Stopping SpringBatch jobs started from the command line - spring-batch

Spring Batch jobs can be started from the commandline by telling the JVM to run CommandLineJobRunner. According to the JavaDoc, running the same command with the added parameter of -stop will stop the Job:
The arguments to this class can be provided on the command line
(separated by spaces), or through stdin (separated by new line). They
are as follows:
jobPath jobIdentifier (jobParameters)* The command line options are as
jobPath: the xml application context containing a Job
-restart: (optional) to restart the last failed execution
-stop: (optional) to stop a running execution
-abandon: (optional) to abandon a stopped execution
-next: (optional) to start the next in a sequence according to the JobParametersIncrementer in the Job jobIdentifier: the name of the job or the id of a job execution (for -stop, -abandon or -restart).
jobParameters: 0 to many parameters that will be used to launch a job specified in the form of key=value pairs.
However, on the JavaDoc for the main() method the -stop parameter is not specified. Looking through the code on I can't see any use of the -stop parameter where I would expect it to be.
I suspect that it is possible to stop a batch that has been started from the command line but only if the batches being run are backed by a non-transient jobRepository? If running a batch on the command line that only stores its data in HSQL (ie in memory) there is no way to stop the job other than CTRL-C etc?

stop command is implemented, see source for CommandLineJobRunner, line 300+
if (opts.contains("-stop")) {
List<JobExecution> jobExecutions = getRunningJobExecutions(jobIdentifier);
if (jobExecutions == null) {
throw new JobExecutionNotRunningException("No running execution found for job=" + jobIdentifier);
for (JobExecution jobExecution : jobExecutions) {
return exitCodeMapper.intValue(ExitStatus.COMPLETED.getExitCode());

The stop switch will work, but it will only stop the job after the currently executing step completes. It won't kill the job immediately.


SCP command not working in karate project - it throws command error:cannot run program scp.exe: CreateProcess error=2 [duplicate]

I'm trying to execute bash script using karate. I'm able to execute the script from karate-config.js and also from .feature file. I'm also able to pass the arguments to the script.
The problem is, that if the script fails (exits with something else than 0) the test execution continues and finishes as succesfull.
I found out that when the script echo-es something then i can access it as a result of the script so I could possibly echo the exit value and do assertion on it (in some re-usable feature), but this seems like a workaround rather than a valid clean solution. Is there some clean way of accessing the exit code without echo-ing it? Am I missing on something?
#possible solution
#echo 3
exit 3;
var result = karate.exec(' arg1')
feture file
def result = karate.exec(' arg1')
Great timing. We very recently did some work for CLI testing which I am sure you can use effectively. Here is a thread on Twitter:
And we have just released version 0.9.6.RC4 and new we have a new karate.fork() option that returns an instance of Command on which you can call exitCode
Here's an example:
* def proc = karate.fork(' arg1')
* proc.waitSync()
* match proc.exitCode == 0
You can get more ideas here:
Note that the argument to karate.fork() can take multiple forms. If you are using karate.exec() (which will block until the process completes) the same arguments work.
string - full command line as seen above
string array - e.g. ['', 'arg1']
json where the keys can be
line - string (OR)
args - string array
env - optional environment properties (as JSON)
redirectErrorStream - boolean, true by default which means Sys.err appears in Sys.out
workingDir - working directory
useShell - default false, auto-prepend cmd /c or sh -c depending on OS
And since karate.fork() is async, you need to call waitSync() if needed as in the example above.
Do provide feedback and we can tweak further if needed.
EDIT: here's a very advanced example that shows how to listen to the process output / log, collect the log, and conditionally exit: fork-listener.feature
Another answer which can be a useful reference: Conditional match based on OS
And here's how to use cURL for advanced HTTP tests !
In case you need to do a lot of local file manipulation, you can use the karate.toJavaFile() utility so you can convert a relative path or a "prefixed" path to an absolute path.
* def file = karate.toJavaFile('classpath:some/file.txt')
* def path = file.getPath()

In Celery tasking, is the database scheduler sufficient, or do I need to specify the run_every property as well?

