No idea why this happens.
I'm simply trying to draw a sprite to the screen.
Whenever I load the android emulator and load my app, it gives:
The Application MyAndEngine App has stopped unexpectedly.
In your code this line seems to have the problem.
this.mTexture = new Texture(30, 26, TextureOptions.BILINEAR_PREMULTIPLYALPHA);
Texture must be POWER of 2 not multiple.
In your case it should be
this.mTexture = new Texture(32, 32, TextureOptions.BILINEAR_PREMULTIPLYALPHA);
Check this thread of AndEngine forums. Also check Basic Structure of an AndEngine game.
I am currently using Unity with Microsoft's Mixed Reality Toolkit to create a simple game that places a square that can be moved using hand gesture's (air-tapped and dragged). So far I have attached the ManipulationHandler and NearInterationGrabbable to the square game object such as in the tutorial: Here.
When running the Unity project in the Unity player, the square is able to be manipulated with the GGVPointer. However, when I deploy the Hololens, no gesture input is recognized.
Here is my object hierarchy
and the contents of the cube under inspector
Current Development Evironment:
MRTK 2.2 & 2.3
2019.3.0f6 & .9f1
Deployment on:
Hololens 1
Hololens 1 and 2 emulator
In regards to the solution posted here, after attaching the script in the answer and debugging it in the Hololens emulator I receive the error :
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF80850A839 (KernelBase.dll) in Hololens Test Project.exe: 0x40080202: WinRT transform error (parameters: 0x000000008000000B, 0x0000000080070490, 0x0000000000000014, 0x000000506E7FDA50).
Had the same problem - after you want to change something on the MixedRealityToolkit by copying/cloning the profiles some options like "Input System" gets disabled - so you just have to reactivate it again:
I'm trying to set up a custom video source for a video stream in Agora for Unity, following the instructions from Agora's developer center here (and particularly, the example code at the bottom):
THIS CODE WORKS. I can successfully send a video stream and watch it on another device and it looks correct.
However, the Unity console is reporting an error on every single frame, saying:
D3D11 unsupported ReadPixels destination texture format (14)
Unity's documentation for Texture2D.ReadPixels says that it works on RGBA32, ARGB32 and RGB24 texture formats, but Agora's example is using a texture in BGRA32 format.
If I alter the example to set the texture to RGBA32 format instead, then the program still works, except the colors are wrong--red and blue are swapped (unsurprisingly).
I tried to adjust the expected texture on Agora's end by modifying this line of the example:
externalVideoFrame.format = ExternalVideoFrame.VIDEO_PIXEL_FORMAT.VIDEO_PIXEL_BGRA;
But...there is no corresponding define for VIDEO_PIXEL_RGBA. The available options are VIDEO_PIXEL_UNKNOWN, VIDEO_PIXEL_I420, VIDEO_PIXEL_BGRA, VIDEO_PIXEL_NV12, VIDEO_PIXEL_I422 app is functioning correctly, but I'm drowning in error messages of dubious significance, which seems like it's going to cause headaches for development and debugging down the road.
What can I do?
For the inverted color issue, make sure you have the same encoding format on the receiver side. If you are using the SDK script VideoSurface.cs, change the line where it instantiates the Texture (about line 172), where it should be like:
nativeTexture = new Texture2D((int)defWidth, (int)defHeight, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false);
(It was RGBA32 in the stock SDK code).
Update: This format issue has been resolved in version 3.0.1. If it hasn't been released in Asset Store, you may come grab the beta to try out. Check with slack channel here:
I've built an app which runs on ARCOre preview 1 package on Unity. I know Google has made major changes in preview 2.
My question is what changes will I have to make in order to run my ARCore preview 1 app run on preview 2?
Take a look at the code in the Preview 2 sample app(s) and update your code accordingly. For example, here is the new code for properly instantiating an object into the AR scene:
if (Session.Raycast(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, raycastFilter, out hit))
var andyObject = Instantiate(AndyAndroidPrefab, hit.Pose.position,
// Create an anchor to allow ARCore to track the hitpoint
// as understanding of the physical world evolves.
var anchor = hit.Trackable.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose);
// Andy should look at the camera but still be flush with the plane.
andyObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f,
// Make Andy model a child of the anchor.
andyObject.transform.parent = anchor.transform;
Preview 1 use Tango Core service that can changed Ar-Core service in Preview 2.
Automatic Screen Rotation is Handled.
Some Classes are altered like some reason of following.
