Facebook commenting not synced - facebook

I am struggling to see a working example of facebook commenting syncing comments with facebook posts. The following is extracted from: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/
Friends and people who like the Page can then respond to the
discussion by liking or replying to the comment directly in the News
Feed on Facebook or in the Comments Box on your site. Threads stay
synced across Facebook and on the Comments Box on your site regardless
of where the comment was made.
As an example, check out any techcrunch article on their facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/techcrunch?fref=ts If you click a link to view an article on their website, the comments are completely different and don't seem to be synced at all.
Can anyone shed some light on (A) if comments can be properly synced (B) how it is done.
I have an app set up with sandboxing on. If I comment on an article on my site, then post a link to that article on our facebook page, I would expect the comments on our site and the comments on the shared article to be the same?


How to remove facebook comment mirroring

I disabled facebook comment mirror on setting.
But on my website show: Your comment may also appear on Kim Nguyễn's Facebook Page.
Comment Mirroring allows people to participate in a single conversation, whether comments come from your webpage or from your Facebook Page. When you share a link to your website on your Facebook Page, comments from that webpage will also appear as comments on your Facebook Page post and vice-versa. This creates a richer conversation on both your Facebook Page and on your website because the comments will appear in both places.
You can turn on comment mirroring in the moderation tool by going to the Settings tab. In order to turn on comment mirroring, you need to be a Page admin for the Facebook Page on which you want to enable mirroring.
If you want people to be able to include photos in comments with comment mirroring enabled, you must also turn on Allow visitors to the Page to publish posts for your page. To make comments mirrored correctly, your Facebook page needs to be public to everyone.
Comment mirroring takes effect on new webpages created after the setting has been enabled. Once comment mirroring is turned on for a particular webpage, there is no way to disable mirroring (you can only turn off mirroring for new webpages going forward), so if the auto close feature is enabled and it is shared to your Facebook Page, new comments can still be made from the Facebook Page post, but not from your webpage.
Will people know that we’re mirroring comments? When a person begins to write a comment on your website, they'll see a message that lets them know that their comment will also appear on your Facebook Page. The same message appears when a person begins to write a comment on an article posted to your Facebook Page.
How does moderation work? All comments, whether left on the Facebook Page post or on the original article on your website, will show up in the main Facebook comment moderation tool, so all comments displayed on the article page can be moderated. If you hide a comment in the moderation tool, it will automatically be hidden on the Facebook Page, too.

Automated Posts Made to Facebook Page Via API Can't be Seen by Users

I recently set up an HTTP poster that uses cURL, PHP and the Facebook API to post to my page's timeline.
The page is a dedicated #nowplaying page for an online radio station, so the auth token and associated facebook app is only for one user, which is myself.
The poster has been working for a few weeks, but I have only just now realised that only I can see the posts, which (as they appear to me) are made 'as the page'. Other page followers can only see a single manual post I made welcoming people to the page.
I know this might be a super user question, but I have checked all relevant page settings, and the fact that they can see manual posts by the page makes me thing it's an API/Token thing.
Q: Why can't my facebook page visitors see my automated posts?
Here is my page
Here is what I see, and what I want users to
see. Note: notice the little world logo on each post indicating that they are public.
Edit: I'm making the post over http at https://graph.facebook.com/{pageID}/feed...

How do I publish a blog post to facebook so that the likes and comments are merged?

I have a wordpress blog. Is it possible to publish a link to facebook so that the published link on my facebook business page has the same like counter as the one on the blog?
Also, can the comments section be the same? (i.e. if I post the link on facebook, when someone comments, it automatically updates the comments section of the blog post and vice versa?)
This is not possible, each set of likes and comments are independent. There is no way to perform a merge of this data currently.
The Facebook Wordpress plugin provides essentially most of what you can do currently to link Wordpress to the Facebook API http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook
You can't link the like counter of your posts and pages to your Facebook page, why? They're all separate post and pages. It only makes sense.
What you can do? You can announce your post on Facebook (timeline or business page) and all can comment on it. You can add Facebook comments to your posts and pages. The commenter has the choice of that comment showing up in his Facebook timeline. People can "like" the post announcement, or the post itself if you have the Like button on it. They both act separately because for people to actually like your post, they have to visit the page. For analytics it makes sense because you want to know who is in your Facebook page and who actually clicks to visit your site. Both are not the same, and that's the point.
If you want to actually merge your site with Facebook, it will have to be in the form of a Facebook app. If that's the direction you want to take, I believe you can find some help here on the matter.

Synchronize Facebook comments to Facebook Page

I don't seem to find an answer for this one that I'm able to understand. I read in various places that comments made through the FB comments plugin on a website can also be synchronized with a Facebook Page. So far I haven't found out how this is supposed to work.

Facebook Comment Plugin Synced with Page?

I'm using the Facebook Comment plugin for comments on my site. I was hoping that comments made to links shared on my Facebook Page would also show up on my website.
For example, if I share a link to a blog post on my Facebook Page, and someone comments directly to that shared link, that comment does not also appear on the website.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to sync these two?
I think comments are self-contained. You could maybe use the API to build something that shares comments on your page with comments on your blog.