iOS check if delegate exists before call method - iphone

I write iOS app and use imageStore library to lazy load images and cache them in memory. (
On ViewController I create imagestore instance:
imageStore = [ImageStore new];
imageStore.delegate = self;
When image loaded successfuly, imagestore call delegate method
- (void)imageStoreDidGetNewImage:(ImageStore*)sender url:(NSString*)url
that doing reloadData on tableview to redraw cells.
All works good. But there is the problem: if ViewController didUnload (go back in navigation controller) and image loaded, application finish with crash, because imagestore call method of unloaded ViewController.
I try to do following:
1) in ViewController I place this code in viewDidUnload section:
imageStore.delegate = nil;
imageStore = nil;
2) In imageStore I added checking for nil:
if(delegate != nil) { delegate method
It works, but periodically app crash anyway.

Try putting this code on dealloc section.
imageStore.delegate = nil;
imageStore = nil;
In the same way the if clause is not necessary because any call to an nil object is ignored by the application, so if you have something like this:
id delegate = nil;
[delegate callAnyMethod];
has no effect in your application behavior, in other hand if the call of the method delegate is optional you should asure that delegate responds to selector, something like this should do the trick:
if([delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(yourProtocolName)] && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(imageStoreDidGetNewImage:url:)]) {
[delegate imageStoreDidGetNewImage:imageStore url:url];

It works, but periodically app crash anyway.
That's a contradiction. There are two possibilities:
Your fix worked, and the app is crashing for some other reason.
Your fix did not work, the app continues to crash for the same reason it was crashing before.
It's hard to know what's wrong without knowing which of these two possibilities is in fact happening. Look at the error message and the evidence from the crash, such as the stack crawl. Why is the app crashing? Does it try to dereference the delegate property somewhere without checking it first? Does it depend on the delegate doing something, so that if the delegate no longer exists that thing doesn't get done and that in turn leads to a crash? These are the kinds of things I'd look for, but again the most important thing is to start with the evidence you have and follow your nose.


NSDictionary retain crash

I have a NSDictionary, storing value by parsing. I am allocating and storing value in -viewDidLoad. And accessing the values in -viewWillAppear. It works perfectly fine.
Then, I have UIPageControl with UIScrollView. While scrolling the UIScrollView, again I am accessing the same dictionary, it crashes saying
[CFString respondToSelector:]: send to deallocated....
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
scoresDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[scoreObj scores]];
- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(int)page {
if (page < 0)
if (page >= kNumberOfPages)
NSLog(#“scoresDict %#”,scoresDict);
I tried using retain in the same function, it didn’t work out. And copy, it also didn’t work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You don't say so, but it looks like all of these methods are being called from an instance of your custom UIViewController or UIScrollViewController subclass.
The most likely problem is that this instance itself isn't being retained.
When you first load the view from the nib, both -viewDidLoad and -viewWillAppear are called. It's possible, however, that garbage collection is happening in between those calls and your call to -loadScrollViewWithPage, and that no object has any connection to the view controller instance itself.
If that's the case, using copy or retain on the scoresDict won't solve the problem. You need to make sure that you are copying or retaining the view controller instance itself. Figure out what object needs to be retaining your view controller and make sure it is being retained.
A quick way to test whether this is the problem or not: create a "myViewController" property in your application delegate. In viewDidLoad, add a line:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] setMyViewController:self];
If this fixes your problem, it means the problem was the view controller getting released. That doesn't mean this is your best solution, though--it's just a diagnostic. You need to figure out what should be retaining your view controller and make sure it does so.

Random crashes occur in my iphone project, see two call stacks, all in web core, all crash after UIWebView deallocate

Random crashes occur in my iphone project, see two call stacks, all in web core, all crash after UIWebView deallocate.
See crash 1, seems web core can't close it completely, is it blocked by other running threads?
See crash 2, why it is still dealing with some issues even if UIWebView has been released?
Any idea or discussion will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Crash 2 has higher reproducible rate than crash 1, scan WebCore source code, it seems be manifest cache has been deleted (who did it?) when try to access it.
My guess is that you're setting some object (probably your view controller) as the delegate of your webView, either via Interface Builder, or via code that looks something like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.webView.delegate = self;
- (void)dealloc
[self.webView release];
[super dealloc];
This code has a serious bug that's not immediately obvious if you don't know what to look for. Can you spot it?
When the controller gets dealloc'd it releases the webView, but this doesn't necessarily mean the web view no longer exists. It may still be retained by some code down inside its internal implementation, and it may still be loading content.
When it finishes loading, the web view will call a method like webViewDidFinishLoad: on its delegate. The problem is, your view controller was the delegate, and your view controller no longer exists. The section of memory where your view controller used to live has been reclaimed by the operating system, and is no longer accessible to your application process. The web view doesn't know this though. It still has a reference to that memory address in its delegate property. So it tries to call a delegate method on that object, and whoops... EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Crashes like this appear to be random since they depend on what your app is doing in the background at the time. This makes them tricky to diagnose. Fortunately they're easy to solve. Simply set the object's delegate to nil before you release it your dealloc statement, like this:
- (void)dealloc
self.webView.delegate = nil;
[self.webView release];
[super dealloc];
By setting the web view's delegate to nil before you release it, you guarantee that the web view won't try to call delegate methods on your object after it's been deallocated.
If you're using ARC, your class may not have a dealloc method. That's normally fine, but in a case like this you should go ahead and add one. You don't want to call release if you're using ARC, but you should still add a dealloc method and set the delegate property to nil.
To avoid similar crashes in the future, apply this best practice any time you set your object as the delegate of another object.
Before releasing the webview, try to reset the delegate an stop loading.
[webView stopLoading];
webView.delegate = nil;
[webView release];
webView = nil;

