How to hide the output of a console view? - eclipse

I'm writing an Eclipse plug-in in which the user can interact with another process via the Console view (in this case, an interpreter), for example, evaluate expressions and so on.
Sometimes the program needs to ask the interpreter for certain values. These interactions however, shouldn't be shown in the console view to the user.
I have following instances:
private IProcess process;
private ILaunch launch;
private IStreamsProxy proxy;
the queries my program do are made via adding an IStreamListener to the proxy:
proxy.getOutputStreamMonitor().addListener(new IStreamListener(){
public void streamAppended(String response, IStreamMonitor arg1) {
while the listener is listening to the OutputStreamMonitor of the proxy, I don't want the response to pop up in the console view of the plugin.
How can I do that?

Okay, here is how I did it.
The launch system of Eclipse works as follows:
1. Implement a ILaunchConfigurationDelegate, the only method in this interface is launch, which recieves an ILaunchConfiguration, a mode, an ILaunch and an IProgressMonitor.
In my program, launch starts an inferiorProcess using DebugPlugin.exec() using a commandline argument. Then a new Process is created by calling DebugPlugin.newProcess() with the ILaunch, the inferiorProcess, the name for the interpreter and some attributes.
This method creates a new RuntimeProcess and adds it to the ILaunch and vice versa.
2. Define a LaunchConfigurationType by using the extension point org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes and add it to the plugin.xml:
delegate="myplugin.MyLaunchConfigurationDelegate" (1)
id="myplugin.myExternalProgram" (2)
modes="run" (3)
name="MyExternalProgram" (4)
public="false"> (5)
The extension point gives the exact path to the ILaunchConfigurationDelegate class created as above (1) and an unqiue identifier (2) to retrieve the instance of ILaunchConfigurationType from the LaunchManager used to launch the program. (3) defines the modes it can run as, run and debug. The name (4) is later shown in the top bar of the console view. If you only want to access and launch your external program programmatically in your plug-in (and not via the Run drop-down menu) (5) must be set to false.
3. Create a class that stores the Instances of IProcess, ILaunch and IStreamsProxy and which calls apropiate methods to start the process and to write onto the streamsproxy. A method for starting the process could look like this:
// is the process already running?
public boolean isRunning() {
boolean result = false;
try {
if (this.process != null) {
result = true;
result = false;
catch (DebugException exception) {
return result;
// start the process
public void start() {
try {
if (!isRunning()) {
// get the ILaunchConfigurationType from the platform
ILaunchConfigurationType configType = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().getLaunchConfigurationType(myplugin.myExternalProgram);
// the ILaunchConfigurationType can't be changed or worked with, so get a WorkingCopy
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy copy = configType.newInstance(null, "myExternalProgram");
this.launch = copy.launch(ILaunchManager.RUN_MODE, new NullProgressMonitor());
IProcess[] processes = this.launch.getProcesses();
if (processes.length > 0) {
// get the IProcess instance from the launch
this.process = this.launch.getProcesses()[0];
// get the streamsproxy from the process
this.proxy = this.process.getStreamsProxy();
catch (CoreException exception) {
if (isRunning())
// bring up the console and show it in the workbench
public void showConsole() {
if (this.process != null && this.process.getLaunch() != null) {
IConsole console = DebugUITools.getConsole(this.process);
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
IViewPart view = page.findView("org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsoleView");
if (view != null)
Now to the initial problem of the question
The IStreamsListener of the console view, which listens to the OutputStreamMonitor of the IStreamsProxy could not be retrieved and thus not being stopped of listening. Prints to the console could not be prevented. OutputStreamMonitor doesn't provide methods to get the current listeners. It is not possible to just subclass it and override/add some methods, because the important fields and methods are private.
Just copy the code and add a get-method for the fListeners field and change some method modifiers to public.
In order to get your own OutputStreamMonitor into the system, you need to create your own IStreamsProxy. Again only subclassing wont work, you need to copy the code again and make some changes.
public class MyStreamsProxy implements IStreamsProxy, IStreamsProxy2 {
* The monitor for the output stream (connected to standard out of the process)
private MyOutputStreamMonitor fOutputMonitor;
* The monitor for the error stream (connected to standard error of the process)
private MyOutputStreamMonitor fErrorMonitor;
public MyStreamsProxy(Process process) {
if (process == null) {
fOutputMonitor = new MyOutputStreamMonitor(process
fErrorMonitor = new MyOutputStreamMonitor(process
fInputMonitor = new InputStreamMonitor(process
The only thing remaining is providing your own IProcess that uses your IStreamsProxy. This time subclassing RuntimeProcess and overriding the method createStreamsProxy() is enough:
public class MyProcess extends RuntimeProcess {
public MyProcess(ILaunch launch, Process process, String name,
Map attributes) {
super(launch, process, name, attributes);
protected IStreamsProxy createStreamsProxy() {
String encoding = getLaunch().getAttribute(DebugPlugin.ATTR_CONSOLE_ENCODING);
return new MyStreamsProxy(getSystemProcess());
MyProcess is integrated by creating a new instance of it in the launch method in the ILaunchConfigurationDelegate instead of using DebugPlugin.newProcess().
Now it is possible to hide and expose the output of the console view.
* Storage field for the console listener
private IStreamListener oldListener;
* Hides the output coming from the process so the user doesn't see it.
protected void hideConsoleOutput() {
MyOutputStreamMonitor out
= (MyOutputStreamMonitor) this.process.getStreamsProxy().getOutputStreamMonitor();
List<IStreamListener> listeners = out.getListeners();
// the console listener
this.oldListener = listeners.get(0);
* Reverts the changes made by hideConsoleOutput() so the user sees the response from the process again.
protected void exposeConsoleOutput() {
MyOutputStreamMonitor out
= (MyOutputStreamMonitor) this.process.getStreamsProxy().getOutputStreamMonitor();
this.oldListener = null;
The hide and expose methods have to be called before any other listeners are added. There might be a better solution, however, this works.

