SCP command not working in karate project - it throws command error:cannot run program scp.exe: CreateProcess error=2 [duplicate] - command

I'm trying to execute bash script using karate. I'm able to execute the script from karate-config.js and also from .feature file. I'm also able to pass the arguments to the script.
The problem is, that if the script fails (exits with something else than 0) the test execution continues and finishes as succesfull.
I found out that when the script echo-es something then i can access it as a result of the script so I could possibly echo the exit value and do assertion on it (in some re-usable feature), but this seems like a workaround rather than a valid clean solution. Is there some clean way of accessing the exit code without echo-ing it? Am I missing on something?
#possible solution
#echo 3
exit 3;
var result = karate.exec(' arg1')
feture file
def result = karate.exec(' arg1')

Great timing. We very recently did some work for CLI testing which I am sure you can use effectively. Here is a thread on Twitter:
And we have just released version 0.9.6.RC4 and new we have a new karate.fork() option that returns an instance of Command on which you can call exitCode
Here's an example:
* def proc = karate.fork(' arg1')
* proc.waitSync()
* match proc.exitCode == 0
You can get more ideas here:
Note that the argument to karate.fork() can take multiple forms. If you are using karate.exec() (which will block until the process completes) the same arguments work.
string - full command line as seen above
string array - e.g. ['', 'arg1']
json where the keys can be
line - string (OR)
args - string array
env - optional environment properties (as JSON)
redirectErrorStream - boolean, true by default which means Sys.err appears in Sys.out
workingDir - working directory
useShell - default false, auto-prepend cmd /c or sh -c depending on OS
And since karate.fork() is async, you need to call waitSync() if needed as in the example above.
Do provide feedback and we can tweak further if needed.
EDIT: here's a very advanced example that shows how to listen to the process output / log, collect the log, and conditionally exit: fork-listener.feature
Another answer which can be a useful reference: Conditional match based on OS
And here's how to use cURL for advanced HTTP tests !
In case you need to do a lot of local file manipulation, you can use the karate.toJavaFile() utility so you can convert a relative path or a "prefixed" path to an absolute path.
* def file = karate.toJavaFile('classpath:some/file.txt')
* def path = file.getPath()


Karate- Gatling: Not able to run scenarios based on tags

I am trying to run performance test on scenario tagged as perf from the below feature file-
#tag1 #tag2 #tag3
user login
#tag4 #perf
Below is my .scala file setup-
class PerfTest extends Simulation {
val protocol = karateProtocol()
val getTags = scenario("Name goes here").exec(karateFeature("classpath:filepath"))
I have tried passing the tags from command line and as well as passing the tag as argument in exec method in scala setup.
Terminal command-
mvn clean test-compile gatling:test "-Dkarate.env={env}" "-Dkarate.options= --tags #perf"
.scala update:- I have also tried passing the tag as an argument in the karate execute.
val getTags = scenario("Name goes here").exec(karateFeature("classpath:filepath", "#perf"))
Both scenarios are being executed with either approach. Any pointers how i can force only the test with tag perf to run?
I wanted to share the finding here. I realized it is working fine when i am passing the tag info in .scala file.
My scenario with perf tag was a combination of GET and POST call as i needed some data from GET call to pass in POST call. That's why i was seeing both calls when running performance test.
I did not find any reference in karate gatling documentation for passing tags in terminal execution command. So i am assuming that might not be a valid case.

