similar:
first of all i've added an id to my header (my ion-header is wrapped inside a component called header) if your header is always in the same page of where you're creating the modal, use a template reference variable instead of an id:
[title]="'Solutions disponibles'"
then i've created a helper to:
Get the height of the header (can be different between iOS and Android)
Get the body height
Use the body height and the header height to return the height my modal should have in px and in %
export const getContentHeight = (): any => {
const header = document.querySelector('#getHeight');
const body = document.querySelector('body');
if (body && header) {
const percent = (100 - (header.clientHeight * 100 / body.clientHeight));
return {
height: body.clientHeight - header.clientHeight,
percent: percent
After that i've created another helper to change the visual aspect of my modal when breakpoint reach 0.9:
export const setModalSheetContentHeight = (modal: HTMLIonModalElement, breakpoint: number, expand: boolean): any => {
if (breakpoint >= 0.9 && !expand) {
expand = true;
} else if (breakpoint <= 0.9 && expand) {
expand = false;
return expand;
The boolean "expand" avoid the helper to always set the modal breakpoint to 1.
Then i've created a method that add some listeners on the modal:
initModalListener(): void {
let expand = false;
// Define if the modal is fully expand
const content = getContentHeight();
// Return an object with content height in px and in %
addEventListener('ionModalWillPresent', () => {
this.modal.setAttribute('style', `--height: ${content.height}px`);
// Set the modal height before it shown to avoid visual bug
addEventListener('ionBreakpointDidChange', (e: any) => {
const breakpoint = e.detail.breakpoint;
expand = setModalSheetContentHeight(this.modal, breakpoint, expand);
And after all of that i call this method inside of the method that create my modal:
private async presentModal(): Promise<void> {
this.modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: YourModalComponent,
breakpoints: [0.3, 0.65, 1],
initialBreakpoint: 0.3,
backdropBreakpoint: 1,
showBackdrop: false,
canDismiss: false,
keyboardClose: true,
id: 'modalSheet',
await this.modal.present();
This is a first shot so i'm sure that there is plenty of thing to adjust but for now, it work pretty well with Ionic 6.

Embedding Facebook Posts Responsive

Facebook claims its embedded posts are adjusted automatically based on the screen sizes.
Please see Can I customize the width of Embedded Posts? section in the below link.
However, the embed doesn't seem to be responsive. Please see my test here,
Is there anything I have to do in addition to make it responsive?
You have to use javascript/jquery to obtain the desired result. I have taken help from responsive function and created the following which works almost for all widths.
(function ($) {
jQuery.fn.autoResizeFbPost = function () {
var fixWidth = function ($container, $clonedContainer, doParse) {
// default parameter.
doParse = typeof doParse == 'undefined' ? true : doParse;
var updatedWidth = $container.width();
// update all div.fb-post with correct width of container
var isMobile = window.matchMedia("only screen and (max-width: 600px)");
if (isMobile.matches) {
//Conditional script here
if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) {
// you're in PORTRAIT mode
updatedWidth = $(window).width();
if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) {
// you're in LANDSCAPE mode
updatedWidth = $(window).height();
.each(function () {
$(this).attr('data-width', updatedWidth);
$('div.embedded', $clonedContainer).each(function () {
$(this).attr('max-width', updatedWidth);
// update page with adjusted markup
//should we call FB.XFBML.parse? we don't want to do this at page load because it will happen automatically
if (doParse && FB && FB.XFBML && FB.XFBML.parse)
return this.each(function () {
var $container = $(this),
$clonedContainer = $container.clone();
// make sure there is a .fb-post element before we do anything.
if (!$container.find('div.fb-post').length) {
return false;
// execute once (document.ready) and do not call FB.XFBML.parse()
fixWidth($container, $clonedContainer, false);
$(window).bind('resize', function () {
fixWidth($container, $clonedContainer);
(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
And your HTML should be like
<div style="background-color: white;" id="post">
<div class="fb-post" data-href="your-facebook-post-url" mobile="false"></div>
Hope this helps you. Feel free to post your comments.

Get artwork_url from Soundcloud API and show album covers in custom SC/SM2 player