For Users:
Introduce AR Stickers
For Developers:
A new C API for use with the Android NDK that complements our existing Java, Unity, and Unreal SDKs;
Functionality that lets AR apps pause and resume AR sessions, for example to let a user return to an AR app after taking a phone call;
Improved accuracy and runtime efficiency across our anchor, plane finding, and point cloud APIs.
I have updated my app from Preview 1 to Preview 2. And it's not a lot. It had minor API changes like the ones for hit flags, Pose.position etc. It would probably be stupid to post the change log here. I suggest that you can file the below steps:
Replace the old sdk with the new one in the Unity Project
Then, check for the error in your default editor, vs or vs code or mono
Just check for the relevant API's in the deveoper docs of AR.
It's not such a cumbersome job, it too me some 5-10 min to upgrade that's it.
I am tring to build an AR android app with unity3d last version and EASYAR SDK.
I have create the target and i am able to load my image or video at it's chile object but the child objct (cube or plane) load imediately when th camera opens.
i am looking some help on how i can apear the image or start the video when the camera find the target and not when the app starts.
thnns a lot in advanced guys for the help!!!
You can simply disable them in the beginning and modify the OnTargetFound event of the ImageTargetBehaviour script to enable them. Something like this:
public GameObject myARObject;
void OnTargetFound(TargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour)
Debug.Log("Found: " + Target.Id);
myARObject.SetActive (true);
Hope this helps.
Having a weird problem with my app.
Trying to play a video in a loop (see the code below). VideoPlayer repeatMode is set to Ti.Media.VIDEO_REPEAT_MODE_ONE.
Works in simulator, works on iPhone 4s, works on iPad Air... does not work on iPhone 4 (all of them running iOS 7.1.1 apart from simulator - 7.1).
Exact symptoms: after one play, video should restart from beginning, but it stops. If controls are available, I can press play to start playing it again, then after reaching the end it stops again.
I could swear that it worked on iPhone 4 before the 7.1 upgrade, but somehow it stopped.
Anyone could replicate this issue? Or have any idea?
Sys info:
Titanium SDK: Tested with 3.2.3.GA; 3.2.2.GA; 3.2.1.GA; 3.2.0.GA
Platform & version: iOS 7.1.1 (11D201)
Device: works on iPhone 4s, iPad Air, simulator; fails on iPhone 4
Host Operating System: OSX 10.9.2
Titanium Studio:
Xcode: 5.1.1 (5B1008)
Alloy: 1.3.1
Code for basic Alloy project to replicate:
var videoPlayer = Titanium.Media.createVideoPlayer({
autoplay : true,
fullscreen : false,
mediaControlStyle : Titanium.Media.VIDEO_CONTROL_DEFAULT,
repeatMode: Ti.Media.VIDEO_REPEAT_MODE_ONE,
scalingMode : Titanium.Media.VIDEO_SCALING_ASPECT_FIT
//Video is 12s long so it is easy to notice that it does not loop.
videoPlayer.url = "video/candles.mp4";
<Window class="container">
I would appreciate any suggestions.
I have done some research and played around with the Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer and managed to work around the issue. Below you can find the solution in case anyone else encounter this problem.
First of all, some info on the problem.
I have found some forum boards where developers were having very similar problem with MPMoviePlayerController on iPad 1st gen. Looped video was less or more randomly freezing on loop. So I think there is a problem with the Apple video player on some devices, and not necessary with Titanium implementation.
My first approach was to try replay video on complete event that is fired when video stops playing, instead of using repeatMode.
So far so good. It worked on the first time, yay! But the happiness was rather short. During an hour of test of on event complete, the video sometimes was repeating 10-30 times fine and then suddenly was freezing. What gives? Turns out the video player had some sort of a hiccup.
Normal sequence of events was as follows:
video ends, playbackstate changes to 2,
complete event is fired
I restart video on complete
playbackstate changes to 1, video is playing until the end.
For a mysterious reason once in a while this sequence got additional something happening:
video reaches the end - playbackstate changes to 2,
complete event is fired.
video gets restarted on complete
playbackstate changes to 1, video starts playing
suddenly playbackstate changes to 1, video stops, without firing complete event.
So, knowing all this, I have set up listeners to listen to playbackstate instead of complete and when I hear playbackstate: 1 then I restart video and tadaaa! Everything works!.
Caveat: not 'everything' unfortunately. I am using custom video controls, so I have lost pause, and stop ability (every time video playback state changes to 'stopped' I restart it forcefully). To make it work I have to remember to remove listener every time I press 'pause/stop' buttons and then reattach it afterwards.
Hope that helps someone.