NSDictionary retain crash - iphone

I have a NSDictionary, storing value by parsing. I am allocating and storing value in -viewDidLoad. And accessing the values in -viewWillAppear. It works perfectly fine.
Then, I have UIPageControl with UIScrollView. While scrolling the UIScrollView, again I am accessing the same dictionary, it crashes saying
[CFString respondToSelector:]: send to deallocated....
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
scoresDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[scoreObj scores]];
- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(int)page {
if (page < 0)
if (page >= kNumberOfPages)
NSLog(#“scoresDict %#”,scoresDict);
I tried using retain in the same function, it didn’t work out. And copy, it also didn’t work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You don't say so, but it looks like all of these methods are being called from an instance of your custom UIViewController or UIScrollViewController subclass.
The most likely problem is that this instance itself isn't being retained.
When you first load the view from the nib, both -viewDidLoad and -viewWillAppear are called. It's possible, however, that garbage collection is happening in between those calls and your call to -loadScrollViewWithPage, and that no object has any connection to the view controller instance itself.
If that's the case, using copy or retain on the scoresDict won't solve the problem. You need to make sure that you are copying or retaining the view controller instance itself. Figure out what object needs to be retaining your view controller and make sure it is being retained.
A quick way to test whether this is the problem or not: create a "myViewController" property in your application delegate. In viewDidLoad, add a line:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] setMyViewController:self];
If this fixes your problem, it means the problem was the view controller getting released. That doesn't mean this is your best solution, though--it's just a diagnostic. You need to figure out what should be retaining your view controller and make sure it does so.


iPhone How To Save View States

I have been developing iphone applications for around 3months now and theres a few things that stump me and i don't really have an idea how to work round them.
I have a navigation controller controlling the views in my application however every screen that is loaded, used then pushed back loses all the information as it seems to be reinstantiated... I believe this is a possible memory management issue?
But how to i create an app that navigates and retains all information in its views until the application is closed.
Thanks :)
Possible you didn't keep a reference to the view controller, the issue is for UIVIewController not to be released.
Make the view controller an ivar you will instanciate only one time when you push it on stack.
// in .h
MyViewController *mVC;
// in .m
// maybe when the user selects a row in a tableview
if(mVC == nil) {
// first time use, alloc/init
mVC = [[MyViewController ....];
// then push on the stack
[self.navigationController ....];
Of course don't forget to release it later.
In this part:
MyViewController *myViewController=[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"myView" bundle:nil];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:myViewController animated:YES];
[myViewController release];
You will probably have something like this... Instead, make your myViewController a class's property so you have a reference to it. And drop the [myViewController release]; statement.
Possibly your app is receiving a didReceiveMemoryWarning.
In such cases, when the super class is called, the framework does memory cleaning by unloading all the views that are not currently displayed. This could explain the behavior you are seeing.
To check it further, override didReceiveMemoryWarning in one of your view controllers or applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning in your app delegate, and put a breakpoint in it. Don't forget to call [super...] appropriately, otherwise pretty soon your app will be killed. What you should see in this way is that the views do not disappear before hitting the breakpoint, and do disappear after that.
If the hypothesis is correct, you should find a way to save the state of your view in viewDidUnload and restore it in viewDidLoad. Look also at didReceiveMemoryWarning reference.
Try to save data in NSUserDefaults it its small or use plist or it its too small like 5-10 objects save in in some variable in appDelegate, and if its too large use sqlite and for saving something like images of files like xml use Document directory
The UINavigationController works like a stack: you push and pop UIViewControllers on it. That means when a UIViewController get popped, it will have its retain count decremented by 1, and if no other object holds a reference to it, it will be deallocated. You can avoid the UIViewControllers getting dealloced by keeping a reference to them yourself by calling -retain on the objects, for instance in your appDelegate.
You can use NSUserDefaults to save the states of the UIControls in the view.
So whenever u r loading a view, set the values to the controls so that it looks like it resume from the place where we left.