I've been trying to sort out how artwork_url can be used from soundclouds API in order to output each cover into this custom player, and have each appropriate thumb next to its own track in the playlist?
I understand that I need to use the artwork_url property, however I do not understand how this is achieved, nor how to integrate it into this particular custom player plugin.
Any code examples in particular and/or help is highly appreciated!
Note: Also would be nice to be able to control the "size" of the artwork as well through other means then just CSS.
I switched the Soundcloud Custom Player on Heroku since after I was able to get it up and running I discovered it to have a much faster load time in contrast to the original player I cited above (even though that one is still quite awesome)...
Im still posed with the same task now however as before - How to add album art to the script and output accordingly?
Pasted below is the Heroku player:
// # SoundCloud Custom Player
// Make sure to require [SoundManager2]( before this file on your page.
// And set the defaults for it first:
soundManager.url = 'http://localhost:8888/wp-content/themes/earpeacerecords/swf';
soundManager.flashVersion = 9;
soundManager.useFlashBlock = false;
soundManager.useHighPerformance = true;
soundManager.wmode = 'transparent';
soundManager.useFastPolling = true;
// Wait for jQuery to load properly
// Wait for SoundManager2 to load properly
soundManager.onready(function() {
// ## SoundCloud
// Pass a consumer key, which can be created [here](, and your playlist url.
// If your playlist is private, make sure your url includes the secret token you were given.
var consumer_key = "915908f3466530d0f70ca198eac4288f",
url = "";
// Resolve the given url and get the full JSON-worth of data from SoundCloud regarding the playlist and the tracks within.
$.getJSON('' + url + '&format=json&consumer_key=' + consumer_key + '&callback=?', function(playlist){
// I like to fill out the player by passing some of the data from the first track.
// In this case, you'll just want to pass the first track's title.
// Loop through each of the tracks
$.each(playlist.tracks, function(index, track) {
// Create a list item for each track and associate the track *data* with it.
$('<li>' + track.title + '</li>').data('track', track).appendTo('.tracks');
// * Get appropriate stream url depending on whether the playlist is private or public.
// * If the track includes a *secret_token* add a '&' to the url, else add a '?'.
// * Finally, append the consumer key and you'll have a working stream url.
url = track.stream_url;
(url.indexOf("secret_token") == -1) ? url = url + '?' : url = url + '&';
url = url + 'consumer_key=' + consumer_key;
// ## SoundManager2
// **Create the sound using SoundManager2**
// Give the sound an id and the SoundCloud stream url we created above.
id: 'track_' +,
url: url,
// On play & resume add a *playing* class to the main player div.
// This will be used in the stylesheet to hide/show the play/pause buttons depending on state.
onplay: function() {
onresume: function() {
// On pause, remove the *playing* class from the main player div.
onpause: function() {
// When a track finished, call the Next Track function. (Declared at the bottom of this file).
onfinish: function() {
// ## GUI Actions
// Bind a click event to each list item we created above.
$('.tracks li').live('click', function(){
// Create a track variable, grab the data from it, and find out if it's already playing *(set to active)*
var $track = $(this),
data = $'track'),
playing = $'.active');
if (playing) {
// If it is playing: pause it.
soundManager.pause('track_' +;
} else {
// If it's not playing: stop all other sounds that might be playing and play the clicked sound.
if ($track.siblings('li').hasClass('active')) { soundManager.stopAll(); }'track_' +;
// Finally, toggle the *active* state of the clicked li and remove *active* from and other tracks.
// Bind a click event to the play / pause button.
$('.play, .pause').live('click', function(){
if ( $('li').hasClass('active') == true ) {
// If a track is active, play or pause it depending on current state.
soundManager.togglePause( 'track_' + $('').data('track').id );
} else {
// If no tracks are active, just play the first one.
// Bind a click event to the next button, calling the Next Track function.
$('.next').live('click', function(){
// Bind a click event to the previous button, calling the Previous Track function.
$('.prev').live('click', function(){
// ## Player Functions
// **Next Track**
var nextTrack = function(){
// Stop all sounds
// Click the next list item after the current active one.
// If it does not exist *(there is no next track)*, click the first list item.
if ( $('').next().click().length == 0 ) {
$('.tracks li:first').click();
// **Previous Track**
var prevTrack = function(){
// Stop all sounds
// Click the previous list item after the current active one.
// If it does not exist *(there is no previous track)*, click the last list item.
if ( $('').prev().click().length == 0 ) {
$('.tracks li:last').click();
So I strangely was able to work something out... I have no clue if its semantically correct however...
$.getJSON('' + url + '&format=json&consumer_key=' + consumer_key + '&callback=?', function(playlist){
// I like to fill out the player by passing some of the data from the first track.
// In this case, you'll just want to pass the first track's title.
$('.album_art').attr('src', playlist.artwork_url);
// Loop through each of the tracks
$.each(playlist.tracks, function(index, track) {
// Create a list item for each track and associate the track *data* with it.
$('<li>' + '<img src="' + playlist.artwork_url + '">' + track.title + '</li>').data('track', track).appendTo('.tracks');
// * Get appropriate stream url depending on whether the playlist is private or public.
// * If the track includes a *secret_token* add a '&' to the url, else add a '?'.
// * Finally, append the consumer key and you'll have a working stream url.
url = track.stream_url;
(url.indexOf("secret_token") == -1) ? url = url + '?' : url = url + '&';
url = url + 'consumer_key=' + consumer_key;
// ## SoundManager2
// **Create the sound using SoundManager2**
// Give the sound an id and the SoundCloud stream url we created above.
id: 'track_' +,
url: url,
// On play & resume add a *playing* class to the main player div.
// This will be used in the stylesheet to hide/show the play/pause buttons depending on state.
onplay: function() {
onresume: function() {
// On pause, remove the *playing* class from the main player div.
onpause: function() {
// When a track finished, call the Next Track function. (Declared at the bottom of this file).
onfinish: function() {
Below is the HTML and CSS markup that works with the player for better clarification...
<div class='title'></div>
<a class='prev'>Previous</a>
<a class='play'>Play</a>
<a class='pause'>Pause</a>
<a class='next'>Next</a>
Soundcloud Player
#sticky_header #sticky_content .player {
height: 570px;
overflow: hidden;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .tracks {
#sticky_header #sticky_content .tracks li {
cursor: pointer;
height: 40px;
text-align: left;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .tracks li img.album_art {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-right: 15px;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .title {
#sticky_header #sticky_content .prev {
#sticky_header #sticky_content .play {
display: block;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .playing .play {
display: none;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .pause {
display: none;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .playing .pause {
display: block;
#sticky_header #sticky_content .next {}
to get an image you can use this code:
//get element by id from your iframe
var widget = SC.Widget(document.getElementById('soundcloud_widget'));
artwork_url = music.artwork_url.replace('-large', '-t200x200');
$('#song1').css('background', 'url(\"'+artwork_url+'\") ');
normaly you get a link with "-large" at the end and the size is 100x100. If you want other sizes you have to change the end with ".replace" like I did. A list with available sizes can you find here:
(my size 200x200 is not listed but works. Maybe there are more sizes like every hundred px.)
at the moment the code works only for the actual playing song. For me it's not a solution, because i need all images from my playlist.
Here's where iterating over the tracks retrieved from the API happeninng:
// Loop through each of the tracks
$.each(playlist.tracks, function(index, track) {
// Create a list item for each track and associate the track *data* with it.
$('<li>' + track.title + '</li>').data('track', track).appendTo('.tracks');
Inside of the iterator function you can now access track.artwork_url and possibly set it as a background image or perhaps background for some element, maybe something like:
$('<li><img src=" + track.artwork_url + "></img>' + track.title + '</li>').data('track', track).appendTo('.tracks');
I hope this helps.
UPD. In your updated code, you should refer to track.artwork_url instead of playlist – then you'll get each track's individual artwork.