How to import other source code files in dm script

Is there a way to use multiple code files in dm-script to structure the code? Something like:
import "path/to/utility_functions.s";
Note that I do not want to have the code as a menu item if possible. The code contains only functions that I use in the main script.
I tried the following:
File 1: test.s
void test(){
File 2: require-test.s
AddScriptFileToPackage("path/to/test.s", "test", 3, "test-function", "", "", 1);
ExecuteScriptString("test()"); // works immediately but feels wrong
test(); // works after restart
Now I have the following problems:
I have to restart DigitalMicrograph after executing this script, otherwise test() does not work (ExecuteScriptString("test()"); works but it feels wrong to use strings for invoking code, if possible I'd like to avoid that)
When I restart DigitalMicrograph another time AddScriptFileToPackage() sais 'The script cannot be added because the package exists and is read-only. [...]'. Is there a way around it or do I have to use try blocks?
I feel like I am not doing this wrong at some place.
DM script does not support on-demand-loading of packages, but there are two different ways to achieve what you want:
Using library packages
When you "install" a script, you can choose to either install it as menu-command or as a library. This is true for both installing scripts via the menu command (which get stored in the global preferences file) or via the scripting-command (which can be used to
create .gtk files which one can then add/remove from the plugins
folder as needed).
The "menu" option will install a script such that it is invoked once via the menu-item but does not stay in memory otherwise.
The "library" option will execute a script once on startup and keep the script itself in scope. So you can define methods (or classes) in a library file and have it generally available. And you can put some executable code in a library if you need some startup-action.
Using script libraries as .gtk plugins is possibly the recommended way to achieve what you want. They are, however, always loaded.
Piece of advise: If you make libraries ensure you use very unique class and method names to avoid any conflict. I would recommend pre-fixing all class/method names with some library-name, i.e. use MyLib_MyClass instead of MyClass and the like.
Clarification: Scripts added as library packages are permanently added to the software, i.e. those packages get created once and are then placed in the plugins-folder. They will always load on startup of DM and be available. The Library package method is not suitable for temporarily 'loading' external scripts. Such 'on demand import' is not supported by DM-scripting.
The script commands to create packages are utility commands to help one create packages in an easy and manageable way. Typically, one would create a "Create package XY" script with several such commands adding all scripts from a location into a package. The script would be called once to create the package-file (It is already in the plugins folder afterwards.)
Only when the included scripts change and the package therefore requires to be updated, is the create-package script called again. Note, that in this case it is first required to remove the package-file from the plugins folder and start DigitalMicrograph without loading it, so that a new package is created. Otherwise the script would append to the package, which would not be possible if methods of the same name already exist in the package.
The F1 help documentation has an example script:
A typical examples, using GMS 3.4.0:
Script stored at: C:\Tmp\testLib.s
void TestCall()
Script stored at: C:\Tmp\menuAction.s
Result("\nPerforming an action here.")
One-time run script to install a package:
// General package parameters
// *********************************************
string pkNa = "myPkg" // Filename of plugin
number pkLe = 3 // level 3 (.gtk) only needed for load order
string pkLo = "user_plugin" // plugin location
string scriptRoot = "C:\\Temp\\"
// List of Scripts to be installed as menu items
// *********************************************
// Each entry needs a (unique) command-name, a menu-name and an optional sub-menu name.
// The "isLibary" flag is set to 0
// It is possible to add the same script multiple times. The script will be executed when the menu item
// is chosen. Methods and Classes of the script are not available otherwise
// A separator can be added by installing and empty script with a (unique) command name starting with "-"
AddScriptFileToPackage( scriptRoot + "menuAction.s", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "Call 1", "MyMenu", "MySubMenu", 0 )
AddScriptFileToPackage( scriptRoot + "menuAction.s", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "Call 2", "MyMenu", "", 0 )
AddScriptToPackage( "", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "-sep1", "MyMenu", "", 0 )
AddScriptFileToPackage( scriptRoot + "menuAction.s", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "Call 3", "MyMenu", "", 0 )
// List of Scripts to be installed as library
// *********************************************
// Each entry needs a (unique) command-name. Menu-name and sub-menu name are "".
// The "isLibary" flag is set to 1
// The script will be executed once on startup (if there is executable code). It is also executed once
// here during the install.
// Methods and Classes of the script are permanently available and need unique names.
// Adding a script to the package as libary can be used to create on-load-version info output.
AddScriptFileToPackage( scriptRoot + "testLib.s", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "library-1", "", "", 1 )
AddScriptToPackage( "Result(\"Script packages myPkg loaded.\\n\")", pkNa, pkLe, pkLo, "myPkg-versionInfo", "", "", 1 )
After running the install-script there will be:
A menu like this:
Output in the results window like this:
A package file in the folder C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Gatan\Plugins\myPkg.gtk
The script command TestCall() generally available in all scripts.
The package will load each time when DM starts as long as the .gtk file remains in the plugins folder.
Calling script code from within scripts
The scripting language supports two commands to call a script from within a script:
Number ExecuteScriptString( String text )
Number ExecuteScriptFile( String file_path )
Using the command to execute scripts form disc can do what you want, but maintaining a useful 'library' that way could be tedious. It also does not allow you to install classes.
Example of calling a script from within a script:
// Direct example
void Demo()
Result( "I am a test call.\n")
number n = 5
Result( "I am working on the number: " + n )
//Having the script as a string
