Flutter, preview of app and design plugin? - flutter

Why flutter does not contain a preview of the app while we are programming it?
Is there any design plugin to be able to drag and drop widgets like in android studio for android apps?
It is difficult to build an interface from code without having a preview of the application.

Disclaimer: This is not a first party tool.
I think what you're looking for is this:
It's a drag and drop editor for building Flutter layouts.
My personal recommendation is to use an emulator and learn how all the layout widgets work. Thanks to hot-reload it's super easy to experiment and create what you're looking for.

Well, you have emulator. What else do you want to preview your app?
Also on dart dev tools, you have a render tree and widget inspector. There is an option called show debug paint that I highly use to see the size and boundaries of widgets, and many other options I didn't discover yet.
You can use flutter studio if you want to create your ui by dragging and dropping widgets but I didn't use it.
And I just found that.
I really didn't understand what you mean by previewing.

For example, when you are starting and have a lot of examples, you might not remember what they look like.
I might suggest that you save a screenshot in your assets, so you can then remember what the app is about, without running the code.


How to show the iOS lookup modal in Flutter for selected text?

In most iOS apps, selected text has a "lookup" option. Flutter interactive selection only shows "cut, copy and paste". I couldn't find an option for "lookup".
Is there a way to show the "lookup" option?
If not, assuming I create my own selection controls, is there a way to manually show the modal?
For reference, here's what I mean by "lookup" option:
and here's what I mean by the "lookup" modal:
You cann't. Flutter overrides all the UI of the native system, drawing its own. Think in Flutter in the same way you think in a videogame. Flutter takes an OpenGL Canvas and draws all stuff by itself from scratch.
As you don't use any elements from native, you neither don't have the native contextual menus. That is why you get that different options.
Now, the kind of good news. You can modify the Flutter one to configure the options. You need to use the SelectableText widget from Flutter. Take a look also at the selectionControls property. You can create your own toolbar from there.

XD to Flutter plugin not exporting widgets

I made a UI with Adobe XD and after I finished it, I tried exporting all widgets but nothing is showing in Android Studio.
I added the adobe_xd: dependency.
I unlinked all components but it's still not working.
Please help.
As of right now the only way to export all widgets is to uncheck the prototype interaction option.
My initial export created prototype interactions, but now going back and having added more interactions and more artboards, the plugin will not export while I have the Prototype Interactions box checked.

How does fontsize in Figma compare to Flutter?

I have made a design in Figma that I wanted to rebuild using Flutter.
I'm having a hard time choosing the right fontsize in Flutter that corresponds to the fontsize I
used in Figma.
For example in Figma I chose fontsize 144 for a title and it looked alright, but when I chose this fontsize for that title in Flutter, it looks way to big. So how do these fontsizes from Figma and Flutter compare?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, The figam and flutter sizes do not correspond. It applies to other tools like Sketch or AdobeXD. Your job as a developer is also to understand what ahas been made in figma or sketch or adobe XD to be able to show the proper size in flutter honestly.
Also personaly, I think Flutter is great because you don't really need a tool like Figma to right and do beautiful designs because of the feature hot reload. You can just - if you want to develop an app for personal use and it's not a part of a bigger project with designers in the team - use the hot reload feature to look directly how your app will look.

I want design a metro style UI for my android app

I want to design metro style UI for my android app. How to do it? is there any shortcuts? I tried to make one using Image views. How to give effects for it? Is there any other way to do it? Please help me....
Try the Metro UI CSS by Sergey Pimenov. Check http://metroui.org.ua/

How can I setup Eclipse for better Android Widget development?

I'm trying to develop a widget for Android. I'm using Eclipse but I can't get the view editor setup to match what I'm going to see when I deploy to my phone.
I'm creating a 4x1 widget. I've gone through and tried setting up a new "Device" so that I can preview what the widget will look like before I deploy. I said the device is landscape, setup a 240dpi for the x and y on the device and set the dimensions to 294x72 (also tried 72x294 but that didn't work any better).
I've done some googling and I can't seem to find any guides for setting up Eclipse.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
So, what I ended up doing was just creating my main LinearLayout view to the width and height of the widget I was writing. I don't like having it so hard coded like this because if I change my widget size I have to change it in two places, but oh well. it works.