I have a periodic task that is supposed to run once a day, but currently it runs twice a day, and I'm not sure why. The second run occurs milliseconds after the intended one.
My periodic task has the run_every property specified:
run_every = crontab(hour=1, minute=1)
but in my settings file, the database scheduler is specified:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULER = 'djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler'
furthermore in the database, there are tables with the task names and their crontab schedule.
For example we have a table called djcelery_crontabschedule and it also specifies that the same task should run at 1:01 am.
Could this be causing my task to run twice every day?
I never use run_every... Here is an example from the file that I use:
beat_schedule = {
'company-data-report': {
'task': 'report.company_data_report',
'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour=7),
'args': [],
'options': {'expires': 120*60}
This particular task runs every day at specified time. We use the default Celery scheduler, not some third-party implementation.

How to run one or more Topshelf services from a console application in seperate threads

I have a console application that is written to take command line arguments which will be used in determining the number of Windows services are needed. The command line for the console application is like this:
consoleapp.exe -server:11 -azure:7
where -server specifies a Windows service and -azure specifies an Azure WebJob. [NOTE: This question only pertains to the Windows service but I wanted to show that the console application can potentially have many arguments.]
In the console application I parse the command line and, if the command matches "-server" then I want to create a Windows service using TopShelf. I can potentially have multiple -server commands on the console app command line, or single -server commands with multiple values, as in:
-server:11,7 or -server:11 -server:7
For each distinct -server/value I am creating a Task that in turn creates and starts a Topshelf service, like so:
TopshelfExitCode retCode = HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<TopshelfWindowsService>(sc =>
sc.ConstructUsing(name => new TopshelfWindowsService(companyConfig, runnerProgress));
sc.WhenStarted((s, hostControl) => s.Start(hostControl));
sc.WhenShutdown(s => s.Shutdown());
sc.WhenStopped((s, hostControl) => s.Stop(hostControl));
x.SetServiceName($"CommRunner {companyConfig.CompanyName + companyConfig.CompanyId}");
x.SetDescription($"Runner for CompanyID ({companyConfig.CompanyId})");
x.SetDisplayName($"Runner {companyConfig.CompanyId}");
My problem is that Topshelf apparently uses the console application's command line arguments during the service configuration and I end up getting an error:
"[Failure] Command Line An unknown command-line option was found: DEFINE: server = 11".
Is it possible to do what I am attempting and still use Topshelf? Is there any way to disable the use of the command line when configuring a service in Topshelf?
I could be wrong, but it sounds like your issue isn't really how to run multiple instances in separate threads, but more how to parse command line arguments of your own with TopShelf in use.
Have a look at the AddCommandLineSwitch functionality to allow you to create and use your own arguments.
x.AddCommandLineSwitch("server", v => server = v);
x.AddCommandLineSwitch("azure", v => azure= v);
From this the syntax is:
-server:11 -azure:7
See How can I use CommandLine Arguments that is not recognized by TopShelf? for more information.
Remember, these only work during the install phase. To use these parameters for when the service starts, have a look at: How to specify command line options for service in TopShelf

Spring batch, handle failed files again, skip successfully handled

How to ideologically correct organize file handling?
I have a folder for new files (NEW), folder for old files (OLD), a folder for failed files (FAIL). New file puts in NEW, then if the handling was correct, the file goes to OLD, if the handling was failed, the file goes to ERR. Then we take this file again and correcting it and put in NEW if all ok file goes to OLD if failed goes to ERR. And repeat again and again.
I have job with constant name "fileHandlingJob", in job i have some steps: "extract", "handling", "utilize", and i have job parameters: "filePath", "fileName".
If you state that uniqueness criteria of file - it's file's name, then you are on right way.
If job was in state FAILED (ERR folder) then you can retrigger it with same set of parameters. If job was COMPLETED - you can't run it again. Spring batch will complain.
You can ensure this behaviour by having unique file name as Job's parameter. So no other job could be triggered with same file name. Spring batch will simply prevent this.
Second parameter filePath can be additional non-unique parameter.
JobParametersBuilder jobParametersBuilder = new JobParametersBuilder()
.addString("fileName", "myfile.xml", true)
.addDate("filePath", "C:\new\myfile.xml", false);
true/false here means whether parameter is unique or not.

