Unity3d EasyAR Target loads at the start of the camera before find the trarget - unity3d

I am tring to build an AR android app with unity3d last version and EASYAR SDK.
I have create the target and i am able to load my image or video at it's chile object but the child objct (cube or plane) load imediately when th camera opens.
i am looking some help on how i can apear the image or start the video when the camera find the target and not when the app starts.
thnns a lot in advanced guys for the help!!!

You can simply disable them in the beginning and modify the OnTargetFound event of the ImageTargetBehaviour script to enable them. Something like this:
public GameObject myARObject;
void OnTargetFound(TargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour)
Debug.Log("Found: " + Target.Id);
myARObject.SetActive (true);
Hope this helps.


Can't get 360 mp4 video to play in VR (Oculus GO) in Unity

I am trying to create an Oculus GO app that requires the feature to play mp4 videos in 360 with sound. I have followed countless of tutorials both on text from Googling and from YouTube and all result in the same output. I end up being able to hear the sound from the video but I can only see the camera background (which is black/brownish in my case). I have absolutely no idea of what to do and there is nothing on the internet (that i have been able to find) that can help me
My scene consists of the following:
- A OVRPlayerController containing a OVRCameraRig
- A videoplayer
I have attached a picture giving you an overview of my entire project and everything at play in this scene at this link --> https://imgur.com/a/HvIoAtD
Please, I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!

How to use vuforia in unity with sound

I have a problem using vuforia with unity, I have 10 videos in database and when I start the App the sound from the videos start playing immediately even if there is no cards to read from.
Check you AudioSource components are on the target object, so it gets disabled.
If this happens and you still have the problem, add custom code so that it gets muted on OnTrackingLost and unmute in OnTrackingFound.
The class you are looking for id DefaulTrackableEventHandler, you can inherit from that one and add that code instead to our target using overrides or add code there like GetComponent.

Unity WebGL build Webcam texture not working

I have basic webgl app with Unity3D 2017 where im using webcam texture to display webcam feed on the screen. Here is the code im using to request webcam permission:
yield return Application.RequestUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam);
if (Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam))
Debug.Log("webcam found");
startWebCam ();
Debug.Log("webcam not found");
And here is the code to render webcam feed on a plane that users see.
void startWebCam() {
WebCamDevice device = WebCamTexture.devices[0];
cam_texture = new WebCamTexture (device.name);
camera_renderer.material.mainTexture = cam_texture;
cam_texture.Play ();
It works fine in editor but does not work when i export a webgl build. It does ask for permission to use webcam and then the green light beside my laptop camera turns on but all i can see is black screen. However, the was one time when I think i refreshed twice or something, the webcam feed appeared. I have not been able to reproduce it after that.
Would appreciate any help here. Thanks.
Got the issue resolved. The problem was that autoplay is forbidden on Webgl apps (at least on chrome). So all i had to do is ask user to tap on screen before starting webcam. Fixed.

Can I run ARCore Preview 1 App on Preview 2 release?

I've built an app which runs on ARCOre preview 1 package on Unity. I know Google has made major changes in preview 2.
My question is what changes will I have to make in order to run my ARCore preview 1 app run on preview 2?
Take a look at the code in the Preview 2 sample app(s) and update your code accordingly. For example, here is the new code for properly instantiating an object into the AR scene:
if (Session.Raycast(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, raycastFilter, out hit))
var andyObject = Instantiate(AndyAndroidPrefab, hit.Pose.position,
// Create an anchor to allow ARCore to track the hitpoint
// as understanding of the physical world evolves.
var anchor = hit.Trackable.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose);
// Andy should look at the camera but still be flush with the plane.
andyObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f,
// Make Andy model a child of the anchor.
andyObject.transform.parent = anchor.transform;
Preview 1 use Tango Core service that can changed Ar-Core service in Preview 2.
Automatic Screen Rotation is Handled.
Some Classes are altered like some reason of following.
For Users:
Introduce AR Stickers
For Developers:
A new C API for use with the Android NDK that complements our existing Java, Unity, and Unreal SDKs;
Functionality that lets AR apps pause and resume AR sessions, for example to let a user return to an AR app after taking a phone call;
Improved accuracy and runtime efficiency across our anchor, plane finding, and point cloud APIs.
I have updated my app from Preview 1 to Preview 2. And it's not a lot. It had minor API changes like the ones for hit flags, Pose.position etc. It would probably be stupid to post the change log here. I suggest that you can file the below steps:
Replace the old sdk with the new one in the Unity Project
Then, check for the error in your default editor, vs or vs code or mono
Just check for the relevant API's in the deveoper docs of AR.
It's not such a cumbersome job, it too me some 5-10 min to upgrade that's it.

Unity3d ARKit not reset

I am using vuforia & ARKit sdk in my application.
I have two buttons ( Vuforia & ARKit buttons)
My app work flow:
Open the app
Clicked on “vuforia AR” button (1st time)
If marker found Vuforia AR works.
i am switch to “ARKit” 1st time, it will be working fine.
If we press back button, it will redirect to MainScreen
Again Click on “vuforia AR” button (2nd time)
Vuforia working good.
If we switch to “ARKit” , ARKit Camera is not resetting .
Here arkit camera is freezing.
Note: both SDK are using single scene and I tried two different scenes also. My issue is not resolved.
Don't know if you solved your problem.
If not, did you tried to reset your ARKit scene ?
Here's a sample code I founded in another post. Working fine for me to reset my ARKit Session.
public void ResetScene()
ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration sessionConfig = new ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration(UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity, UnityARPlaneDetection.Horizontal);
UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface().RunWithConfigAndOptions(sessionConfig, UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors | UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionResetTracking);
Don't forget to change sessionConfig parameters with yours ! ;)