Change default photoset size on tumblr

I know tumblr has the defualt photoset sizes {photoset-500},{photoset-400},{photoset-250}, but I want to change the width, so that the width could be either 420, or 350. i have looked everywhere and cannot find a code to help me do this.
You can use {Photoset} which just resizes the photoset to fit the container (max size 700px).
You cannot change default sizes of images with Tumblr markup, but you can visually change size with CSS.
Tumblr markup:
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" class="photoset-img" />
.photoset-img { width: 420px; /* can be any value you want */ }
Add this script before the ending body tag. This will increase or decrease the size of the photoset
<script type="text/javascript">
//This will change the source address and display the correct size.
$(".photoset").each(function() {
var newSrc = $(this).attr("src").replace('700','860');
$(this).attr("src", newSrc);
//This will get the new size of the iframe and resize the iframe holder accordingly.
var iFrames = $('.photoset');
function iResize() {
for (var i = 0, j = iFrames.length; i < j; i++) {
iFrames[i].style.height = iFrames[i].contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';}
if ($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera) {
setTimeout(iResize, 0);
for (var i = 0, j = iFrames.length; i < j; i++) {
var iSource = iFrames[i].src;
iFrames[i].src = '';
iFrames[i].src = iSource;
} else {
iFrames.load(function() { = this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';

Creating a fake image for a CKEditor custom Plugin

I am developing a plugin for video embedding, I put this code when the plugin dialog OK button is clicked.
var embedCode =
'<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html"' +
width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="' + textField + '?rel=0"' +
frameborder="0" width="620" height="200" style="width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px">' +
Now when double click on the iframe in the editor open the iframe properties dialog not my plugin dialog.
How I can develop a fake image for my custom plugin.
I have found a solution for it.
Ckeditor make fake elements from the code generated by the plugins. When the editor loads it takes the code and convert it to fake elements and the default editing is worked on that fake elements the code for it will be defined in the
afterInit : function( editor )
function of the the editor and will be called in on OK event of the edior
onOk : function()
var embedCode = updatePreview( this,true );
var newFakeImage = editor.createFakeElement( embedCode, 'cke_audio', 'audio', true );
The Code for the fake element example is the following, I have created for an audio embed code plugin
afterInit : function( editor )
function createFakeElement( editor, realElement )
return editor.createFakeParserElement( realElement, 'cke_audio', 'audio', true );
var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
if ( dataFilter )
elements :
'div' : function( element )
var attributes = element.attributes;
if( attributes.class == 'audio' ){
return createFakeElement( editor, element );
return null;