Cancelling PayPal-Website Payments Standard's Payment Programmatically - paypal

Is there any API available to Cancel or Modify a recurring payment created using PayPal - Website Payments Standard?
Can I use Express Checkout APIs to do this?

If the subscription ID starts with I- you may be able to cancel them with UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile, but this is not guaranteed.
If they start with S-, you'll have to do it via the Recurring Payments Dashboard.


Paypal Express Checkout : Creating subscriptions / recurring payments

Using my Paypal account, I would like to add the following functionality to my new website
A checkout process that allows for payments via Paypal, Paypal Credit, or credit card (Google and Apple Pay would be nice)
The user should not leave my website
The checkout process should create a subscription / recurring payment
I would like to be notified if they cancel their sub or their payment is declined in subsequent months. (I'm assuming I can use IPN for this?)
I've played around with the Express Checkout form builder, but I don't see a way to specify "payment type". i.e. "Subscription"
Is this possible?

Testing Recurring payment in paypal sandbox

I have integrated paypal sandbox but how can i use paypal recurring payment procedure. which parameter is required for recurring and how can i use web hook for recurring.If any suggest me how to use paypal sandbox recurring and provide best solution.
Which type of recurring is being used?
If you are implementing recurring using NVP/SOAP API, kindly refer to the below. Kindly note that webhook is not compatible with NVP/SOAP API
a. Using Express Checkout -
b. Using PayPal buttons-
for notifications, you can use IPN to get notifications every time a payment is made
If you are implementing using REST API, webhook is used for receiving notifications. Refer to the links below

recurring vs subscription confusion

I am developing an IPN application for a non-profit who wants to take monthly recurring pledges. The IPN variables manual has two separate entries: subscription & recurring and it appears recurring is what I need and so I would use the txn_type=recurring_payment.
The problem is that when I turn to the "HTML Variables for PayPal Payments Standard" manual, I can't find an appropriate _xclick value for recurring payments. Yes there is one for subscriptions but nothing for _xclick.
How then do I code for recurring payments in the HTML? Or is recurring payments not available to HTML Standard Payments?
While technically they are the same thing, PayPal Standard (ie. basic payment buttons) calls it "Subscriptions" where-as the APIs call it "Recurring Payments".
If you want to stick with Payments Standard you would just use the IPN Subscription variables in your IPN code logic. If you do switch to Express Checkout then that's when you would use the Recurring Payments IPN params.
I would recommend using Express Checkout w/ Recurring Payments if you can. This would require some more in depth coding. Assuming you're comfortable with PHP, this PHP PayPal SDK would make the Express Checkout and Recurring Payments API calls very quick and easy for you.
The recurring-payment feature you are referring to is an API based product. If you are using PayPal Payments Standard, the subscription variables are your only option.
You can use Recurring Payments with Express Checkout. Here is a link to the developer documentation:

Website subscriptions via Express Checkout Recurring Payments

I'm trying to implement a recurring subscription to a website using PayPal Express Checkout Recurring Payments. One requirement is that creating the initial subscription should be as quick as possible: once the customer confirms the purchase, the merchant should receive the money and activate the subscription in a couple of minutes tops.
As far as I understand, I have the following options to go with:
use CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile only, with billing starting now
use CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile with initial payment, starting now
use DoExpressCheckoutPayment followed by CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile starting now + 1 billing period
Initial testing in the sandbox has shown that plain CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile schedules payments once a day, which rules this option out. Option 2 (Recurring Payments Profile with an initial payment) looked promising -- payments usually went through in a couple of seconds -- until the initial payments started being delayed by half an hour or more.
So, a couple of questions:
What is the intented way to implement on-line recurring payments via PayPal?
Does the sandbox share payment scheduling behavior with the live site?
What is the intented way to implement on-line recurring payments via PayPal?
Answer:The recurring payment via Express Checkout is a good way.
The subscription button via Website Payments Standard is also a good way which is more easy to implement.
Does the sandbox share payment scheduling behavior with the live site?
Answer:yes, sandbox has the same payment scheduling behavior as live.
BTW, if you want initial payment be charged right away, you should use Option 3, initial payment will be changed right away after DoExpressCheckoutPayment.
Option 2 only guarantee initial payment be charged in 24 hours.

Recurring Payment IPN

Quick question about the notify_url HTML variable (from PayPal Payments Standard). I am specifying the URL as a variable that is sent to PayPal via a redirect URL for a recurring payment setup (all is working as expected when setting up the recurring payment).
But I am wondering, when PayPal goes to actually process a payment in the future (actual recurring payment), will it use the same URL for the IPN notification that was used during the recurring payment setup?
I have multiple IPN scripts, one for regular payments and one for recurring payments - I want to be sure that each future recurring payment uses a specific IPN script.
First, for the sake of terminology, if you're using HTML buttons then you're using Standard Subscriptions, not Recurring Payments. Technically, they're the same thing, but Recurring Payments is API based and IPN data is different for Standard Subscriptions vs. Recurring Payments. Just keep that in mind when searching for information about the two.
As for the IPN's, unfortunately, it will not continue to use that same URL. You'll need to make sure that IPN is configured in the PayPal account profile in order for future transactions related to the profile to trigger IPN's.
This goes for both Standard Subscriptions and Recurring Payments API transactions.