View controller release before delegate return

I have a problem. My view controller (ViewController) implement a delegate method of a object (DataPuller, data get from the internet). DataPuller will retrieve data on the internet without blocking user interaction with the view. But when I navigate between screen, in some cases, that ViewController release before DataPuller return the list of objects. The DataPuller return, it checks:
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(getCommentDidDownloadFinish:)]) {
[self.delegate performSelector:#selector(getCommentDidDownloadFinish:) withObject:self];
And the application crash here because ViewController release, it becomes a zombie object. Does anyone have this problem before and how to solve it? I think another way is using NSNotification, but I wonder any other better solutions. Any ideas, solutions are welcomes. Thanks.
Your view controller must remove itself as the DataPuller delegate at some point. Typicially, this is handled in the dealloc method:
- (void)dealloc {
dataPuller.delegate = nil;
[dataPuller release];
[super dealloc];
You may also decide to do this in -viewDidUnload or -viewDidDisappear:.
Delegation (usually) implies some sort of ownership - i.e., if you make an object a delegate of another object, usually the delegate object holds a strong reference (i.e., retains) the delegating object.
As an example, a UITableViewController is the delegate of its UITableView. This is okay, because the controller retains the tableview through the "view" property.
If your design does not allow ownership, use notifications, like you already suggested. As a bonus, notifications can signal multiple listeners if you would ever need that.
Don't forget to remove your observer in the dealloc of the view controller!

Check if delegate still exists before calling respondsToSelector

I have made a UIView sub class to deal with iAds and adMob. The view controller is the sub class delegate and everything works ok. Sometimes however, the view controller disappears before the ad has been fetched. To resolve this I set the delegate to nil in my view controller's dealloc implementation.
The problem I have is that sometimes the respondsToSelector: method is ran at the same time as the view controller is getting deallocated. This causes a crash. Does anyone know how I may rearrange this?
The ad view is on about 10 different view controllers so I would like one place to create the ad code.
Many Thanks
One easy way is retaining the view until you had a chance to set the delegate to nil, and then release it. Then you can ensure that the object is still alive and prevent crashes.
If you can't retain the view, then use a static method to get the instance which is cleared in dealloc. ie: instead of:
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
Do this:
if (s_myViewDelegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
In the class:
- (id) init {
s_myViewDelegate = self;
- (void) dealloc {
s_myViewDelegate = nil;
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
Although this is a question long ago, I really messed with it a bit and finally found something that might help.
Set a completion block rather than a delegate for finished or failed event, and this would help.
Yes it's a problem with iAd and admob. I had also this kind of problem. I have solved the problem by adding add view on main window and make delegate to app delegate so app delegate will never deallocated until you close the application.
There is actually a fast and not really good solution - to use #try/#catch block. Just if you get to the #catch block your delegate fails for sure... like:
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(...)])
[delegate callBackMethod];
#catch (NSException *e){
// if you get here then delegate is no longer valid regardless its reference is still valid
You should not have 10 individual ad views, that's wrong on so many levels. Instead you should have just one that you either move between individual views or - smarter - just keep on top.
You can for example add a view to a tabBarController.view and this will stay present even if you switch tabs. For views that you don't want the ad on you can simply hide it.

iPhone, method returns an objective-c object with a +1 retain count

I kind of understand why I'm getting this analyzer warning. Because I'm using an object that is being passed in. I've tried autorelease and retain however these cause me other problems like unrecognized selector sent to instance.
The aim of my CommonUI function is to re-use code, but I have to cater for addSubView and presentModalViewController.
Perhaps I'm doing some obvious wrong ?
Change your code like this:
HelpViewController *helpvc = [[HelpViewController alloc] init....];
[vw addSubview:helpvc.view];
[helpcv release];
I think you don't need to pass the other VC.
There are two problems here.
First, if you call [vc release] (as the other answers suggest), you'll certainly make the analyzer happy but likely crash the app. A view controller's view doesn't retain the controller, so any button targets in the view will be pointing to garbage.
You will need to somehow keep the HelpViewController retained for as long as it is showing up onscreen. The "parent" view controller should likely retain it somehow. You could autorelease it, and return it. Then whomever calls showHelpClick... would retain the returned controller.
Second, you don't need to have the (UIViewController *)vc passed in as an argument.

