Accordion menu style in iphone using monotouch - iphone

Can we create an Accordion menu style for the iPhone using MonoTouch?

MT relies on native iOS libraries for it's UI. If a UI element exists in iOS, then you should be able to use it in MT. As far as I know, "Accordion Menu" is not something that iOS supports.
However, this sounds like a common HTML/jQuery type control, so you may be able to achieve it by using UIWebView in your app.


How to use different font for iPhone devices?

My website's Arabic font letters appears separated from each other which makes it un readable so I want to use a different font that will display only on iPhone & iPad devices in wordpress, I am using Elementor to design the site. Is there's a code or plugin I can use to apply different font for iOS devices?
Well you cant do that just using css. You'll need JavaScript too.
Here is an answer on finding if device is iOS or not.
So basically this is what you'll have to do.
Set a unique classname for the parts of your website you need that font to be applied. E.g. "arabicf"
Go to your footer builder and drag drop an html widget.
Inside the widget write your js between script tags.
P.s. the logic behind the js is simple
If ios then "arabicf" style fontFamily = X.

How to show the iOS lookup modal in Flutter for selected text?

In most iOS apps, selected text has a "lookup" option. Flutter interactive selection only shows "cut, copy and paste". I couldn't find an option for "lookup".
Is there a way to show the "lookup" option?
If not, assuming I create my own selection controls, is there a way to manually show the modal?
For reference, here's what I mean by "lookup" option:
and here's what I mean by the "lookup" modal:
You cann't. Flutter overrides all the UI of the native system, drawing its own. Think in Flutter in the same way you think in a videogame. Flutter takes an OpenGL Canvas and draws all stuff by itself from scratch.
As you don't use any elements from native, you neither don't have the native contextual menus. That is why you get that different options.
Now, the kind of good news. You can modify the Flutter one to configure the options. You need to use the SelectableText widget from Flutter. Take a look also at the selectionControls property. You can create your own toolbar from there.

Flutter, preview of app and design plugin?

Why flutter does not contain a preview of the app while we are programming it?
Is there any design plugin to be able to drag and drop widgets like in android studio for android apps?
It is difficult to build an interface from code without having a preview of the application.
Disclaimer: This is not a first party tool.
I think what you're looking for is this:
It's a drag and drop editor for building Flutter layouts.
My personal recommendation is to use an emulator and learn how all the layout widgets work. Thanks to hot-reload it's super easy to experiment and create what you're looking for.
Well, you have emulator. What else do you want to preview your app?
Also on dart dev tools, you have a render tree and widget inspector. There is an option called show debug paint that I highly use to see the size and boundaries of widgets, and many other options I didn't discover yet.
You can use flutter studio if you want to create your ui by dragging and dropping widgets but I didn't use it.
And I just found that.
I really didn't understand what you mean by previewing.
For example, when you are starting and have a lot of examples, you might not remember what they look like.
I might suggest that you save a screenshot in your assets, so you can then remember what the app is about, without running the code.

I want design a metro style UI for my android app

I want to design metro style UI for my android app. How to do it? is there any shortcuts? I tried to make one using Image views. How to give effects for it? Is there any other way to do it? Please help me....
Try the Metro UI CSS by Sergey Pimenov. Check

Does anyone know where I can find iPhone search bar style?

I'm developing a site with jQTouch, but it doesn't have style for a search bar. Has someone come across a library or css for the iPhone search bar like the image below?
There is a searchbar in the iWebkit library, you can use that to creata your own.
jQuery Mobile provides a search input that does exactly that: