Iphone programming [TCP APP] + Windows - iphone

i know that similar question are already asked some time but cant find anything that maches my "problem"
just a quick and dirty:
is there a sdk where i can programm a TCP (sending/recieveing) tool for iphone with windows?
there are some article that telling it is possible to talk tcp with html5
If html5 is a good choice for this what i need to "start" programming for iphone.
before the flame wars start: im usually coding heavly with AutoIT for my Windows tools.

Since iOS is built on UNIX, you can use any C code or libraries that uses TCP sockets. Any examples you find using C and sockets will apply. You can also use Apple's CFSocket library for more high level access.
TCP sockets are TCP sockets, they can talk to anything (Windows included) if it's on the same network.
To write the software and install it to an iPhone, you will need a Mac. For more info see How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?


how do I add a TCP socket to MinGW-w64?

I want to do full duplex communication between Windows (the client) and iOS (the server) through a TCP socket.
On Windows, I have a MinGW-w64 app that needs to communicate with my app on iOS (iPhone).
I'm new to MinGW-w64 and am modifying a working app from a teammate.
I haven't found socket software for MinGW-w64 (not MinGW).
On iOS, I plan to use POSIX socket.

Technology to read TCP socket in Google Chrome

I am looking for the latest technology in Google Chrome to read a TCP socket on the users computer and capture the data (which I will then manipulate and populate a field on the web page.) I have read about NPAPI, chrome apps and chrome extensions but each is either about to be deprecated or doesn't support TCP sockets. What method is available that will be supported for more than the next year?
I have already developed a similar addon for Internet Explorer in ActiveX that is called in javascript and works well.

Does iPhone supports multicasting and broadcasting?

Does iPhone supports multicasting and broadcasting?
iPhone is the client and i have server running desktop (Mac/Windows) machine.
Since the Windows does not mandatorily supports Bonjour, I ll have to follow some other steps.
Is there any other way of detecting the machines which runs the my server running?
iPhone supports Berkley sockets (and you can access it), so you can go with it to send broadcast/multicast messages, just have to write a bunch of code for that.

iPhone HTTP Server

Can someone give me simple code to help with creating an HTTP server for the iPhone. Something simple with much documentation would be appreciated. Anything you have please share.
There are sample codes from Apple and open source community such as cocoahttpserver TouchHTTPD.
Here's a summary blog
Another open-source HTTP server for iPhone is the lightweight GCDWebServer which is built on top of Grand Central Dispatch. It's only a few source code files and offers a simple and extensible API.
If you're unfamiliar with network programming your best bet is to first read Beej's Guide to Network Programming and then read the HTTP 1.1 spec before you look at source code (as you should have an understanding of the protocol before you start looking at implementations).
A simple Google search turned up cocoahttpserver and iSpit. Otherwise, you could download Apache and look at its source code, but that's not exactly a simple implementation.
It is possible to run a simple file server on iPhone/iOS.
I was able to use this method successfully. Here are the steps to create a simple file server which works on http protocol.
1. Install TestFlight app for iOS
2. Install iSH app from the Apple store or side load it from their website, as this app might not be available in the store depending on your country. I tried it from india in May 2020, and the app was not available in the store. So i did side load it from their website.
3. With iSH app, one has access to linux kernel of the iPhone. I did use a simple http server module from python and executed it on the linux shell.
4. Command to run the python based server on iPhone :
Python -m http.server 8080
5. Access the file server using the local ip that’s assigned to the iPhone in the network you are connected to. That means, if iPhone is connected to a WiFi SSID, depending on whether the router is configured to use static IP address assignment based on MAC address or using DHCP protocol, your iPhone will have an internal IP assigned by the router.
6. Command to access the file server : - modify the address depending on IP address of the iPhone and the port that server running on iPhone is configured to use. Paste this in a browser - one should be able to see the files listed in the directory where the server is running in.
Hope this was clear enough, for running a simple http based file server on iPhone using http.server module in python, over linux shell of the underlying kernel, using iSH.

Windows Phone 7 : Socket Programming

Is there any support for TCP/IP Sockets in Windows Phone 7? I'm not having any luck finding it so far.
I want to connect to a port on a server and issue commands/receive responses
It was added in mango version.
from the WM Phone 7 Dev FAQ:
Can I use Sockets for peer to peer communication?
Windows Phone 7 Series currently does not expose the Socket classes. While the version of Silverlight on the phone follows closely the feature list for Silverlight 3 on the desktop, it is a subset of those features and will not contain all classes. (It also holds a superset of classes not available in Silverlight 3.)
According to microsoft announcment, sockets will be available in next "mango" update for late 2011. Dev tools to ship May 2011.
"...The integration extends deeper into the operating system via sockets..."
While sockets are not exposed in Windows Phone 7, the better alternative would be to use WCF.