Testing Recurring payment in paypal sandbox - paypal

I have integrated paypal sandbox but how can i use paypal recurring payment procedure. which parameter is required for recurring and how can i use web hook for recurring.If any suggest me how to use paypal sandbox recurring and provide best solution.

Which type of recurring is being used?
If you are implementing recurring using NVP/SOAP API, kindly refer to the below. Kindly note that webhook is not compatible with NVP/SOAP API
a. Using Express Checkout - https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/merchant/CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile_API_Operation_NVP/
b. Using PayPal buttons- https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/button-manager/BMCreateButton_API_Operation_NVP/
for notifications, you can use IPN to get notifications every time a payment is made
If you are implementing using REST API, webhook is used for receiving notifications. Refer to the links below
a. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments.billing-agreements
b. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/webhooks/


How can i enable both services i.e., Direct Payment and Express Checkout on Paypal live US business account?

Recently I had implemented Recurring Payments API using the following payment methods:
Direct Payment
Express Checkout
All was working fine on Sandbox account. But on Live account when i enable one payment solution like Express Checkout then service for Direct Payment is disabled and vice-versa. How can i enable both above mentioned payment methods/solutions for Recurring Payments?
You are requested to go to the link below to upgrade your US PayPal account to the Pro account.
After that you are able to integrate Direct Payment for Recurring Payments.
You can also refer to the link below.

How do I complete registration for a live application on PayPal

I have been using the Express Checkout methods of the PayPal Classic API to allow my site's clients to set up both recurring and one-off payments. Everything works smoothly in my test environment with it pointing to the PayPal sandbox environment.
Now I have been trying to go live. I am following the instructions from https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/lifecycle/goingLive/ which tells me to register my app. I go to https://apps.paypal.com/user/my-account/applications/new and fill in my details, but in the section 'Services used by App' there is nowhere to tick Merchant Services. I'm not using the Adaptive API or Invoicing, but the page won't allow me to submit without filling in something on the Adaptive Payments section. There is no help or guidance on the page.
How do I proceed?
If you're just using Express Checkout and Recurring Payments you won't need to submit an app. The app submission is for people using Adaptive Payment or Adaptive Account API calls.
You should be able to use Express Checkout as long as you have a confirmed and Verified Business PayPal account.

Can I implement Paypal with a combination of website payment standards & Paypal API?

In my application I have implemented the Paypal website payment standards. But when I use it I can't retrieve details for recurring users. Can I use the API to do the job? Is this a valid or meaningful method?
no you can't retrieve the standard subscription. But you could use the paypal API to make the recurring payments.
the above link will provide you the code to create it.
The mentioned code first create a Sales account and then convert it in to the recurring account
With standard subscriptions you can't access those via the API. If you want to work with subscriptions via the API you'll need to use the Recurring Payments platform instead of Payments Standard.

recurring payment with paypal advanced NOT paypal pro

I am trying to make recurring payment work with PAYPAL ADVANCED
My script works in case of SALE transactions but there are issues when i try to create recurring profile.
When i am posting my request with CREATESECURETOKEN set to Y. It returns Invalid transaction type: Invalid Transaction Type for secure token creation request
Here is the string. Note i have changed user and pass here
PARTNER[6]=PayPal&VENDOR[10]=#####&USER[11]=#####&PWD[9]=#####&CREATESECURETOKEN[1]=Y&TRXTYPE[1]=R&RECURRING[1]=Y&TENDER[1]=C&ACTION[1]=A&PROFILENAME[6]=Gautam&ACCT[16]=4012888888881881&EXPDATE[4]=1214&AMT[5]=10.00&START[8]=06132013&PAYPERIOD[4]=MONT&TERM[1]=0&OPTIONALTRX[1]=S&OPTIONALTRXAMT[4]=2.00&EMAIL[20]=#####&SECURETOKENID[26]=MySecTokenID-51b93e0830f70&RETURNURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&CANCELURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&ERRORURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&BILLTOFIRSTNAME[4]=John&BILLTOLASTNAME[3]=Doe&BILLTOSTREET[12]=123 Main St.&BILLTOCITY[8]=San Jose&BILLTOSTATE[2]=CA&BILLTOZIP[5]=95101&BILLTOCOUNTRY[2]=US&SHIPTOFIRSTNAME[4]=Jane&SHIPTOLASTNAME[5]=Smith&SHIPTOSTREET[13]=1234 Park Ave&SHIPTOCITY[8]=San Jose&SHIPTOSTATE[2]=CA&SHIPTOZIP[5]=95101&SHIPTOCOUNTRY[2]=US
if i set CREATESECURETOKEN to N i receive Invalid merchant information: 10002-You do not have permissions to make this API call
I searched for documentation on recurring payment with paypal advanced but every where i found details about payflow pro. With no information about recurring payment with paypal advanced its not easy to make things work.
Any idea about what is wrong with my post data?.
I posted my query on paypal.com/mts a week back but have no reply.
NOTE: I have subscribed to paypal advanced and paypal recurring payment.
With paypal advanced the transactions are completed on the client website itself and user is never taken to paypal site. Yes it uses iframe for the purpose.
It works for SALE type transaction but not in case of recurring payment.
Payments Pro and Advanced don't support the Recurring Payment API calls. You would be using the Recurring Billing API calls through Payflow. The new Advanced and Pro accounts use Payflow Pro or Link.
Are you setting a billing type in the Secure Token call?
What is the ticket number you submitted? I'd to look up the account to see if the account is setup to use Recurring Billing and was created correctly.
Also, Advanced accounts shouldn't be using the Recurring Billing API calls. It is possible to create Recurring Billing profiles with an Advanced account but they have to be done through the PayPal Manager site.

Cancelling PayPal-Website Payments Standard's Payment Programmatically

Is there any API available to Cancel or Modify a recurring payment created using PayPal - Website Payments Standard?
Can I use Express Checkout APIs to do this?
If the subscription ID starts with I- you may be able to cancel them with UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile, but this is not guaranteed.
If they start with S-, you'll have to do it via the Recurring Payments Dashboard.