Universal app disable ipad temporarly - iphone

I have created a universal app but would like to temporarly disable ipad until I have finished developing the ipad version. Reason is I would like to submit my iphone app and later work on the ipad version.
At the moment it automatically calls CaveConditionsAppDelegate_iPad.h/m when starting with ipad...
any idea how to do that?

In your build settings change the Targeted Device Family to iPhone only.
Beware that if you've released a version for iPad already, you can't drop support for it later.
From Comments:
Solution was to remove the "Main nib file basename (ipad)" from the plist.


Force universal app to run iPhone version on iPad

I've had an iPhone product on iTunes for a while and have superseded it with a universal app which has been met with approval except from one customer who wants to run the iPhone version on his iPad as he preferred the larger inputs and working of the iPhone.
Is there any way to configure the app to run either as native iPad app or iPhone app on iPad at runtime? Seems an odd request but customer is quite insistant.
No way to do that, except making separates versions for iPhone and iPad.
Theoretically, you could have some setting that would load the iPhone storyboard on the iPad, but it would still display full screen, and not in compatibility mode, which is probably the way this particular user wants it
Assuming you are running some sort of source control, you could change the project to be "iPhone Only" and then test on the iPad, then later revert the changes made to make it a Universal app again

Releasing iPad app, after iPhone App is in the store

I have developed an iPhone app and preparing to upload it to iTunes store.Later on I want the iPad version of the app as well which I am currently working on.
So I would like to know whether it is possible to release the iPad app later as an update to the existing app in the store?
So long as the iPad version is part of a universal bundle (iPhone and iPad resources in the same app) it would be treated as an update.
I don't believe you can. However, I think that you may be able to update it to a Universal application.
Most people just make the iPad version separate and call it App HD or provide universal versions.
Yes. You can make it Universal with an update, but you can't stop support a device after you published a universal app!
If you want to upload a different iPad-Version (e.g. AppXY HD) you can also create this in the same Xcode project and upload them as different versions.

upgrade completed IOS 4.3 iphone app for Ipad

I have a fully functional Iphone app optimized for IOS 4.x (no storyboards). I need to upgrade it to work on both the iphone and ipad. My main question is whether to one, change the devices value in the app summary to universal. Or two, duplicate the target, leave the iphone app as is, and make the necessary changes to the ipad version.
From what I have been reading, after changing the app summary to universal, new files will be added for the ipad version. This is not happening. Can anyone suggest the best approach for upgrading an older app?
Turns out I just needed to reset my iOS Device. Did this by opening the iOS simulator and going to iOS Simulator-> Reset Content and Settings..

iOS: Universal App - Release as iPhone only

A customer is interested in releasing a universal app. However, the first release will contain only the iPhone version, the second release will contain both versions.
I found a few links where ppl figured out how to make this work in the simulation environment. However, i could not find claims about apps that finally were released to the AppStore successfully. I need verification of this.
Do you have links of people claiming to have universal apps released for iphone only or did you do it yourself?
In the application's Build Settings change the Targeted Device Family to iPhone, instead of iPhone/iPad.
In the latest xcode you can do this by summary screen too.
It's not possible to only release the iPhone version via iTunes Connect, but you can set the Target Device to iPhone-only for the first version and it'll only be released for iPhone/iPod touch.
You need to make two changes. First, Set the Target Device Family back to iPhone. Second, in the info plist remove the Main nib file base name (iPad) entry. If you don't do that last step it will run as though it was an iPhone app (small view port with 2x button) but your iPad main window and delegate will be triggered.
Here is a more details post with some images for illustration:

How to keep iPhone app out of iPad store?

I have an iPhone app that I have started to turn into a universal app, however the process is not complete and I want to release an update to the iPhone version.
I know that you can specify device capabilities in the Info.plist file to restrict your app to certain devices, but how can I do this to prevent the unfinished universal version from appearing in the iPad store?
Is checking the LSRequiresiPhoneOS BOOL entry (in the Info.plist file) enough?
I'd consider restriction to iPhone very bad decision - the iPad is designed to run all iPhone apps in compatibilty mode (except for obvious things like telephony). So you will run into severe complaints.
If it is about the half-done enhancements for the iPad part, then just turn those features off and compile for iPhone (targeted device: only iPhone; maybe tweak the plist file, too).
You could use the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities and specify that you require "telephony" in your info.plist. That would keep it off the iPad (and iPod touch too). See Device Support.
I found a setting under Project Settings -> Build that titled "Targeted Device Family." Maybe try setting this to just iPhone, not iPhone/iPad -- I think that should also help.