objectAtIndex in NSDictionary - iphone

I am trying to create UITableView from my NSDictionary, but how can I use objectForKey? Convert to NSArray?
I need help.
My dictionary looks like:
"allow_comments" = 1;
category = 1024194;
"created_at" = "2011-11-17T01:44";
forum = 1005401;
"forum_obj" = {
"created_at" = "2011-09-03 03:04:43.514514";
description = "";
id = 1005401;
name = smartfiction;
shortname = smartfiction;
hidden = 0;
id = 474530565;
identifier = (
"2507 http://smartfiction.ru/?p=2507"
"num_comments" = 2;
slug = "thread_9714";
title = "\U041e\U0440\U0438\U0444\U043b\U0430\U043c\U043c\U0430. \U042d\U0436\U0435\U043d \U0418\U043e\U043d\U0435\U0441\U043a\U043e";
url = "http://smartfiction.ru/prose/oriflamma/";
2011-11-19 10:21:25.992 ARSSReader[3067:15503] id 474530565
2011-11-19 10:21:26.864 ARSSReader[3067:15503] Ответ #2: (
author = {
avatar = {
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isAnonymous = 1;
name = "S Shv";
profileUrl = "http://disqus.com/guest/af6c6f08e213427ad611b00589db00f9/";
url = "";
createdAt = "2011-11-17T22:39:36";
dislikes = 0;
forum = smartfiction;
id = 367003621;
isApproved = 1;
isDeleted = 0;
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isFlagged = 0;
isHighlighted = 0;
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isSpam = 0;
likes = 0;
media = (
message = "\U043f\U043e\U0440\U0430\U0437\U0438\U043b\U043e )";
parent = "<null>";
points = 0;
"raw_message" = "\U043f\U043e\U0440\U0430\U0437\U0438\U043b\U043e )";
thread = 474530565;
author = {
avatar = {
cache = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=c1c53088e04a60aab74cd1f149117e69&size=32&default=http://mediacdn.disqus.com/1321567697/images/noavatar32.png";
permalink = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=c1c53088e04a60aab74cd1f149117e69&size=32&default=http://mediacdn.disqus.com/1321567697/images/noavatar32.png";
emailHash = c1c53088e04a60aab74cd1f149117e69;
isAnonymous = 1;
name = "3,14";
profileUrl = "http://disqus.com/guest/c1c53088e04a60aab74cd1f149117e69/";
url = "";
createdAt = "2011-11-17T02:52:46";
dislikes = 0;
forum = smartfiction;
id = 365544459;
isApproved = 1;
isDeleted = 0;
isEdited = 0;
isFlagged = 0;
isHighlighted = 0;
isJuliaFlagged = 1;
isSpam = 0;
likes = 1;
media = (
message = "\U0427\U0438\U0442\U0430\U0442\U044c \U043d\U0430 \U043d\U043e\U0447\U044c \U043f\U0440\U043e\U043a\U0440\U0430\U0441\U0442\U0438\U043d\U0430\U0442\U043e\U0440\U0430\U043c. \U0412\U043f\U0440\U043e\U0447\U0435\U043c, \U043b\U0443\U0447\U0448\U0435 \U0443\U0442\U0440\U043e\U043c.";
parent = "<null>";
points = 1;
"raw_message" = "\U0427\U0438\U0442\U0430\U0442\U044c \U043d\U0430 \U043d\U043e\U0447\U044c \U043f\U0440\U043e\U043a\U0440\U0430\U0441\U0442\U0438\U043d\U0430\U0442\U043e\U0440\U0430\U043c. \U0412\U043f\U0440\U043e\U0447\U0435\U043c, \U043b\U0443\U0447\U0448\U0435 \U0443\U0442\U0440\U043e\U043c.";
thread = 474530565;
It is comments from disqus.com. I want to create dictionaries for all comments and use them to create UITableView cells.

Instead of storing the comments from disqus.com in a dictionary, store each comment in an entry inside an array (it looks like each comment has a block of text you can encapsulate into an object which you can store into an array).
Dictionaries are good for associating values with keys.
Arrays are great for storing lists of objects, much like a list of comments from a disqus site.


how to replace array object in flutter

if(_list.length != 0){
var shape;
var shapeCount;
var shapeCaratCount;
var shapeTotalAmount;
var details = new Map();
var temp = [Map()];
for(int l = 0 ; l <= _list.length; l++){
var list = _list[l];
shapeCount += 1;
shapeCaratCount = shapeCaratCount + list.carat;
shapeTotalAmount = shapeTotalAmount + list.totalAmount;
details['Shape'] = list.shape;
details['pcs_count'] = shapeCount;
details['Carat_Count'] = shapeCaratCount;
details['total_amount'] = shapeTotalAmount;
shapeCount = 0;
//shapeCaratCount = shapeCaratCount + list.carat;
shapeCaratCount = list.carat;
shapeTotalAmount = list.totalAmount;
details['Shape'] = list.shape;
details['pcs_count'] = shapeCount;
details['Carat_Count'] = shapeCaratCount.toString();
details['total_amount'] = shapeTotalAmount.toString();
I want to replace array object of temp dictionary array.
so if any know how to do this please help i am new at flutter
this is my code please if any difficulty. please ask.