Previous answer does the trick and I was going with something similar first after hours of trying to solve this. Finally I ended up doing something a bit simpler, but also somewhat nastier...basically:
ILaunch launch = launcconf.launch(
ILaunchManager.RUN_MODE, monitor);
So, I'm basically telling the console manager listener methods that this lauch has already been removed and it removes the console. Seems to do the trick for me atleast.

i don't want the response to pop up in the console view of the plugin. how can i do that?
Well since that is your actual concern, then just toggle the button on the console view called "Show console when standard output changes". Way more of a simpler approach than all of this, and it can be turned back on/off.


Bukkit How to change an int in the config file then be able to change it again without reloading (Custom config file class.))

Okay so I am making a custom feature for my OP-Prison server, one of the things that I need to do is get an integer from the players.yml file, check if it is >= one, if it is take away one, save it and then if it is still above one then they can repeat the action untill it's 0.
The issue comes with the fact that I have to restart the server for the file to change, and even when I do, it will only go down by one integer at a time, before having to reload it again.
GUI Creation code:
Main main = Main.getPlugin(Main.class);
private FileControl fc;
private FileControl playerfc;
public static String inventoryname ="Backpacks.White.InventoryName"));
public List<Player> WhiteOpened = new ArrayList<>();
public static Inventory whiteBackpack(Player player) {
Inventory whiteBackpack = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 27, (inventoryname));
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
new ItemCreator(Material.INK_SACK).setData(8)
.setDisplayname("&fCommon Packages &8» &f&l" +"Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common")))
return whiteBackpack;
Code for updating the config + item when the Commonpackage is clicked:
public void whiteBackpackInteract(InventoryClickEvent event) {
Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
ItemStack clicked = event.getCurrentItem();
String title = event.getInventory().getName();
if (title.equals(inventoryname)) {
// Making it so that the item cannot be moved
if (clicked != null) {
if (event.getSlot() == 10) {
// Getting the user's common packages section in the config and checking if it is greater than or equal to 1.
if ("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common") >= 1) {
// Saving the user's common package section to 'currentCommon'
Integer currentCommon ="Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common");
// Taking away one from 'currentCommon' and saving it to 'newCommon'
Integer newCommon = currentCommon - 1;
// Getting the 'players.yml' file
File file = new File(main.getDataFolder(), "players.yml");
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
// Checking if the current common keys is greater than or equal to 1
if (currentCommon >= 1) {
try {
//Now, Here's where the error lies.
//Gets the player's common package count and sets it to the 'newCommon' count
config.set("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);
//Saves the players.yml file;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Updates the inventory they're currently in (Atleast it's meant to...)
// Sends them a message (This is just for testing purposes, making sure it's working.)
player.sendMessage("&8(&9Vexil&8) &fCommon Package"));
If there is any other code that you need, just ask I'll happily provide it for you.
Right now, you need to restart the server for it to save the data to the file. This should not happen, since you are calling the method The following is simply speculation, but it's the only cause that I think can easily explain what is going on.
In the object that is returned by getPlayerFile().getConfig(), there is likely a variable that stores a FileConfiguration object. That variable houses all the data from the players.yml file. In your whiteBackpackInteract() method, you load the data all over again. You then continue on to write to this NEW FileConfiguration variable, rather than the one that is stored in getPlayerfile().getConfig(). Since you then proceed to save to the file directly, the variables stored in the getPlayerfile().getConfig() is never told that you changed some values around. To fix this, you need to change the following:
config.set("Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);;
to this:"Users." + uuid + ".Packages.Common", newCommon);;
and then delete this line of code:
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
This should solve your problem entirely. If it does not, I would recommend not using your friend's custom config API and instead just use the ones that are built in. Using third party code that you don't properly understand can very often lead to problems such as this.
The following are not the bugs, but are suggestions to help improve your code:
You should be sure to put your comments ABOVE or to the RIGHT over the code they describe. People read from top to bottom, so the comments (before I made the suggested edit to your post) were all below the code they describe.
Typically, you want to try to make sure that if code doesn't need to be run, it isn't. Since the int newCommon is not used until inside that if statement, you should move it in there.
You are using Main.getPlugin();
Now while that doesn't seem like such a bad thing, your getting an unassigned variable, I have no idea how it is working but you're assigning Main to Main. There are 2 proper ways to actually get the main class.
The first, and generally best way, is to use dependency injection.
So basically,
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
BackpackListener listener new Backpacklistener(this);
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(listener, this);
public class BackpackListener implements Listener {
private Main instance;
private BackpackUtil util;
public BackpackListener(Main instance) {
this.instance = instance;
util = new BackpackUtil();
public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
public class BackpackUtil {
public Inventory whiteBackpack(Main instance) {
FileConfiguration config = instance.getConfig();
//Do things
The next way you can do it is less optimal, and frowned upon, but still an easier option.
public class Main() {
public static Main instance;
public void onEnable() {
instance = this;
public class ConfigHelper() {
Main instance = Main.instance;
FileConfiguration config = instance.getConfig();
//Do things
It's good to get out of the habit of using the second method (It's called a singleton), because normally the main class will change, or have multiple instances, etc... but with Spigot there can only be one main instance and one thread.

NLog callback possible?

I am in the process of converting a home grown logging system to NLog and am wondering if there is a way to add an event to a Logger or otherwise support a mechanism where when I log a message I can get a callback with the final formatted message and the LogLevel. I currently use something like this to send server messages back to a connected client.
This is an MCVE of what I was talking about in the comments. Create a target that accepts some callback functions:
public sealed class MyFirstTarget : TargetWithLayout
private readonly Action<string>[] _callbacks;
public MyFirstTarget(params Action<string>[] callbacks)
_callbacks = callbacks;
protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
foreach (var callback in _callbacks)
Configure NLog to use the target. I do this programmatically since the callbacks are passed in the constructor. You can also configure the target in the NLog.config, but your target will need to be a singleton then so you can register the callbacks in code.
class Program
public static void Main()
LogManager.Configuration.AddTarget("MyFirst", new MyFirstTarget(s => Debug.WriteLine(s)));
var logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
With no other NLog configuration (copy this code into an empty project and add the NLog nuget package), this will emit a message to your debug window.

