Emacs minibuffer message when typing C-x - emacs

Well. When I type some first keys of the key series, emacs write those keys in minibuffer after some interval of time. Like that: Typing C-x 4 will make C-x 4- visible in minibuffer.
The question is: can this be modified? I was thinking about making something like combining part of key-help (generated by C-h when type some keys) with this string.
Can interval for waiting this message be shorten too?
Is it subroutine?
Edited, new question
There is a message when I quit emacs with C-x C-c and have modified buffers, that ask me if I want to save them. How can I know that this message is here? I tried to look in (minibuffer-prompt) (minibuffer-contents) (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)), selecting (select-window (minibuffer-window)). Nothing gives me results.

Yes, the user option echo-keystrokes controls how much time elapses before the prefix key is shown in the minibuffer. From (emacs) Echo Area Customization:
User Option: echo-keystrokes
This variable determines how much time should elapse before command
characters echo. Its value must be an integer or floating point
number, which specifies the number of seconds to wait before
echoing. If the user types a prefix key (such as `C-x') and then
delays this many seconds before continuing, the prefix key is
echoed in the echo area. (Once echoing begins in a key sequence,
all subsequent characters in the same key sequence are echoed
If the value is zero, then command input is not echoed.

You can control the timing of this help message by setting suggest-key-bindings to a larger/smaller number.
(setq suggest-key-bindings 5) ; wait 5 seconds
There is no easy way to customize the behavior, you'd have to edit the C code for execute-extended-command, or use a replacement for it which also provides the help. One possibility for a replacement is the anything-complete library which has a replacement for execute-extended-command (note: I haven't tried it). It builds on top of the package anything, which is a different experience than the standard Emacs.

I wrote working version of what I wanted to implement.
To use, (require 'keylist), copy one or two last lines to .emacs and uncomment them.
As you can see through this code, I used this
(not cursor-in-echo-area)
(not (minibufferp))
(not (= 13 (aref (this-command-keys-vector) 0)))
to find out, if my minibuffer, or echo area is in use.
The difference between them is that minibuffer is used to read, and echo area is used to message something.
When you type C-x C-c cursor is placed in echo area, and value of cursor-in-echo-area is changed.
The last string (= 13 (aref (this-command-keys-vector) 0)) is the most funny. It is used to catch things like query-replace. When making raplacements, (this-command-keys-vector) shows that RET is the first key pressed, then keys of your choise(y,n). As far as I don't have key-sequences starting with RET, i am okay with this.


How to prevent opening a new buffer when using switch-to-buffer in GNU Emacs

Switch-to-buffer is the function bound to C-x b. Occasionally I mistype the buffer I am intending to switch to and this causes me to open a fresh buffer with the incorrect name. The preferred behavior (in my case) is to fail to open the buffer... perhaps a failure to complete the buffer name. I recall encountering a few years back a technique that disallows switch-to-buffer to open new buffers. Perhaps someone on StackOverflow can identify that technique?
I think you want to customize confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer. E.g. with something like:
(setq confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer t)
The default is to only ask for confirmation if you've just hit completion before RET.
I was able to track down the solution in Writing GNU Emacs Extensions by Bob Glickstein. (In knew I had seen it somewhere, but it took some time to figure out where). I have the 1997 edition, and the answer is given in Chapter 2, under a section called "Advised Buffer Switching." Glickstein demonstrates the customization of switch-to-buffer as a method of instructing the reader on giving "advice" to functions.
(defadvice switch-to-buffer (before existing-buffer
activate compile)
"When interactive, switch to existing buffers only, unless given a prefix argument."
(list (read-buffer "Switch to buffer: "
(null current-prefix-arg)))))
The function read-buffer reads the name of the buffer and returns a string. That string is passed to switch-to-buffer. The first argument is the default. The second argument is a boolean determining whether non-existing buffers are allowed.
I think an even better solution than preventing open a wrong buffer is switching to the buffer you meant to.
This can be done by ido.el, which is one of my favorite package. Install that package and configure as the following, then you can type much less (and ignore case) to switch to a buffer.
(ido-mode 'buffer)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
For instance, you have buffers "abcd.el", "hijk.el" "ABC.c", simply C-x b then type "a.c" and . Now, you are in "ABC.c" buffer. C-x b followed by a single character "h" will lead you to "hijk.el" buffer.