Return code of scheduled task prefixed with 0x8007000 in list view, registered as 0 in the event log

I am currently trying to setup monitoring of windows scheduled tasks in Zabbix. It seemed easy enough to just monitor the Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational event log filtered by 201 events and regexing on the return code, but when I started simulating errors to test the monitoring, nothing happened.
It turns out that all our windows 2012 servers always log "return code 0" in the event log, even though it actually, sort of, displays it correctly in the Task Scheduler list view. When I say "sort of", it's because the "Last Run Result" actually displays 0x80070001 if the exit code of the program run by the scheduled task is 1.
I have spend a lot of time tweaking the settings, like user account, Run only when user is logged on, Run whether user is logged on or not, setting path on the action, Run with highest privileges, Configure for Vista/7/2012, etc. Nothing helped.
Finally I did some testing on my local machine, Windows 7, and a 2008R2 server, both of which just worked as expected.
The specific task I was testing ran a PowerShell script, using -Command so that it properly propagates the exit, but to rule out any PS issues I also tested with a batch file containing "exit 1" and finally with a small C# console program, that just returns whatever you supply on the command line.
PS, batch and console program all work fine on 7 and 2008, but they all fail in the same manner on 2012.
I've google this to death, but keep coming up short. Apparently 0x80070005 and other similar error codes are have some meaning, but that's not what happens in my case. In my case it seems that my exit code is bitwise or'ed with 0x80070000.
I should note that in all the cases, even 2012, the program started by the task, actually executes and run to the end, it's just the exit code which is handled weirdly.
Following is the output from the test runs:
From Powershell (my shell writes :( if $LASTEXITCODE > 0 ):
54 :( .\ExitCodeTest.exe 1
56 :) .\ExitCodeTest.exe 10
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard:
Last Run Result (from list view): 0xA
Event 201 from event log Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational:
Task Scheduler successfully completed task "\ErrorTest" ,
instance "{b67a26cf-7fd8-461a-93d9-a5e48e72e558}" ,
action "D:\Tasks\ExitCodeTest.exe" with return code 10.
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter (notice that the return code in the event log is 0):
Last Run Result (from list view): 0x8007000A
Event 201 from event log Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational:
Task Scheduler successfully completed task "\error test" ,
instance "{2bde46b8-2858-4772-a7ec-d66b29d893a6}" ,
action "D:\Tasks\ExitCodeTest.exe" with return code 0.
Source for ExitCodeTest.exe:
static void Main( string[] args )
int exitCode = 0;
if ( args.Length > 0 )
exitCode = Convert.ToInt32( args[0] );
Environment.Exit( exitCode );
Please help, I am at my wits end.
(this is NOT an answer, but StackOverflow is refusing to let me add comments - when I click 'add comment', browser scrolls to top of page :-/)
You may be misinterpreting the Last Run Result column. According to Wikipedia (, LRR values of 0, 1 and 10 are common. Ignore the 0x8007 prefix - this just indicates a WIN32 error code transformed into an HRESULT (
Try running the test and forcing an exit code of something other than 1 or 10 to see if this influences LRR.
This does not explain of course why action return code is 0 in 2012. Error code 10 is defined as 'environment is incorrect'. Could it be that 2012 server does not want to run 32bit executable?
One other suggestion (and I'm a little out of my depth); according to ( "Exit requires the caller to have permission to call unmanaged code. The return statement does not.". Might be worth re-compiling ExitCodeTest as follows:
static int Main(string[] args)
int exitCode = 0;
if ( args.Length > 0 )
exitCode = Convert.ToInt32( args[0] );
return exitCode;
I'm seeing a similar issue on Server 2012 with a batch file that looks like it succeeds, shows a return value of 0 in event log, but a Last Run Result of 0x80070001.
I see MSFT has a hotfix available for Server 2012 which might address this issue:
I had this problem and fixed it this way.
Instead of calling a batch file move the commands into the actions section of the scheduled task.
I realize this may not work for you as some batch files are long.
I suspect it has to do with circumventing security on a scheduled task -- if you can change the batch file then you could get a scheduled task to run as the identity without windows being the wiser.