Check if delegate still exists before calling respondsToSelector

I have made a UIView sub class to deal with iAds and adMob. The view controller is the sub class delegate and everything works ok. Sometimes however, the view controller disappears before the ad has been fetched. To resolve this I set the delegate to nil in my view controller's dealloc implementation.
The problem I have is that sometimes the respondsToSelector: method is ran at the same time as the view controller is getting deallocated. This causes a crash. Does anyone know how I may rearrange this?
The ad view is on about 10 different view controllers so I would like one place to create the ad code.
Many Thanks
One easy way is retaining the view until you had a chance to set the delegate to nil, and then release it. Then you can ensure that the object is still alive and prevent crashes.
If you can't retain the view, then use a static method to get the instance which is cleared in dealloc. ie: instead of:
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
Do this:
if (s_myViewDelegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
In the class:
- (id) init {
s_myViewDelegate = self;
- (void) dealloc {
s_myViewDelegate = nil;
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
Although this is a question long ago, I really messed with it a bit and finally found something that might help.
Set a completion block rather than a delegate for finished or failed event, and this would help.
Yes it's a problem with iAd and admob. I had also this kind of problem. I have solved the problem by adding add view on main window and make delegate to app delegate so app delegate will never deallocated until you close the application.
There is actually a fast and not really good solution - to use #try/#catch block. Just if you get to the #catch block your delegate fails for sure... like:
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
[delegate callBackMethod];
#catch (NSException *e){
// if you get here then delegate is no longer valid regardless its reference is still valid
You should not have 10 individual ad views, that's wrong on so many levels. Instead you should have just one that you either move between individual views or - smarter - just keep on top.
You can for example add a view to a tabBarController.view and this will stay present even if you switch tabs. For views that you don't want the ad on you can simply hide it.

Reference not returning nil even if deallocated

I have run into a real hard one here.
My class is self-created (a + (void) start;-method) which is sent a delegate.
I need to send the delegate a few messages through delegate-selectors. To check if the delegate was released, I have tried if (delegate == nil/NULL), but even if it really is released, it still says it wasn't.
How do I go around to fix this? (delegate is assigned to an id)
This is how my app is built up:
> NavController
>> TableView
>>> Post
>>>> GetData
GetData is the self-created class. Post is the delegate of GetData, and is released by TableView/NavController. After releasing Post, it is also set to nil.
In other words, GetData does not release it's delegate!
Deallocating the content of a pointer does not set the pointer to NULL automatically. You need to do it explicitly, e.g.
[delegate release];
delegate = nil;
You can't check if an object was released. Another object could've come along and occupied the same memory space, becoming indistinguishable with the original object.
The user of a class with a delegate is responsible for setting the delegate to nil when the delegate object is released. It's not detectable by the object itself.

Why does Core Data initialization fail when I attempt to do it at these points?

I see how to solve the problem but it bothers me that I don't understand why this doesn't work. I have a UIViewController subclass that uses Core Data, so it needs the NSManagedObjectContext. The controller is loaded from a nib file where it's placed under a navigation controller which is inside a tab controller.
I tried doing this in initWithCoder and viewDidLoad and for some reason it doesn't work:
MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
self.managedObjectContext = [[appDelegate managedObjectContext] retain];
For some reason managedObjectContext returns nil and I get this when I try to create a managed object later:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '+entityForName: could not locate an entity named 'LogRecord' in this model.'
Which is what you get when your context is nil or the model can't be loaded (or really lacks the entity).
If I do the exact same thing at the top of my saveLogEntry method (which creates managed objects and saves the context) then it works just fine.
If I do what the Recipes sample application does:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
loggingViewController.managedObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext;
// Standard stuff
[window addSubview:tabBarController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
(loggingViewController is an IBOutlet in the app delegate).
Does anyone know what specifically might be going on here? It seems like it fails if done "too early" but especially with viewDidLoad I'd expect it to work since I think that occurs after addSubview is called.
Do exactly what the recipes app does.
If you try it in initWithCoder, you don't know if the app delegate has finished initialization (which it hasn't)
If you try it viewDidLoad, you have a similar problem.
That is why you should NOT be accessing the app delegate like so:
MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
self.managedObjectContext = [[appDelegate managedObjectContext] retain];
This is bad form. It introduces coupling into your design. Use dependency injection, just like the example. It makes your app more flexible.
Because from the app delegate you know exactly what initialization has been performed and can pass in the context at the appropriate time.
The issue is that your View Controller instance is likely being instantiated in the Mainwindow.xib. Mainwindow.xib (and any other nibs it references) is "defrosted" before the app delegate receives UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification.
The order in which objects are defrosted from nibs is not guaranteed. When initWithCoder: is called on your View Controller you have no idea what other objects have been defrosted from the nib. You also can't be sure whether the app delegate has received the UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification.
It is similar for viewDidLoad. In viewDidLoad, you can be sure that all other objects in the nib have been properly defrosted and initialized, but since the configuration of the app delegate happens outside of the nib file, you can't be sure whether it is safe to call the app delegate.
It is better just to have the app delegate pass in the context when it is "good and ready", preferably in the applicationDidFinishLaunching: method.
Hope that is a little clearer, you should take a look at the iphone programming guide:
To glean a better explanation of the iPhone application life cycle.
Hope that helps.
One More Update:
In depth discussion of the iphone launch sequence: