Synchronize Facebook comments to Facebook Page - facebook

I don't seem to find an answer for this one that I'm able to understand. I read in various places that comments made through the FB comments plugin on a website can also be synchronized with a Facebook Page. So far I haven't found out how this is supposed to work.


Facebook Like Box - Posts by others not appearing

I am trying to implement the Facebook like box onto my website to show posts by others onto my Facebook page, however it is only showing a feed of the posts the page has made to its timeline and not the posts of other Facebook users.
I'm not sure how I can get this to happen? I'm not bothered about having the page's posts appear but I definitely want other's posts to appear in the feed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Afaik the Plugin only shows posts "by the Page", so that is intentional. Think of it this way: If you get many User postings and only write a few Page postings, your Page postings would just not be very visible in the plugin.
You can only use the "force_checkin" parameter of the plugin to show checkins of friends, see Facebook docs:
If you want to get the posts of Users on a Page, you would have to use the Graph API:
The docs include some example code for most relevant languages and you will get User posts too. Of course you have to design it on your own, you just get data from the API.

Facebook commenting not synced

I am struggling to see a working example of facebook commenting syncing comments with facebook posts. The following is extracted from:
Friends and people who like the Page can then respond to the
discussion by liking or replying to the comment directly in the News
Feed on Facebook or in the Comments Box on your site. Threads stay
synced across Facebook and on the Comments Box on your site regardless
of where the comment was made.
As an example, check out any techcrunch article on their facebook page: If you click a link to view an article on their website, the comments are completely different and don't seem to be synced at all.
Can anyone shed some light on (A) if comments can be properly synced (B) how it is done.
I have an app set up with sandboxing on. If I comment on an article on my site, then post a link to that article on our facebook page, I would expect the comments on our site and the comments on the shared article to be the same?

Facebook Comment Plugin Synced with Page?

I'm using the Facebook Comment plugin for comments on my site. I was hoping that comments made to links shared on my Facebook Page would also show up on my website.
For example, if I share a link to a blog post on my Facebook Page, and someone comments directly to that shared link, that comment does not also appear on the website.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to sync these two?
I think comments are self-contained. You could maybe use the API to build something that shares comments on your page with comments on your blog.

Facebook Graph Post link problems

I'm trying to post a link to the wall of a facebook Page through the graph api.
Unfortunately the api is not very well documentet so i have some problems:
How do i get the "Share"-action to appear under a link i've posted?
How can i disable thumbnails for the link?
How can i make the caption linked
All those works when posting manually but i havn't found a way to do it through the api. I know it's possible though since i've seen other apps do it.

Syncing comments between Facebook and Wordpress

I'm working on implementing a two-way sync for a website that started as a Facebook fan page years ago and now is going to be run primarily off site.
Right now here's the process I'm using:
Import Posts + Comments from the Graph API. Posts are stored as Wordpress posts, comments are stored as Wordpress comments and some additional data such as Facebook Post ID or Post Author are stored in the post meta.
I've created a second submission form (only admin can submit posts from Wordpress site) that uses the Graph API to post directly to the fan page, then run the importer so that when the post is first entered into the database, it already has it's FB_POST_ID attached.
Comments from Facebook are easily updated and added to Wordpress. FB-Connect allows Facebook users to login and comment on the Wordpress but those comments are not synced with Facebook as I can't attach a user comment to a Facebook post via the Graph API (I can't control other users).
Has anyone run into anything similar or have other ideas for how I could achieve a "two-way" sync? (Quotes as my current setup is technically one-way that mimics two-way. New posts bypass Wordpress then get synced from Facebook).
This question is a bit old, but I actually got here from the official Facebook comments plugin page so I'm answering.
There is a plugin called WP-FB Comments
It's working fine, you can read my experience with it on my blog
(currently trying out Livefyre so you wont see it in action)
I'm working on a similar 2-way sync project. There isn't a way to sync comments (at least none that I can find). The way this has been accomplished is to create a new Facebook application and thus you comment thru the app, not Facebook's native comments, e.g. WPbook. Obviously, it's not ideal.
Wordbooker is another plugin that can accomplish what you're looking for -- when someone posts on Facebook, the comment is imported into Wordpress, and when someone comments on Wordpress, the comment is exported to the Facebook post too. The developer is fairly responsive if you have any issues setting it up.