GWT RequestFactory + CellTable

Does anyone know for an example of GWT's CellTable using RequestFactory and that table is being edited? I would like to list objects in a table (each row is one object and each column is one property), be able to easily add new objects and edit. I know for Google's DynaTableRf example, but that one doesn't edit.
I searched Google and stackoverflow but wasn't able to find one. I got a bit confused with RF's context and than people also mentioned some "driver".
To demonstrate where I currently arrived, I attach code for one column:
// Create name column.
Column<PersonProxy, String> nameColumn = new Column<PersonProxy, String>(
new EditTextCell()) {
public String getValue(PersonProxy person) {
String ret = person.getName();
return ret != null ? ret : "";
nameColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<PersonProxy, String>() {
public void update(int index, PersonProxy object, String value) {
PersonRequest req = FaceOrgFactory.getInstance().requestFactory().personRequest();
PersonProxy eObject = req.edit(object);
and my code for data provider:
AsyncDataProvider<PersonProxy> personDataProvider = new AsyncDataProvider<PersonProxy>() {
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<PersonProxy> display) {
final Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
private void fetch(final int start) {
lastFetch = start;
requestFactory.personRequest().getPeople(start, numRows).fire(new Receiver<List<PersonProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<PersonProxy> response) {
if (lastFetch != start){
int responses = response.size();
if (start >= (personTable.getRowCount()-numRows)){
PersonProxy newP = requestFactory.personRequest().create(PersonProxy.class);
personTable.setRowData(start, response);
requestFactory.personRequest().countPersons().fire(new Receiver<Integer>() {
public void onSuccess(Integer response) {
personTable.setRowCount(response+1, true);
I try to insert last object a new empty object. And when user would fill it, I'd insert new one after it. But the code is not working. I says that user is "attempting" to edit a object previously edited by another RequestContext.
* am I creating too many context'es?
* how to properly insert new object into celltable, created on the client side?
* on fieldUpdater when I get an editable object - should I insert it back to table or forget about it?
Thanks for any help.
am I creating too many context'es?
You should have one context per HTTP request (per fire()), and a context that is not fire()d is useless (only do that if you/the user change your/his mind and don't want to, e.g., save your/his changes).
You actually have only one context to remove here (see below).
Note that your approach of saving on each field change can lead to "race conditions", because a proxy can be edit()ed by at most one context at a time, and it remains attached to a context until the server responds (and once a context is fired, the proxy is frozen –read-only– also until the server responds).
(this is not true in all cases: when onConstraintViolation is called, the context and its proxies are unfrozen so you can "fix" the constraint violations and fire the context again; this should be safe because validation is done on the server-side before any service method is called).
how to properly insert new object into celltable, created on the client side?
Your code looks OK, except that you should create your proxy in the same context as the one you'll use to persist it.
on fieldUpdater when I get an editable object - should I insert it back to table or forget about it?
I'm not 100% certain but I think you should refresh the table (something like setRowData(index, Collections.singletonList(object)))
BTW, the driver people mention is probably the RequestFactoryEditorDriver from the Editor framework. It won't help you here (quite the contrary actually).

How can I use RequestFactory to create an object and initialize a collection whithin it with objects retrieved from another ReqFactory?