Change the format of a word in Emacs-AUCTeX without actually selecting it

One nice feature of modern word processors is that one can change the format (say, from roman to italic) of a word without actually selecting it; one just needs to place the text cursor within the word and tell the word processor (via a keyboard shortcut) to change its format. (Smart editing, I believe it is sometimes called.)
Is there a way of doing that in Emacs-AUCTeX? (The usual way to change the format---that is, insert a format command---is to select the word [mark its region] and then press the key combination for the command [e.g. C-c C-f C-i to insert \textit{}].)
The shortcut C-c C-f calls TeX-font. Then it emphasizes/italicizes/whatever,
based on the last key chord. So the solution is to advice this function:
(defvar TeX-font-current-word t)
(defadvice TeX-font (before TeX-font-word (replace what))
"If nothing is selected and `TeX-font-current-word' is not nil,
mark current word before calling `TeX-font'."
(when (and TeX-font-current-word
(not replace)
(not (region-active-p))
(not (looking-at "\\s-")))
(unless (looking-back "\\s-") (backward-word))
(ad-activate 'TeX-font)
Now, when no region is selected, TeX-font will work as if the current word
was selected. You can turn this behavior on/off by setting TeX-font-current-word to t/nil.
In case there is no solution right from the spot, Emacs offers two ways basically once the succession of commands/keys is known:
either store them into a keyboard-macro, which be might called with just one key - or put all the commands into a function, make it a command, assign a key.

Repeat-like copycat function for Emacs

I would like some copycat function, that takes the previous input and repeats it (like repeat), but does not get written over when something else is done, and thus remains repeatable. Anyone has any ideas?
EDIT: The way I intend this is to have some mode in which D keypress will act exactly like repeat (if some other input has been done, repeat that), while d will repeat the last thing assigned to the last D key press.
EDIT2: If I would yank, and then press C-x z (in my mode also bound to D), then it will repeat the yank. However, when I would move the cursor down, and I try to press D, it then repeats the down cursor. In this case, I would like the small d to do the behavior of the last repeat (that is, yank) while D would repeat the down cursor command. So, d would store the last repeated command, while D would repeat the last command.
This was just too long for a comment:
It feels like you essentially want a shorter version of keyboard macros? I'll try to explain briefly, and see if it is close:
C-x ( - start recording the macro.
Do whatever you want (may be just a single command). For example, yank something, i.e. M-d
C-x ) - finish recording the macro.
Now you can C-x e to replay the macro (you can do other stuff after you've recorded the macro, C-x e will do what you have previously recorded (i.e. M-d in this case).
Maybe you can create a shorthand version of start-macro end-macro recording, if you are sure there will be only one command, but these are really minor improvements. Once you get used to macros, you'll do it unconsciously, so that one keystroke saved won't matter really.
Also, if I didn't guess what you were after, this may prove to be interesting to you: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Command-History.html
My best attempt. It works, though it didn't incorporate all the error handling that repeat has.
(defun Navi-repeat ()
;; Checks whether the last repeatable command is the same as repeat var.
;; If yes, set repeat-navi to that command, and call it.
;; If no, check whether the Navi-repeat variable has been set before:
;; If bound, call it.
;; If not bound,
;; give it the value of the last-repeatable command, and call it.
(if (eq last-repeatable-command 'repeat)
(progn (setq repeat-navi repeat-previous-repeated-command)
(call-interactively repeat-navi))
(if (boundp 'repeat-navi)
(call-interactively repeat-navi)
(progn (setq repeat-navi last-repeatable-command)
(call-interactively repeat-navi))