number otherNumber = 11 // To show how you can modify a script call as an example
string scriptStr
scriptStr += "void Demo()\n{" + "\n"
scriptStr += "ClearResults()" + "\n"
scriptStr += "Result( \"I am a test call.\\n\")" + "\n"
scriptStr += "number n = " + otherNumber + "\n"
scriptStr += "Result( \"I am working on the number: \" + n )"+ "\n"
scriptStr += "}\n"
scriptStr += "Demo()\n"
If ( TwoButtonDialog("Script-call","Show it", "Run it") )
Result( scriptStr )
ExecuteScriptString( scriptStr )
The following explicit example of build script usage may be closer to what you are looking for. It shows that in the course of a single DM session, one can edit the module source files and repeatedly rebuild the package without having to relaunch DM, contrary to the clarification about package creation provided in the answer from BmyGuest. This example also makes use of the very convenient GetCurrentScriptSourceFilePath function which greatly simplifies file path references when one can locate the build script and module source files in the same folder (this is the approach I take with my own development projects).
Here is the arrangement of my files for this example:
The two source modules are very simple function and class libraries.
Here is Module1:
void Module1SayHello()
OKDialog("Hello from module 1");
And here is Module2:
class Module2TestClass
void Module2SayHello(Object self)
OKDialog("Hello from module 2");
Here is the build script:
void main()
// Establish the source code directory relative to the current build script location
String buildScriptSourceFilePath;
String sourceFileDir = buildScriptSourceFilePath.PathExtractDirectory(0);
// Add the modules
AddScriptFileToPackage(sourceFileDir.PathConcatenate("Module1.s"), "MultiModuleTest", 3, "Module1", "", "", 1);
AddScriptFileToPackage(sourceFileDir.PathConcatenate("Module2.s"), "MultiModuleTest", 3, "Module2", "", "", 1);
Contrary to the above-mentioned clarification, this build script can be run multiple times during a DM session and the content of the package file gets replaced each time. So now one has a very nice development environment where one can open the source file for a module, edit it as desired, save it, and then rebuild the package file. One can use the following test script to see that the behavior changes as one edits, saves, and rebuilds the implementation of any function or method in the module source files:
void main()
Because of the way the DM script interpreter parses, tokenizes, and executes code, all functions and methods invoked anywhere in a script must have been previously defined before a script is executed. This is why the above test script, or any other script that uses the added modules, cannot simply be appended to the end of the build script (except if embedded in a string passed to the ExecuteScriptString function, as pointed out in the posed question). The concept of imported code modules (e.g. as in Python) is therefore not really possible in DM scripting (as pointed out in a comment to the answer by BmyGuest). In this sense, DM scripting shows its roots in 1990’s coding concepts, which commonly involved separate compilation, linking, and execution phases.
Nevertheless, the build script approach described here allows one to take advantage of the features of a true integrated development environment (IDE). For example, one can add the module source files (and build script) to a project in Visual Studio and get all the benefits of a modern multi-file code editor and revision control (e.g. via Git). This is what I do with the Enabler framework.
The one caveat is that once the DM session is closed, the plug-in (package) file does become finalized in some way so that it can no longer be replaced by the build script in a future DM session. In this case, one does have to remove the package file from the plug-ins folder before resuming another development session in DM (as covered in the clarification from BmyGuest).
For everybody else who needs this, I am using AddScriptFileToPackage() now, inspired by both, #BmyGuest and #MikeKundmann.
The following main.s is always open in my GMS. The real code I'm working on is in program.s. To test your code execute the main.s. This file can be executed multiple times in one session!
For opening GMS I use the (Windows) batch file below. This deleteds registered plugins automatically which makes the main.s usable again. For debugging I created a python script that combines all the files listed in the main.s. This way GMS jumps to the errors. This python program can be downloaded from my github page.
* File: main.s
String __file__;
String __base__ = __file__.PathExtractDirectory(0);
* Load and add the file `filename`, the name will be the `filename` without
* the extension.
* This is dynamic only for the current session. If GMS is restarted, using
* this will create errors except if the plugins folder does not contain the
* required files (delete `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Gatan\Plugins\` before starting).
* #param filename The filename (or path) relative to the path of this file
* #param name The internal name to register the script with
void require(String filename, String name){
// AddScriptFileToPackage(
// <file_path>,
// <packageName: filename of .gtk file in plugins>,
// <packageLevel: load order [0..3]>,
// <command_name: id/name of the libary/command>,
// <menu_name: name of the menu, ignored if isLibrary=1>
// <sub_menu_name: name of the submenu, ignored if isLibrary=1>,
// <isLibrary: wheter to add as library (1) or as menu item (0)>
// )
AddScriptFileToPackage(__base__.PathConcatenate(filename), "__require_main_" + name, 3, name, "", "", 1);
* Require the file `filename` with the basename of the `filename` as the name.
* #see require(String filename, String name);
* #param filename The filename (or path) relative to the path of this file
void require(String filename){
require(filename, PathExtractBaseName(filename, 0));
void main(){
// add libaries
// add main file
The (Windows) batch file to start GMS. This deletes the plugins folder automatically. Then the main.s does not cause any problems.
#echo off
rem File: start-gatan.bat
rem ---------------------
echo Deleting GMS cached libaries...
SET plugins_path=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Gatan\Plugins\
SET gms_path=%PROGRAMFILES%\Gatan\DigitalMicrograph.exe
if exist %plugins_path% (
echo Deleting all .gtk files in %plugins_path%...
del %plugins_path%__require_main_*.gtk /F /Q
del %plugins_path%__require_main_*.gt1 /F /Q
del %plugins_path%__require_main_*.gt2 /F /Q
del %plugins_path%__require_main_*.gt3 /F /Q
if exist "%gms_path%" (
echo Starting GMS
start "" "%gms_path%"
) else (
echo GMS path %gms_path% does not exist.
) else (
echo Plugins path %plugins_path% does not exist.