I am struggling with an issue using RequestFactory in GWT.
I have a User object : this object has login and password fields and other fields which are of collection type.
public class User {
private String login;
private String password;
private Set<Ressource> ressources;
// Getters and setters removed for brievety
I need to persist this object in db so I used RequestFactory because it seems like a CRUD-type operation to me.
Now for the RequestFactory part of the code, this is how I have tried to do it :
I create a UserRequestContext object to create a request object for the new User. Which gives something like :
public interface MyRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {
UserRequestContext userRequestContext();
RessourceRequestContext ressourceRequestContext();
and to create the user object I have something like this :
public class UserAddScreen extends Composite {
private UserProxy userProxy;
EventBus eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
MyRequestFactory requestFactory = GWT.create(MyRequestFactory.class);
public UserAddScreen() {
public showUserAddScreen() {
// Textbox for password and login
// Listbox for ressources
I have tried to implement it as a wizard. So at the beginning of the UserAddScreen, I have a
a userProxy object.
This object fields are initialized at each step of the wizard :
the first step is adding the login and password
the second step is adding ressources to the userProxy object.
for this last step, I have two list boxes the first one containing the list of all the ressources i have in my DB table Ressources that I got from RessourceRequestContext.getAllRessource (I have a loop to display them as listbox item with the RessourceId as the value) and the second allows me to add the selected Ressources from this first listbox. Here is the first listbox :
final ListBox userRessourcesListBox = new ListBox(true);
Receiver<List<RessourceProxy>> receiver = new Receiver<List<RessourceProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<RessourceProxy> response) {
for(RessourceProxy ressourceProxy : response) {
ressourcesListBox.addItem(ressourceProxy.getNom() + " " + ressourceProxy.getPrenom(), String.valueOf(ressourceProxy.getId()));
RessourceRequestContext request = requestFactory.ressourceRequestContext();
So, as you can see, my code loops over the retrieved proxies from DB and initializes the items within the listbox.
Here are the control buttons :
final Button addButton = new Button(">");
addButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < ressourcesListBox.getItemCount(); i++) {
boolean foundInUserRessources = false;
if (ressourcesListBox.isItemSelected(i)) {
for (int j = 0; j < userRessourcesListBox
.getItemCount(); j++) {
if (ressourcesListBox.getValue(i).equals(
foundInUserRessources = true;
if (foundInUserRessources == false)
.getItemText(i), ressourcesListBox
So when somebody selects one or more users and click on a ">" button, all the selected items go to the second listbox which is named userRessourceListBox
After that, I have a FINISH button, which loops over the items in the second listbox (which are the ones I have selected from the first one) and I try to make a request (again) with RequestFactory to retrieve the ressourceProxy object and initialize the userProxy ressources collection with the result
final Button nextButton = new Button("Finish");
nextButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
RessourceRequestContext request = requestFactory.ressourceRequestContext();
for(int i = 0; i < userRessourcesListBox.getItemCount(); i++) {
Receiver<RessourceProxy> receiver = new Receiver<RessourceProxy>() {
public void onSuccess(RessourceProxy response) {
} Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
Finally, (in the code above) I try to save the UserProxy object (with the initial request context I have created userProxy with)... but it doesn't work
It seems like when looping over the result in the onSuccess method :
I retrieve the response (of type RessourceProxy) but beyond this method, for example when I try to save the userProxy object AFTER THE LOOP, there are no RessourceProxy objects in the ressourceProxy collection of userProxy...
Have you guys ever experienced something like this ?
Perhaps I am not doing it right : do I have to get the ressource with the UserRequestContext ? so that my newUser object and ressources are managed by the same request Context ?