Emacs switch to the next window regardless of frame

I'd like for the C-x o command (next window) to include windows in other frames as well as windows in the current frame.
Does anyone know how to pull this off? Is there another command that I should be using? Is there some snippet of elisp magic that can do this with ease?
C-x o is other-window. To go to an other frame use C-x 5 o which is other-frame.
Not sure if this is what you mean, but if you want to just cycle through buffers in the buffer list, regardless of frame:
Ctrl x→
Ctrl x←
These are bound to (next-buffer) and (previous-buffer), respectively.
This can be a first approximation.
other-window has a parameter to control how it deals with frames.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (lambda ()
(other-window 1 t)
(let ((nframe (window-frame (selected-window))))
(select-frame-set-input-focus nframe)
(make-frame-visible nframe))))
You must press C-x 5 o C-h to see all functions about working with frames.
Some of these function is other-frame.
I use the version 2.0 of ace-jump-mode. It takes about two minutes to understand how it works and since version 2.0 it allows to "jump" to another frame. You can jump to any character from any buffer/frame/window that you can actually see on a screen in three or four keypresses. It's very hard to beat.
It's a gigantic time saver anyway so I'd recommend checking it out because it's really convenient.
And the "Emacs Rocks! Episode 10: Jumping around" two minutes screencast showing it in action:
From C-h f next-window:
(next-window &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES) ...
ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on WINDOW's
frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF
argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil values
of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:
t means consider all windows on all existing frames.
`visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.
0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and iconified frames.
A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.
Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no
Somewhat ironically, other-window supports this as well, as it uses next-window. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to pass non-numeric arguments interactively, but a simple function should do the trick:
(defun my-other-window (count)
(interactive "p")
(other-window count t))
You say "Is there a way to cycle through windows regardless of what frame they're in? That's really what I'm looking for?"
Yes, there is, with Icicles.
What you request is what command icicle-select-window does when you use a prefix arg. If you want that behavior always, you can define your own command that does it without a prefix arg:
(defun my-select-window ()
"Select window by name. Windows of all visible frames are candidates."
(let ((current-prefix-arg 1)) (icicle-select-window)))
You are prompted for the window name. But if you just want to cycle, without narrowing the candidates by typing part of the name, then just use C-down to get the window you want.
(A window name is the name of its displayed buffer, but suffixed as
needed by [NUMBER], to make the name unique. For example, if you have
two windows showing buffer *Help*, one of the windows will be called
*Help*[2] for use with this command.)

How to replace a region in emacs with yank buffer contents?

When I use VIM or most modeless editors (Eclipse, NetBeans etc.) I frequently do the following. If I have similar text blocks and I need to change them all, I will change one, copy it (or use non-deleting yank), select next block I need and paste the changed version over it. If I do the same thing in emacs (select region and paste with C-y), it doesn't replace the region, it just pastes at the cursor position. What is the way to do this in emacs?
Add this to your .emacs:
(delete-selection-mode 1)
Anything that writes to the buffer while the region is active will overwrite it, including paste, but also simply typing something or hitting backspace
Setting delete-selection-mode, as Michael suggested, seems the most natural way to do it.
However, that's not what I do :) Instead, I put the good stuff into a "register" -- for example, register "a" -- with C-x r x a. Then I kill the other copy, and copy the register into the same spot with C-x r g a.
This is convenient because killing doesn't affect the registers, so C-x r g a always inserts the good stuff.
The default way to do something like this is the not-entirely-elegant following:
Get your desired replacement text into the kill ring somehow (e.g., M-w).
Highlight the region to be replaced.
Delete it (C-w).
Replace it with the prior-copied region (C-y, M-y). This replaces the freshly deleted contents with the exact same text that you just deleted (C-y), and then re-replaces it with the next most-recently saved buffer in the buffer ring (M-y).
This would get to be a real pain if you wanted to do this 10 times with the same text, as the desired replacement would get pushed farther back in the kill ring each time you deleted a region, so you'd have to call M-w an increasing number of times each time you wanted to yank it.
I've also just discovered M-x delete-region, thanks to Emacs: how to delete text without kill ring?. As the question implies, this deletes the offending text without putting it into the kill ring, avoiding the problem of pushing your replacement text further down on the stack. And, as the relevant response mentions, you can bind this to a shortcut key of your choosing.
The way I do this is:
go to where you want the new stuff
paste the good stuff
your cursor is now between the new stuff and the stuff you want to get rid of
select forward until everything you want to get rid of is selected
delete it
It's a slightly different way of thinking about it. Paste what you want, then get rid of what you don't want, rather than replace what you don't want with what you do.
If you enable CUA-mode, this paste over selected region becomes the normal behaviour.
Use delete-selection-mode, so that pasted text replaces the active region.
Use the secondary selection, to paste the same text over and over, even if you alternately select a new region to replace.
See http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SecondarySelection.
For anyone landing on this who doesn't want to change the global setting like me, I use this function and key binding:
(defun replace-yank(beg end)
(interactive "r")
(kill-region beg end)
(yank 3))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-y") 'replace-yank)
I intentionally add the selected text to the kill ring incase I want it later, and yank what was previously first in the ring.
If you don't care to preserve the highlighted text in the kill ring you could use something similar to the answer above by ekneiling
(defun replace-yank(beg end)
(interactive "r")
(delete-region beg end)
(yank 1))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-y") 'replace-yank)
One advantage is the above can be done repeatedly.