Managing calls to objects that get deallocated when the view is backed out of

I have a view controller managed in a UINavigationController. My view controller puts up a "loading" screen, and uses ASIHTTP to asynchronously load table data. Then it renders its table, and in each cell there's an image that it uses ASIHTTP to asynchronously load. When it lands each image, it uses [self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths] to reload that row, inside which the image is fed to the UIImageView in each row.
Works great. But if I back out of the view before it's done loading, it crashes.
Where it crashes is in my -tableView:numberOfRowsInSection method, and NSZombies tells me it dies because it's asking for the -count of an NSArray called self.offers that has been deallocated.
That method looks like this:
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)table numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return [self.offers count];
Wrapping that return in if (self.offers) made no difference.
My -dealloc releases and sets-to-nil every one of these properties, including both self.offers and self.tableView itself. I even tried setting up a BOOL disappearing property, hitting it with YES in -viewWillDisappear, and hanging conditional behavior off that, but it doesn't work because viewWillDisappear doesn't seem to get called! Far as I can tell we're not getting ANY method called when the navigation bar pops us off.
What do I do about this?
Thanks to #cduhn (who's bucking for a check!), I did a bunch more looking at this. The problem has been, my -dealloc just isn't getting called when I pop this viewcontroller (nor my -viewWillDisappear nor -viewDidUnload or anything else I could use to unhook the delegation structure that's at the root of this problem).
Then I realized: THIS viewController isn't the one on the NavController stack! What's at the top of the stack right here is a shell view, just a segmented controller and a big empty UIView. I toggle the contents of that UIView between two other UIViewController subclasses depending on the state of my segmented controller. So when my view with the table on it's PARENT view gets popped from the nav stack, this CHILD I'm working on doesn't seem to get any notice about it. Which is odd, because I'm definitely releaseing it.
I can call its -dealloc from my shell controller. I could call its -viewWillDisappear too, for that matter. Is that how I should be handling this? Probably I should put something into my shell controller's viewWillDisappear like:
[[self.mainView subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(viewWillDisappear)];
...so that message propagates down to my child views.
Am I on the right track here, you think??
(Oh man... and that also explains why actions from inside this child table view can't get to self.navigationController! I've been puzzled about that for weeks!)
Bugs like this, where a method gets called on an object after it's been deallocated, often happen when a method gets called on a delegate after that delegate has been deallocated. The recommended practice to avoid bugs like these is to set any delegate (or delegate-like) properties of an object to nil before you release that object in the delegate's dealloc method. I know that's a confusing sentence, so I'll explain it in the context of your bug.
You have an asynchronous image download that finishes after you've backed out of your table view controller. When this happens, you're calling reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, which results in a call to tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: on the table view's dataSource. This call is failing because that dataSource no longer exists.
The problem is that the table view object still has your controller set as its dataSource and delegate properties, even after your controller has been deallocated. The solution is to simply set these properties to nil in your controller's dealloc, like this:
- (void)dealloc {
self.tableView.dataSource = nil;
self.tableView.delegate = nil;
self.tableView = nil; // Releases as a side-effect due to #property (retain)
[super dealloc];
Now when your table view tries to call tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: on its dataSource, it will send the message to the nil object, which swallows all messages silently in Objective C.
You should also do the same thing with your ASIHTTPRequest's delegate, by the way.
Any time you have an asynchronous operation that calls delegate methods upon completion, it's particularly important that you set that delegate to nil. When using UITableViewController under normal circumstances you can typically get away without setting the dataSource and delegate to nil, but in this case it was necessary because you're calling methods on the tableView after its controller has gone away.
As far as I can tell, the user cannot actually "back out" of a view while the UITableView is loading it's data. The methods are not run on a thread and block the main one, also blocking UI interaction. I cannot replicate your results. Even, scrolling the table view quickly and then pressing the back button.
I suggest that the stack popping is not the problem here.