"Save as" an open file from Command Line - powershell

I have a large folder of DWG files and want to convert them to DXF files, using Solid Edge. After opening the documents, is it possible to "Save As" from the command line or powershell?
Is this a program by program line of code or is it universal for all programs?
So if I wanted to save a .docx document open in Microsoft Word as a .pdf (for want of a better example) can I use that same line of code?
Any help appreciated...

Well since you want to convert from one Autocad format to another, you could do it using Autocad's command line.
This does require you writing all of the scripting of course.
Alternatively, there is this handy scripted mass converter someone wrote using lisp and they wrote a custom script executor wrapper thingy but their scripting supposedly requires the full version of autocat (at least version 2010 to accomplish this.)
That said the official AutocCAD conversion command-line utilities are also going to use LISP scripting, so you might want to just take the second script, and work through it manually testing against the normal AutoCAD utilities until you can get it working for your needs to sort of jump start you.
If you do that I would suggest re-posting with tags for LISP and AutoCAD and give them a sample of what you have got if you end up going the official tools and your own or jump-started script route.
Hope that will be helpful to you and others in the future! :)

As commented beneath my question,
No, it would not be universal
So, no, there is no way of using a single command "save as" on every single program, and as Solid Edge doesn't have a command line API, that I know of, I would have to write a program for it.


PowerShell to executable - go the extra mile or leave it?

It seems like it is not all that easy to create an executable from a PowerShell script - do you know if it was ever meant to be an option?
I have found tools like PS2EXE, but still it does not seem like it was meant to be.
I am asking, if it is worth it to go the extra mile or leave it.
Background reason: I have some less technical users that need a smoother workflow.
As #Bill_Stewart kindly noted:
PowerShell is a shell that contains a powerful scripting language.
Which is perfectly in line with Microsoft's definition :
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET.
Basically, wrapping it in an executable would go beyond its purpose. The nice thing about scripting is, that it's lightweight and task based. And in this case, that you can easily run it on multiple OS-ses.
So, I wouldn't go through the effort creating an exe.
If you want to run it easily, just create a .bat or .cmd file (if using Windows). On windows, I believe, you can also create a shortcut with command arguments and a little icon.
For Linux you clould use a .sh.

Integrating external highlighter tool in Eclipse editor

Okay, this is probably easy, but I don't know proper words to describe it, and hence, google it...
I have an external script which takes a file name and outputs this:
/path/to/file.py:683:80: E501 line too long (85 characters)
/path/to/file.py:690:21: other error message
Now, I know this output format is widely accepted by other, much simple IDEs, e.g. EditPlus. I don't know how to integrate it with Eclipse though.
I want this script integrated with my editor windows. I want Eclipse to run it in the background, every time I save the file, and then parse the results and mark all the lines which occured in the script's output. It should look something like this:
How can I do that?
Note (for those who know why I need this): I know PyDev has a pep8.py checker integrated, but it's not enough.
Ok, so I implemented that plugin myself. I does exactly what I asked for, I guess. I made it configurable with some rude regular expressions.
I posted the code and installation instructions here (GitHub).
Your own plug-in that runs the script and examines its output can create Markers from that output. See http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Mark%20My%20Words/mark-my-words.html .

Opening a very large file in emacs

I am trying open a very large file in Emacs and it fails to load. Is there a way to open only a portion of this very large file? I don't need to open the whole thing.
You may want to try vlf.el which basically runs head for you. It's still pretty crude, sadly.
You can use head command, store its output in file and read that file
Windows equivalent is here:
Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command
If all you want is to read parts of a monster file then use this tool http://www.readfileonline.com/. It rapidly cracked open anything I fed it with.

How can Perl fill out fields on a GUI made in Visual Basic?

I have a script that runs several little programs I don't have the source code to, one of which requires filling out some fields in a GUI. I've been doing this by hand, but I'd like to have the Perl script focus the GUI window, then enter some hardcoded text into each field and close the window.
In the past I've used the Win32::GuiTest module for tasks like this. Have a look at the example scripts and documentation.
Unless there's a specific reason you're using Perl, Autoit is a Basic-like scripting language pretty much specifically designed for automating GUI tasks. It's very easy to pick up.
You can have it wait for a window to become active, send any sequence of keystrokes or tell it to specifically focus on a GUI element with a given handle, and much more. You can also package the scripts as standalone executables, which can be a nice benefit when you need it.
You might want to look into Win32::OLE. There's also a book on this topic.

Looking for a Document Comparer that can generate difference reports

I've been using an application called "WinMerge" lately for document comparisons, but one of the requirements of my teams script files (for auditing purposes) is that when we release a revision of a script we highlight the changes in red (RTF format I believe, it's through Lotus Notes) To that end, is there any software that can automatically highlight changes for me or is the best I'm going to get a list of differences and be expected to manually highlight all changes?
Assuming an HTML+CSS solution meets your needs, this article from Linux Journal shows a shell script that reads diff output and writes an HTML document with colored text highlighting the differences.
On Windows, it would probably work as-is under bash as provided in the MSYS environment from the MinGW folk or in bash from Cygwin. The script itself isn't too large, I would imagine it could be ported to Perl with only a moderate effort.
Since converting HTML to RTF turns out not to have a trivial solution that I've found, you might have better luck porting the script to directly output RTF.
If an HTML report is acceptable, Beyond Compare can generate a comparison report that highlights differences. You can use the built-in stylesheets or a custom internal one to style the differences in red (the default is a light red color already).
It doesn't seem to be able to generate RTF, but perhaps there is a simple conversion between html/css and rtf.