SmartGWT: hide current element showing in Canvas - gwt

I'm working something like a dynamic menu, where you click some radio buttons and it shows a specific form, each radio control matches to a different form.
Examples from the showcase always base themselves on the Tabs widget and I don't need that behaviour.
I opted for placing all the forms inside one Canvas and hide/show them accordingly (Not sure this was the best idea, if someone knows better I would like to hear it)
Now my problem is that every onClick event has to .show() one form and .hide() the other 9. that is annoying.
Is there a way to "get" the current displayed child in the Canvas and hide it?

If what you want is basically mutex display, you could put all the components as members of a Layout instead of a Canvas, then use setVisibleMember(). That hides all other members.


How to make a form builder in flutter with drag and drop functionality for widgets and customise their name, rules, datepicker, time 12/24hrs

I am trying to make a form builder which should have a functionality of drag and drop feature. Also the widgets when dropped onto the form should have a additional control of changing the particular widgets functions as per their choice. Like for suppose if a time picker has been dropped the person should have option to choose from 12/24hrs clock.
I tried adding the widget in one page but when dragging and dropping them on the form the edit option goes away as it is there in the default page. Please help with a suitable answer.
The kind of functionality I need
Also you can refer jotform

ionic framework hide ion-tabs on certain tab state

I've been trying to find a solution but I can't find any.
I'll use basic examples so anyone who knows ionic can understand my problem well.
ionic start myApp tabs will create a new project with tabs ready to go.
Those tabs are Dashboard, Chat and Settings.
When you go to the Chat Tab you will then select a person to view its chat content (which directs you to the Chat-Detail Page in actuallity)
I wanted to hide the ion-tabs directive when I go to the chat-detail page so I can force the user to use the Back button instead of clicking anything on the ion-tabs.
Simply put : you will have a hard time doing that. At best it will not look good, IF you succeed to hide using css (I did it, and really, it's not pretty). Basically you would need to define a variable on the parent scope, that changes when entering the chat-detail state, and bind it to ng-class directives on multiple elements (the ion-tabs to hide it, the ion-content to translate it up to cover the area where the tabs were, and add some transition to make it not too brutal).
The logical thing to do would be to have the chat-detail state not being a child of the state containing the tabs. The problem you will have, though, is that there is a huge bug going to / from tabbed state. See details here :
At the end of this discussion you can find some posts by Jason and Jerrybels (that would be me), that could lead you on the right way to do it. Basically, you will have to get rid of the ion-tabs directive, and use Ionic's CSS for tabs instead, doing all the states manipulations yourself.
Good luck !
You can use "hidden" attribute of ion-tab like this -
<ion-tab hidden={{condition}}" />
Using this we can show/hide tab.

can i use fancybox for an online form contact?

I'm creating a contact form, which I want to be pop out (and greyed) and wanted to know if fancybox could be used for this purpose. I currently use it for images but curious to see if it could work for this purpose.
You can use fancy box for a form.
You might have to make some changes to the plugin to get it work though
you can see how to do it here
Based on your comment: There are a few ways to get that done:-)
One way, is to have multiple divs within the form. Make the next button hide one div and show another in the modal. This can be done as many times as you need to do it within the same modal. Then when the form is complete, you can have a submit button now instead of a next or previous button.

From modal to off canvas?

I've just started on a new project of my own.
What I would like to do is, on large screens, having a button activating a modal window BUT, on smaller screen (mobiles), I would like that modal window to become an off canvas section and when the button is clicked, the off canvas slides in from the side. Within that modal/off canvas part, there will be a form to fill out. (there will actually be multiple buttons that will need to activate the feature. Think something like multiple thumbnails with each a button to let viewers add comments)
I'm using Bootstrap 3 as my base framework. I would like to minimise the javascript (jQuery) functionalities but I understand I can't completely.
Questions I have,
do I have to create two HTML sections, one for the modal and one for the off canvas and then programatically hide/show according screen size?
Would it be best to create the form and then thru javascript, add the proper HTML around it according screen size? (though I think this option would be a tough to implement as my javascript skills are "advance beginner" at best)
How would I make the same button switch activation of the modal window or the off canvas form?
It seems to me that I need to detect screen size, no matter how I do the above, what would be the best way to detect the screen size, the safest and surest way?
Thanks for any insights you guys might have on this.
You will have to show code in your questions here, so i also vote to close your question.
I'm using Bootstrap 3 as my base framework. I would like to minimise
the javascript (jQuery) functionalities but I understand I can't
Angular JS decouples Twitter's Bootstrap from javascript. See:
Questions I have, do I have to create two HTML sections, one for the
modal and one for the off canvas and then programatically hide/show
according screen size?
Take a look to the Responsive Utilities:
The screen detection of Twitter's Bootstrap is based on CSS media queries.
How would I make the same button switch activation of the modal window or the off canvas >form?
To give the same button different function based on sceensize you will need javascript / jQuery. See: Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window you also could consider to use something like enquire.js, see also
Or create two buttons and hide / show them with the the Responsive Utilities.

How to have a popup scrolling in the same way that others elements?

I can not solve my problem. As example, my website :
In the home page, I have some popup appearing just under movies's poster (when the mouse is over the poster). But when I scroll UP (for example), the popup will not appear just under the poster. Their is a space between them. I tried to add the popup to the home's page panel but it did not succeed.
So is it possible to simulate the good popup behavior? (the popup must stay under the poster).
Or more precisely, is it possible to attach a DecoratedPopupPanel to another panel inside the page in order to have the popup scrolling in the same way that others elements?
Try using the PopupPanel#showRelativeTo() method.
You can achive good popup behavior by using below property.
popup.setPopupPosition(left, top)
Pass movie image x and y index position in top and left. and make consistent look and fill.