if yes then I think it's a little bit weird to have something mixed together : I mean what is the benefit of having a Ressource-related operation in the User-related request context.
any help would be really really ... and I mean really appreciated ;-)
Thanks a lot
The message "… has been frozen" means that the object has been either edit()ed or passed as an argument to a service method, in another RequestContext instance (it doesn't matter whether it's of the same sub-type –i.e. UserRequestContext vs. RessourceRequestContext– or not) which hasn't yet been fire()d and/or the response has not yet come back from the server (or it came back with violations: when the receiver's onViolation is called, the objects are still editable, contrary to onSuccess and onFailure).
UPDATE: you have a race condition: you loop over the resource IDs and spawn as many requests as the number of items selected by the user, and then, without waiting for their response (remember: it's all asynchronous), you save the user proxy. As soon as you fire() that last request, the user proxy is no longer mutable (i.e. frozen).
IMO, you'd better keep the RessourceProxys retrieved initially and use them directly in the user proxy before saving it (i.e. no more find() request in the "finish" phase). Put them in a map by ID and get them from the map instead of finding them back from the server again.

What's the best way to get a return value out of an asyncExec in Eclipse?

I am writing Eclipse plugins, and frequently have a situation where a running Job needs to pause for a short while, run something asynchronously on the UI thread, and resume.
So my code usually looks something like:
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Do some calculation
// How do I return a value from here?
// I want to be able to use the calculation result here!
One way to do it is to have the entire Job class have some field. Another is to use a customized class (rather than anonymous for this and use its resulting data field, etc.
What's the best and most elegant approach?
I think the Container above is the "right" choice. It could be also be genericized for type safety. The quick choice in this kind of situation is the final array idiom. The trick is that a any local variables referenced from the Runnable must be final, and thus can't be modified. So instead, you use a single element array, where the array is final, but the element of the array can be modified:
final Object[] result = new Object[1];
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
result[0] = "foo";
Again, this is the "quick" solution for those cases where you have an anonymous class and you want to give it a place to stick a result without defining a specific Container class.
After I thought about this a bit, I realized this works fine for listener and visitor type usage where the callback is in the same thread. In this case, however, the Runnable executes in a different thread so you're not guaranteed to actually see the result after syncExec returns. The correct solution is to use an AtomicReference:
final AtomicReference<Object> result = new AtomicReference<Object>();
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
Changes to the value of AtomicReference are guaranteed to be visible by all threads, just as if it were declared volatile. This is described in detail here.
You probably shouldn't be assuming that the async Runnable will have finished by the time the asyncExec call returns.
In which case, you're looking at pushing the result out into listeners/callbacks (possibly Command pattern), or if you do want to have the result available at a later in the same method, using something like a java.util.concurrent.Future.
Well, if it's sync you can just have a value holder of some kind external to the run() method.
The classic is:
final Container container = new Container();
Display display = Display.getDefault();
display.syncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
Where container is just:
public class Container {
private Object value;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Object o) {
value = o;
This is of course hilarious and dodgy (even more dodgy is creating a new List and then setting and getting the 1st element) but the syncExec method blocks so nothing bad comes of it.
Except when someone comes back later and makes it asyncExec()..