How to make a form builder in flutter with drag and drop functionality for widgets and customise their name, rules, datepicker, time 12/24hrs - flutter

I am trying to make a form builder which should have a functionality of drag and drop feature. Also the widgets when dropped onto the form should have a additional control of changing the particular widgets functions as per their choice. Like for suppose if a time picker has been dropped the person should have option to choose from 12/24hrs clock.
I tried adding the widget in one page but when dragging and dropping them on the form the edit option goes away as it is there in the default page. Please help with a suitable answer.
The kind of functionality I need
Also you can refer jotform


Flutter dropdown keyboard input

I have a reactiveForm that has a few reactiveTextFields with validation and a reactive dropdown menu.
The goal is to allow the user through the browser(mobile will have different behavior) be able to tab through the fields and inside the drop down be able to type on their keyboard and have the drop down filter results.
The tabbing focus is working correctly i'm not sure the best approach to adding a gesture/key detector widget(What widget to even use here).
Any suggestions or links to docs would be helpful thanks!

How to drag and drop a component over other components (other than parsys) in CQ5?

I have created a button component in CQ5 without inheriting existing button component. Now I want to
place this button component over another custom Banner component by drag and drop method from sidekick. I gave the banner comp as parent for my button and in banner I gave this button in allowed children and made it as container too. also I have created design dialog for the banner component where I added this button component in allowed components option. still I am not able to drag and drop this button over the banner, as its going either above or below this banner and the banner itself is inside parsys. if I include the component via jsp, its working fine. but I must do it by drag and drop.
I am new to CQ5, appreciate any help I can get. thanks in advance.
A parsys is the fundamental container component for composition. Applying this functionality manually into another component would require quite a bit of custom configuration.
If you look at the parsys at /libs/foundation/components/parsys, you will see that it is defined as a container by the property cq:isContainer - true, which instructs CQ to allow for drag and drop. There are multiple sub nodes that will need to be defined etc.
If you are trying to limit only a particular component to be dropped in, this may make sense, and yo should look at the image component, however, the best approach is to make a component that contains a parsys.
Remember that the author's should have the ability to add as much as they want to, and a single object does not allow for this flexibility. You should be handling bad author activity through a review process before the content is published, rather than enforcing it on a software level.
Hope that helps.
Drag and Drop feature is available on Parsys or IParsys only. So to achieve your requirement you need to include parsys in banner component.
If you want to restrict banner parsys to allow button component, please use design config and select button component in button's parsys

SmartGWT: hide current element showing in Canvas

I'm working something like a dynamic menu, where you click some radio buttons and it shows a specific form, each radio control matches to a different form.
Examples from the showcase always base themselves on the Tabs widget and I don't need that behaviour.
I opted for placing all the forms inside one Canvas and hide/show them accordingly (Not sure this was the best idea, if someone knows better I would like to hear it)
Now my problem is that every onClick event has to .show() one form and .hide() the other 9. that is annoying.
Is there a way to "get" the current displayed child in the Canvas and hide it?
If what you want is basically mutex display, you could put all the components as members of a Layout instead of a Canvas, then use setVisibleMember(). That hides all other members.

GWT Customize CellList Multi-Selection Model for Mobile Devices

I have an application, that uses the MultiSelectionModel, and it works great, but I need the site I'm developing to work on mobile devices, and so I can't use the keyboard to assist in selecting the elements (since it doesn't exist). EX: On the desktop I just hold ctrl and click on all the element that I want to select.
So on the mobile device, I would like to modify the default behavior of the MultiSelectionModel so that when you click on a CellList item, it toggles the selection state of that item.
I have looked through the source for it and cannot see anyway to implement the behavior that I need. (Mobile MultiSelection).
Whether you add a checkbox column or not, you'll have to add a cell preview handler. The easiest way to define one is to use DefaultSelectionEventManager, either using a checkbox manager in combination with a checkbox column, or creating a custom one (you'd map a click event into a toggle action).
You can see it used, the checkbox variant, in the GWT Showcase; it uses the setSelectionModel overload with two arguments to add the CellPreviewEvent.Handler at the same time.
Just adding an extra checkbox column would be a more user friendly solution.

Display Additional Form on Update - RadGrid

I'm using a RadGrid for changing record status's. Users have the ability to select a status from a dropdown and update that record with that status. Depending on the status chosen, when the user clicks update I want to popup an additional form so the user can fill out more data required for the update. I'm not sure the best way to go about implementing this. Any suggestions are appreciated.
One way is to use the RadWindow like a modal and pop it up to the user via client-side JavaScript. We use RadWindows in our applications and it works. Or, the RadWindow supports a Nested Grid or View that you can have as a record's child; so you can have the master record, click on the arrow on the left and expand the record to view a nested grid of data, or a custom view (via the NestedViewTemplate property). You can also have the form in a DIV, hide it, then show it via JavaScript too.
Those are two ways.