ipython in emacs -- open help in separate file? - emacs

Rather than having the contents of a long help() call to a function print in the ipython shell buffer, is it possible to specify that the contents should be opened in a separate buffer?

I don't know of a direct way to do what you're asking. As an alternative, you may be able to use pylookup, which will open python help docs in your browser.


"Save as" an open file from Command Line

I have a large folder of DWG files and want to convert them to DXF files, using Solid Edge. After opening the documents, is it possible to "Save As" from the command line or powershell?
Is this a program by program line of code or is it universal for all programs?
So if I wanted to save a .docx document open in Microsoft Word as a .pdf (for want of a better example) can I use that same line of code?
Any help appreciated...
Well since you want to convert from one Autocad format to another, you could do it using Autocad's command line.
This does require you writing all of the scripting of course.
Alternatively, there is this handy scripted mass converter someone wrote using lisp and they wrote a custom script executor wrapper thingy but their scripting supposedly requires the full version of autocat (at least version 2010 to accomplish this.)
That said the official AutocCAD conversion command-line utilities are also going to use LISP scripting, so you might want to just take the second script, and work through it manually testing against the normal AutoCAD utilities until you can get it working for your needs to sort of jump start you.
If you do that I would suggest re-posting with tags for LISP and AutoCAD and give them a sample of what you have got if you end up going the official tools and your own or jump-started script route.
Hope that will be helpful to you and others in the future! :)
As commented beneath my question,
No, it would not be universal
So, no, there is no way of using a single command "save as" on every single program, and as Solid Edge doesn't have a command line API, that I know of, I would have to write a program for it.

How to show the folding commands in the Command Palette?

Is there a way to have the folding commands to show up on the Command Palette? It'd be quite useful as opposed to have to remember all of them.
You can use CTRL+K,CTRL+R and it will open a new browser tab with all the commands in a pdf file.
It will open this link as for today : "https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf"
I hope it will help.

Tracing (for documentation purposes) through .cmd and .pl files.

I am somewhat new to programming and VERY to command line and perl. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way that I can trace through a .cmd file and see what perl scripts its calling and then open those files and see what files it is calling (or functions etc...) without having to go through each file manually. I use Visual Studio 2010 and Notepad. I am mostly trying to do this to get everything documented and I would like to eventually be able to have a TOC or Tree View of the files and which files/commands/functions they call etc.. I am probably not explaining this well :) So, apologies AND Thanks in advance!! Britt
The perl debugger will let you step through perl applications/scripts and see what is getting used with various levels of detail. See perldoc perldebug or the online documentation for how that works.
Padre is a nice (and free) IDE for perl and you can look at other answers to this question for more ideas on how to use perl with VisualStudio.
Tracing batch file is problematic: Is there any way to trace through the execution of a batch file?
For tracing Perl programs, install Devel::Trace and set PERL5OPT=-d:Trace.

Opening a very large file in emacs

I am trying open a very large file in Emacs and it fails to load. Is there a way to open only a portion of this very large file? I don't need to open the whole thing.
You may want to try vlf.el which basically runs head for you. It's still pretty crude, sadly.
You can use head command, store its output in file and read that file
Windows equivalent is here:
Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command
If all you want is to read parts of a monster file then use this tool http://www.readfileonline.com/. It rapidly cracked open anything I fed it with.

How to build a Postgres IDE in Emacs

I noticed emacs has a sql-postgres mode. It's a good start, but my needs are very different. I usually have a large SQL file that I am editing and I want to "run" it on the database. I would like to edit my code in Emacs, not PG Admin. However, I am a bit more picky on how I see the results. I would rather not see a new Emacs buffer since Emacs doesn't really do grids that well. I was thinking of popping up some program that could show me the results in a very pretty, interactive view. Maybe something like openoffice or some custom piece of code.
I think the best method is to hack together a makefile that will automatically run the sql file against postgres (which may even allow me to jump to any errors). Then, if the script is successful, possible pipe the results to some program. But which program and how can I get those results to it?
Please let me know if there is a better way. I don't want some commercial software or Windows-only freeware. I'd prefer OpenSource. Any advice?
You could use psql on the command line and set emacs to be your editor of choice. Whenever you type \e in psql, it will open your editor of choice. Grid display + emacs and there's no need to write any code.