Unhelpful output from pytest

TLDR: How can I get better output from pytest?
I'm using Django with regular python3 unittests.
I've just switched to pytest-django for running tests.
pytest throws an error for almost all my tests (149 in total).
Pages and pages with this error.
self = <RegexURLResolver 'project.urls' (None:None) ^/>
def reverse_dict(self):
language_code = get_language()
if language_code not in self._reverse_dict:
> return self._reverse_dict[language_code]
E KeyError: 'en-us'
Which wasn't the problem. It led me down to a wrong path.
I had a syntax error in one of my files.
./ test resulted in:
File "/home/roland/project/", line 20
code = zip(list1, list2])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Notice the last: ] which was the problem.
So: How can I get more useful output on problems when using pytest?
After finding this and scrolling back into the pytest output there was mention of the syntax error. It was just buried in the output.
You can use the --maxfail=1 option so it will stop immediately on first failure.
Also, make sure your pytest.ini is setup properly so that pytest knows it should be using django-pyest.
For my workflow, I usually do the following:
run pytest --maxfail=1 &> pytest-output.txt
tail, grep, or search he text file for errors.
Fix and iterate
There are a lot of other configuration options that will help you to get more meaningful input from pytest.

How can I generate a Parsing Error in BitBake on intent?

I use Anonymous Python Functions in BitBake recipes to set variables during parsing.
Now I wonder if I can check if a specific variable is set or not. If not, then I want to generate a BitBake Error, which stops the build process.
Pseudo code, that I want to create:
python __anonymous () {
if d.getVar('MY_VARIABLE', True) == "":
<BITBAKE ERROR with custom message "MY_VARIABLE not found">
You can call bb.fatal("MY_VARIABLE not set") which will print that error and abort the build by throwing an exception.
Beware that d.getVar() returns None when the variable is unset. You only get the empty string if that's your default value.
Outputs are possible on different loglevels and with python as well as shell script code
For usage in python there are:
For usage in shell script there are:
for example if you want to throw an error in your recipe's do_install_append function:
bbfatal "something went terribly wrong!"

Erlang: How to access CLI flags (arguments) as application environment variables?

How does one access command line flag (arguments) as environment variables in Erlang. (As flags, not ARGV) For example:
RabbitMQ cli looks something like:
erl \
-sasl errlog_type error \
-sasl sasl_error_logger '{file,"'${RABBITMQ_SASL_LOGS}'"}' \
... # more stuff here
If one looks at sasl.erl you see the line:
get_sasl_error_logger() ->
case application:get_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger) of
% ... etc
By some unknown magic the sasl_error_logger variable becomes an erlang tuple! I've tried replicating this in my own erlang application, but I seem to be only able to access these values via init:get_argument, which returns the value as a string.
How does one pass in values via the commandline and be able to access them easily as erlang terms?
UPDATE Also for anyone looking, to use environment variables in the 'regular' way use os:getenv("THE_VAR")
Make sure you set up an application configuration file
{application, fred,
[{description, "Your application"},
{vsn, "1.0"},
{modules, []},
{applications, [kernel,stdlib]},
{env, [
{param, 'fred'}
and then you can set your command line up like this:
-fred param 'billy'
I think you need to have the parameter in your application configuration to do this - I've never done it any other way...
Some more info (easier than putting it in a comment)
Given this
{emxconfig, {ets, [{keypos, 2}]}},
I can certainly do this:
{ok, {StorageType, Config}} = application:get_env(emxconfig),
but (and this may be important) my application is started at this time (may actually just need to be loaded and not actually started from looking at the application_controller code).