Shouldn't wrapped optionals always print with the keyword 'Optional'?

func downloadimages (URL: NSURL) {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest ( URL: URL)
request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error ) in
guard error == nil else {
print("we have an error from Server")
var JSONData: AnyObject!
do {
JSONData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .AllowFragments) /* as? [String:AnyObject?] */
} catch {
print (" We had a Parsing issue '\(data)'")
print(JSONData)// Doesn't print 'Optional' word?????
if let something = JSONData!["photos"]{
print (something!)
print(something) // This prints the word 'Optional as well'
//printed unwrapped--NOT GOOD! -- I didn't unwrap it with '!'
photos = {
page = 1;
pages = 622374;
perpage = 1;
photo = (
farm = 8;
id = 27765969370;
isfamily = 0;
isfriend = 0;
ispublic = 1;
owner = "8262787#N07";
secret = 6daeee7d68;
server = 7233;
title = "Stars, Planets and Lightning Bugs";
total = 622374;
stat = ok;
// unwrapped printed--Good!
photos = {
page = 1;
pages = 622374;
perpage = 1;
photo = (
farm = 8;
id = 27765969370;
isfamily = 0;
isfriend = 0;
ispublic = 1;
owner = "8262787#N07";
secret = 6daeee7d68;
server = 7233;
title = "Stars, Planets and Lightning Bugs";
total = 622374;
stat = ok;
//Unwrapped printed--Good
page = 1;
pages = 622374;
perpage = 1;
photo = (
farm = 8;
id = 27765969370;
isfamily = 0;
isfriend = 0;
ispublic = 1;
owner = "8262787#N07";
secret = 6daeee7d68;
server = 7233;
title = "Stars, Planets and Lightning Bugs";
total = 622374;
//wrapped and prints as optional--Good!
page = 1;
pages = 622374;
perpage = 1;
photo = (
farm = 8;
id = 27765969370;
isfamily = 0;
isfriend = 0;
ispublic = 1;
owner = "8262787#N07";
secret = 6daeee7d68;
server = 7233;
title = "Stars, Planets and Lightning Bugs";
total = 622374;
My confusion is, if JSONData is an optional then why does it print as non-optional without ! and if it isn't an optional then why doesn't it give any error as Can not force unwrap value of non-optional type?. Since unwrapping a non-optional is error-ful!
My guess is that I am not understanding what my JSONData's type really is...
My guess is that I am not understanding what my JSONData's type really is...
I believe that is the point.
You've declared JSONData as AnyObject!, which is also known as ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<AnyObject>.
So, in your code print(JSONData), the value of JSONData is implicitly unwrapped.
And check the type of something in the Quick Help pane of your Xcode. It should be displayed as AnyObject?, aka Optional<AnyObject>.
One bad thing is that when implicit unwrapping occurs it doesn't get well-documented. You may need to know more about ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional, before knowing exactly when that happens.

Swift How to add key value in NSMutable array

I have one nsmutable Array , How to add one keyvalue in nsmutable array at index number
This is array
id = 1;
name = "Tommy";
id = 2;
name = "Dad";
id = 3;
name = "Mom";
id = 4;
name = "Vic";
id = 5;
name = "Tom";
id = 6;
name = "Pam";
Now Index number 3 how to add "Class = 4th" and change name
id = 4;
name = "Nishant ";
class = "4th"
Please give ME solution
i am new in Swift.

Append divs changing his content dynamic

I have a dif called cdefualt that has some inputs from a form inside of it and I want to do something like this to clone it and change that input names:
var i = 2;
function add() {
var item = $('#cdefault').clone();
item.attr({'style': ''});
$xpto = 'gtitle'+i;
$xpto2 = 'gmessage'+i;
item.id = $xpto;
$('#'+$xpto+' input[id="gtitle1"]').attr('name', $xpto);
$('#'+$xpto+' textarea[id="gmessage1"]').attr('name',$xpto2);
But this doesnt work. I've tried this already as well but it only works twice (for the original and first clone):
var i = 2;
function add() {
var item = $('#cdefault').clone();
item.attr({'style': ''});
$xpto = 'gtitle'+i;
$xpto2 = 'gmessage'+i;
$('#cdefault input[id="gtitle1"]').attr('id', $xpto);
$('#cdefault textarea[id="gmessage1"]').attr('id',$xpto2);
$('#cdefault input[name="gtitle1"]').attr('name', $xpto);
$('#cdefault textarea[name="gmessage1"]').attr('name', $xpto2);
Even tryed this way:
function add() {
$xpto = 'gtitle'+i;
$xpto2 = 'gmessage'+i;
var div = document.getElementById('cdefault');
clone = div.cloneNode(true); // true means clone all childNodes and all event handlers
clone.id = $xpto;
clone.style.display = '';
$("#"+$xpto+" input[id='gtitle1']").attr('name', $xpto);
$("#"+$xpto+" textarea[id='gmessage1']").attr('name',$xpto2);
fixed. changed cdefault id to id0 and this java script:
var i = 2;
var c = 0;
function add() {
$xpto = 'gtitle'+i;
$xpto2 = 'gmessage'+i;
var klon = $( '#id'+ c );
klon.clone().attr('id', 'id'+(++c) ).insertAfter( '#inserthere' );
document.getElementById('id'+(c)).style.display = '' ;
$("#id"+(c)+" input[id='gtitle1']").attr('name', $xpto);
$("#id"+(c)+" textarea[id='gmessage1']").attr('name',$xpto2);

how to parse this in iphone

education = (
school = {
id = 108102169223234;
name = psss;
type = College;
year = {
id = 142833822398097;
name = 2010;
email = "amvijaycse#gmail.com";
"first_name" = Vijay;
gender = male;
id = 100000782204693;
"last_name" = Kumar;
link = "http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000782204693";
locale = "en_US";
location = {
id = 106377336067638;
name = "Bangalore, India";
name = "Vijay Kumar";
timezone = "5.5";
"updated_time" = "2010-11-21T07:45:11+0000";
i needed email,firstname,lastname.
[EDIT: Removed because it was inaccurate]